

[2018 King of Glory Literary Contest · Essay entries] An accident, invited to join the popular esports HY team. All team members are said to be handsome and handsome. Their only hobby is not accepting girls? So she disguised herself as a man and rushed to the boys' school, unshakably met with all kinds of temptations! But no one told him that a flat man of steel would bend! ! ! "Come here and hug me." "I'm a man ..." "Come here and give me a kiss." "I'm a man ..." "Come and warm the bed." So An Qiuyou finally couldn't help turning the table. They all said I was a man! "Who knows if someone shameless pushed him straight down and smiled badly," Fear not, I eat both men and women. "Sweet pet article] [Let's see how the hero can bend straight steel guys step by step]