Chapter 17

I get up from the bed of the base and I stretch my limbs with a yawn as I casually along with some others leave the base to see Cook with their missions in hand, and food crates by them to give out

" you all look ready to head up to the moving city, just so you know I still have plenty of missions for the base, and as I'm sure you all know the weapons and add-ons for the armor are also finished"

said Cook as they then take out the stuff that we now unlocked by finishing the base

"now then let's start you all now have gotten the twenty points, as then there is the add-on of stealth made from the skin of the acid spiders you have known to go through, granted it won't trick them, but it would be good camo for inside the dark caverns, and now the weapons now available are the sword that you already have and now, bow, heavy sword, hammer, and, chain, blade"

as Cook finishes off as we begin to line up to get the food crate, as well as a weapon or two for ten points, though most have gotten a bow since it's five points and the arrows are 1 point each I did as well, since throwing swords was my initial plan the bows also work, so I got my bow and five arrows that since their strangely durable I am sure I can use them more than once as I take a look at the missions only to find more missions, all about the base

there is still the web mission, the repeatable hunting mission though it has bonus points if it's caught alive, and the one making a passage, now there is a mission to make a farming greenhouse underground, make another wall to expand the base, make a massive generator building, electrify the wall, and making the wall higher, as well as the towers, and lastly a base-wide clear ceiling with a slope leading to the acid rain cleaner

suffice it to say the base was in actuality nowhere near done, which when I looked around it seemed that many others have noticed the same thing, as some of the people there are sighing while carrying a food crate inside the base as I look over and see Jerry going up in the elevator, though I can tell they are just getting more stuff to go down again, as I get my food and walk over to Brownie who is eating her crate with Cody who sees me first

"Hey! well, look at this turns out we aren't nearly as down as we thought huh, still so much to do"

"well of course a spider just breached inside yesterday, I'm sure some of those added missions, are new security to deal with it"

"True though a lot less are as dangerous"

"so what missions are we all gonna do? we have many quests left after this"

as both of the two nid as we get our game plan I'll get the add-on, which brownie suggested as I'm going to go on a quest to make the walls higher so we don't have that spider climb the wall again, Brownie is getting her weapon and going on the greenhouse mission, as Cody decides to get a bow like I did, deciding how it's good for now, as they are gonna help with what they say is

"a massive project which will need direction, in which its failure could cause mass chaos,

as after the decisions are made we split off to do what we do, as I go back to Cook to get the add-on which while they looked annoyed about it they still did so putting my armor on their table and saying it will be finished up by their blacksmith, yet another unknown employee they have, as I soon see Brownie showing as I wave hello to her before going back to the place of the mission when I met the group there I saw Chris and ent there as I say hello as a greeting to them

"hey, Chris!"

"Ah hello jake, guess you had the same worries as I huh, though, where is your armor?"

"a bit, but hey a mission is a mission, as for my armor apparently there is a blacksmith that will be finished with putting the add-on, on tomorrow, so what about you?"

as I look at Chris with a curious look

"well you certainly are using your points to the fullest, well I have my reasons for being here"

they see looking over somewhere else at the base, where I notice Cody with Cole and multiple others starting to make the multiple beams to probably hold such a roof and making plans as I get why Chris picked this mission

"Alright let's get going then, so does extending the walls also add another side platform?"

"well yes, otherwise it will make it not able to do one of the things it's supposed to, be a wall, and for us to look over it to check for enemies "

"alright then"

as the Ent guy speaks to us

" then let's go already, we are leaking daylight"

as I shrug my shoulders

" Alright sour-"

as ent goes off to begin to make the base for the platform for the other side of the wall, I stop and go over with Chris

the platform was strange and took a lot out of the day, it was weird looking, to say the least, and difficult even with the handed-over blueprints for it, with a changeable diameter in the middle for most definitely multiple uses, it has two areas where it uses pressure to hold on, and metallic wheels to move along the wall, with two platforms on either side of the wall to hold us, as well, with a stair in the middle alone one of the holding areas for the top, and the sides for the bottom, we had to make this whole thing cause while people are all doing their own thing like the next layer of the walls, we can't really be out in the open because of the spider patrol that comes in once in a while, and unlike the ones making a new wall, we can't just go back in the base if we made a platform, and making a platform for every wall to be made taller also would take forever

so that's what this machine is for as we fork to get it on top, which took a bit more construction but it was done, and not much of the day left as Chris and I are heaving as ent checks it

"Ent, do, your black clothes give you power or something?

"what do you mean? I, just work out"

"Ent my dear friend, forgive him for being confused, you just didn't look like you have the physical stamina on the surface"

" then jokes on you two, the thing is good to go so let's finally start this mission for real"

in the end, we only managed to get one piece of the wall to be taller before we had to go down again due to it becoming night we placed the machine back down onto a wall platform cause if it fell we would lose most of today's work, and we all agreed that to do the entire process would not be something we would like to do, as we go off to get some rest as I met up with brownie with a giant sword on her back though not a surprise with her usually carrying her whole stand on her back and Cody with a bow and some arrows as I get to hear of what they managed to get done

for Brownie, they got the buildings shell and floor is done and some beams for its second floor so her progress with the team she is in is going well

as for Cody's team, they had beam working on the foundation for the beams which I can see around as areas that are robust in being as reinforced as possible without even a beam yet

as we all finished explaining and just talk as we start to walk inside to lie down

"This base is one for security, might be completely different to now in the end"

"Indeed, even if all missions are done there will probably be more"

" either way none of us are close to finishing anytime soon"

as we talk about the others of this base and those progressing missions, inside the walls there is a bit of a tunnel forming though not deep enough for one to reach it with one or two steps, the same issue with the underground greenhouse, the second wall only got 5 percent of the diameter down, the electric had 10 but that's gonna be before the second wall, and only one tower was having even the slightest progress since to lengthen the tower is just short of demolishing it then replacing it as we soon reach our rooms

"that's it I'm gonna do the web the day after tomorrow "

as we all agree to go back to do the same thing for one more day then maybe do the web quest as we start heading to our separate beds to rest for the night As I begin to think about what could be at the nest, as I look at the base ceiling lay down, loosen my muscles and go to rest


I can't get out of this place till at least tomorrow I can hear the metal spiders skitter around, to think, there were worse ones inside From the looks of things, I rest my big pack as I try to calm my breathing where would a spider queen get the food for making them all, but at the same time, I'm so close, luckily the webbing doesn't cover even the ground, I managed to dig a small hole for me to hide in from these giant spiders, as I dig myself closer to the center to find what jake meant as the spiders walk past as I carefully dig deeper down at the night, as just when I figured it was a lost cause, then, I see it

I start digging with more fever as I go even closer to get a better look, close to most certainly the spider queens chamber I see the building covered in webbing the building covered in sprawling of a black figure with white eyes And mouth, but unlike the Destroyer, the have lines all over it like it's pretending to be a puppet, but looks to be a slime monster in reality with an almost, child-like the way it picks itself up.