
By the way, the introductory parts are robot translation.


[Women disguise themselves as men + rebirth fun + strong men and strong women + 1 to 1 cool sweet text]

"No, you're too big, get out..." Xiang Yang was just reading the lines, and the eyes of the people around him looked Mao attractive? Why would his particularly cold-blooded boss swallow him alive? * Once killed, the movie queen reproduces the entertainment circle transparently, what should I do? Xiang Yang said that being a goddess is good enough to be a male god. From that moment on, the second generation of the female, rich stuffed bun disguised as a man became a beautiful young man in seconds, the date, the turnover softened! The men who fired him were in a hurry to bend! The whole country is boiling until "she" becomes "woman"! *episode 1: Mutual flirtation between Yang Shen and Boss Gao Leng Daily Xiang Yang took a box of high slit bottoms and deliberately looked at Gu Yebei's lower body, "Four Lords, this must be very sexy for you.". ..