a making of a new idea

I awake from my slumber as I yawn myself awake and begin to put on my clothes and wash my face as I begin to walk out seeing the big clock on a good time and the crowd active

" now then 1st talk with Cook, or whatever their real name is, I mean who would name their kid cook? second, check in with Jerry about the mask, recruit them, and finally go to do another quest as a way to look through the caverns for the ghost town again"

I say now hyped up to do this it's, early, and we got time I walk over to the food giveaway where Cook is usually all the time, as I go into the line to Cook after seeing them from a distance

. . . ok first issue, turns out I'm not the only one questioning cook about the event at wolf's building as all the questions that I was gonna ask now have a clear answer, absolute silence, they would just stand there looking at the person for until they gave up, and luckily I'm not the only one seeing that, so most others decided not to ask

which I am thankful for otherwise I would have been stuck in this line for literal hours just waiting to eventually get to cook

" so, is cook your real name?"

" yes what made you think otherwise "

I can't say anything direct otherwise they would just get quiet like with all the others that tried as I think for a solid minute and decide my course of action

"n-othing, how was yesterday?"

" a drag"

" is, that so, how come?"

utter silence as I knew I went too close and sigh in defeat

" Just give me the food please"

"got it"

as they drop it on my hands as I begin to walk away as I think about the two words I did manage to get out of cook before my mistake

" a drag right, seems like Cook works with the monsters often, or at least the wolf from them not seeming worried, same as they were on the stage, Cook, who are you in this?"

as I continue to mumble to myself walking to Jerry's not noticing a pair of eyes following behind me as I do, knocking on Jerry's door as he answers, by immediately pulling me inside and making me drop some of the food


as Jerry covers my mouth and begins listening for a moment and letting me go

"Sorry just had to make sure ya know?"

as I look out again Seeing no one there

"r-ight, so, any progress with the mask?"

as they nod walking around the small home in circles

"While I did look through any history of anybody making such a mask, and the honest bad feeling I have of it whenever I touch it, right now all I got is that it's a normal mask, just a bit insensitive, but from your experience, the mask isn't normal, so the lack of history, is strange"

"so nothing other than a bad feeling?"

"no, I searched through all the carvings I made here but nothing, not even its creator other than them being an old chef, the reason is unknown, but even then it can simply not be the chef cause they sign their masks"


as I look over at the mask and its wide smile as I couldn't remove the feeling it's watching me as I then look back to Jerry

"since that was dry I got an idea for today Jerry"

"That so? what is it ?"

"we are gonna go out there with another mission"

" of course though not like I'm gonna stop you"

"and with you so we can better search!"

that made Jerry just stop slowly turning their head over to me

" . . . you can get the quest, lemme just get my stuff ready"

as they begin to pack stuff in their home, stuff they kept for a long time, while I get out of their house and begin to go to the big building

when I make it there I see brownie selling her usual treats and go right past her as she looks over but doesn't stop me

as I get to the big elevator we traveled in yesterday as behind it was a desk with paperwork on it the wolf sitting on a chair working, as well as some new faces and two old ones, as Wolf looks up at me and speaks

"already with enough samples of the acid now it's time for a new quest, so currently the idea is to make a small camp nearby the tower and yet close to the lake of acid, you all simply need to find the right location to put it then we can start"

this is strangely perfect but I'll continue on

"I'll accept it"

"than ready to wait for a moment in case any more will try to attempt it"

they say still looking through everyone in the room as they work ad I just stand and wait for Jerry


after a bit, Jerry soon came with a pack of whatever they got as soon after the time is now gone as Wolf gets up from the desk

"now then here are the details, the area requirements aren't that high since the current world is a wasteland however the requirements are this. One, the number of caverns that are needed to be filled in must be minimal, Second, it must at least be an acre in size, Third the saxe needs to make sense it can't be too strange a shape otherwise it would lose all effect it has, so no matter what there is gonna be caverns filled, fourth it must be between the moving city and lake of acid, if it's too far, it may get destroyed quickly or lose purpose, that's all"

after that briefing, the elevator doors open for us as we enter as the group size is still able to fit inside Jerry whispers to me

"so the plan is to look through the caverns correct so ill be looking through them to see if anything is up, while you do the quest "

"got it, as I'll tell you the location where I last was"

"well, of course, how else will I be able to do this"

". . . right"

as the elevator dispenses some metal posts with the intercom speaking as the elevator ascends

" these are just to help you map it out easier and more efficiently "

as soon we make it back onto the ground the elevator opens letting us out to look at the many caverns near the acid lake many of us agree to do it closer to the city than the lake though there are still multiple caverns on the city side, meanwhile Jerry goes off from the group after I quickly nudge to my last location and one other as well

as we start going to eliminating some of the worse areas and since we aren't nearby when a spider patrol comes by we can hide in the caverns, while admittedly it isn't the safest it certainly helped as we go down the areas, and much easier due to not being many spiders at the moment here

as I start to see about the others I'm this group of seven while I know myself and Jerry, and one is also away, first, there are the two people mapping it around with me one has brown hair as the other has black, and both looked skinny with t-shirts and stretch pants as they are clearly working together, I even recognize them from the last mission, but something cathed my thought since we are given food every day

ah, they are my brethren stronger than even I.

the other two are seemingly the opposite of the other group with sweatpants and black t-shirts is a man and woman with some muscle, that is in charge of holding the posts and putting them in, and embarrassingly pulling them out as well when we accidentally get a bad spot.

while the skinny ones are paranoid the other two are a bit lax but not too much and perfectly ready to hide if a spider patrol is near so u guess it's enough, as we are starting to close in on which of the two one having some holes to fill in agreed by the man and the woman, with the other being even father with only one whole to fill in, but the man and women won out in the end

so as we begin to map out the location and the duo are placing the posts I see Jerry nearby rushing over to me though the man after placing the post speaks

"where were you? we already finished!"

"umm, I got, lost?"

"Really, I clearly remember you leaving with some other person"

" there was another!?"

as the man frowns crossing their arms

"yes! you don't know them?"

as I try to step in since Jerry is my friend

"Hey, don't worry, no worries, this guy was just looking for an excuse"

"an excuse for what?"

says the man with some suspicion though keeping an eye out in case a spider patrol is coming

"to, go outside of course! say what, they will, will

as Jerry speaks up before me

"renounce any credits I might get from this quest!"

"right, right"

as the man starts to head toward the elevator, we were finishing up

"let's hope that the other one also returns"

says the man as we all enter the elevator Jerry speaks to me with a whisper

"I'm sorry to say but there was nothing there even the caverns were mostly small as well and the deep ones just leads to carrion, other than smell I found nothing"

"so nothing"

"no the mask didn't even react"

"hmm, let's forget about this for the moment whatever it is, maybe we will get a clue later on"



I'm on my desk dealing with all the paperwork, the leader gave me this mostly to just get it all recorded, afterwords the amount needed can be down within a couple of minutes, as I sigh to just get through it as shadow appears

"they do anything?"

"Nothing, seems like they run dry as well, though the target had a friend do it for them"

as I think a moment

"then let's just wait till the next mission to get sight of the two"

"Why can't I continue "

"remember you aren't that good, and if you do get caught, the chance of rebellion is higher"

shadow tsks as they go into the ceiling of the building as they do

"I know I should just accept but, I must confirm my idea isn't true"