Red Sadist

Mistress Red Crystal laid on her back. She flicked her perfect curly red hair and satires at her tiny slave. 

"Clean my shoes, pet!" She demanded. 

Hank, a tiny man an inch tall rushed towards her feet, sprinting from around her lips and raced across the floor past her red leather jumpsuit and to her open toed platform shoes. 

At an inch tall her shoes were around nine inches taller than him, yet since the goddess was laying down they were longer than him. He made it to the soles of the show and was nearly knocked out by the putrid odor of the Goddesses feet and the rotting remains of a crushed tiny man flattened into the ridges of her sole. 

Upon arriving on the scene he looked up at the dried out remains and attempted to take him off with his hands. He peeled off the twisted and mutilated corpse as it crumbled to bits and pieces from how dry it was. 

"Disgusting." Hank thought.

Once the man was gone and his tiny body lay in dry flaky pieces at Hank's feet. He rubbed his hand on the spit where he was once splattered. 

That spot still had a pungent odor wafting from it and it was stained a tad bit darker than the rest of the sole. 

"All done Goddess." Hank said enthusiastically.

Mistress Red Crystal then began to get up, as she stood up to Hank's perspective she rose like a giant. At the end he was dwarfed by her platform shoes.  She flicked her hair again and asked. 

"You cleaned him off?"

"Yes Goddess. Always your loyal servant." Hank answered. 

She picked up her foot and held it over Hank. 

"What? What are you doing Goddess?" He asked

"Ridding myself of you. You tiny men have served your purpose for us Goddesses. They've developed tiny robots now, they can do everything you do but better. Really there's no use you have for us anymore. Other than for us to have fun squishing you."

"But who will clean your shoes, Goddess."

"It's easy to wipe off your shoestains. We women just love to torment you all. Bye bye now."

Hank began running, but it was to use. Red Crystal proved to be a rather sadistic woman when instead of crushing him she kicked him across the room. Hank flew through the air and crashed into the wall. Hank tried to run but both his legs were broken.  She stood over him, kneeled down and grabbed him and brought him to the level of her nose. 

"Let me go." He pleaded. 

"I will." She replied. 

She dropped him and he fell, he landed on her big toe and burst into liquid. 

"Hahaha. I didn't see that coming." She said,