Chapter 19

due to the rain outside we are all stuck in the base as we started to hear the rain go down on the roof of the base as Jerry speaks

" looks like we have a big issue now huh, unlike you I don't have full acid-proof armor"

" which means today is a waiting day"

I look around at the people around beginning to go back to their beds taking the announcement as a reason to get some more sleep, as I look over to the doors as there have been no leaks so far, as I hope they keep it that way remembering the full on flood of acid that time that gives them a slight shiver

" well, I'm gonna go back to my group ok?"

" of course, let's meet up again tomorrow"

as we walk away from each other I look over and see Cole writing something using their skin by using the leftover of a rock Muttering something

" well that must hurt"

as Cole gets caught off guard until they see it was me as they sigh

" well it's not like there is much paper around and I like to write my thoughts down"

" Ah, you're the Jerry type"

" Jerry?"

" nevermind, so what were you thinking about that would cause you to write it down using your skin"

"It's how potent the acid from the acid rain is, the amount of sulfur in the air needed is bad enough, but the nitrogen needed too? I wonder how we are still breathing outside the moving city"

" What does nitrogen do again "

". . . it reduces breath basically, giving you asthma, though that is at low acidity "

" ok, so what makes you think how we aren't, dying"

" I don't know, that's what I'm thinking about maybe it's the moving city Being so much a bringer of oxygen we can still breathe, but even if that it's still significantly reduced by science standards, and if it's so high oxygen poisoning can also be a thing"

at this point, they started to mutter more complex things trying to find a reason why the world is somehow in a direction where all of this is possible as I walk a bit away to leave them to their though they noticed that

" Ah, ok, then don't mind me, I'll just continue muttering"

as I with a bit more reluctance than before continue to walk away, I just take a seat near a door seeing surprisingly no acid leaking through it

" huh I didn't think the doors are airtight"

" well of course they are from the last flood if it wasn't it would go through"

"Right "

after the quick answer I look out at the others inside the building to get a better feel of them, I mean, I feel like I will be with all of them for a bit, as this is a good time, most have the leggings, some have 2 pieces of armor, and ent, Cole, Chris and himself all have full armor, Chris looks to simply be waiting for it by going over to Cole as they both talked to each other

the new guy who I remembered from them still being around the muscle duo, he had blonde hair and a slight build with some warrior armor, though not as much their size and a bit worn out, so probably passed down as they replaced the pants of their armor with the acid proof one, as they converse with the muscle duo about the worth of lives, and hard work, etc, he also seems pretty excited about, this, like he is an adventurer, as for the muscle duo the man and woman both have white hair though for how old their hair says they are their builds clearly didn't suffer as I can see the calluses on their hands and with torso armor modified to fit their bulk.

as I look over to the Ent guy as they are asleep, I dunno how I feel about them honestly, they are a bit weird and forceful sure but not that bad really, it's not like they didn't roll their sleeves up to take a mission like the one I am in, even with their all-black fashion choice

Cody is currently using the time indoors to work more on their clock keeping the time themselves by tapping their knuckle as he works on the ticking for the clock which has gotten fairly bigger as time went on from them trying to keep the second, minute, and hour intervals correctly and as I get to get another look at them, they seem to be doing it to just, do it, became real obvious when they only worked on it when they had free time, so I respect the guy a bit, though they are a bit blunt and investigative

Brownie is also asleep in the bed as Ent looks over and seems to have an idea as I just leave the guy be as the rain begins to turn into waves making me start heading on top of a metal chair though others are also getting worried as well as most of us has seen the wave the acid rain turned into as I see the doors are still holding strong somehow, as I begin to take my rest on top of the metal table knowing full well it won't do much, but it, in the end, in the end it is just in case as the night begins to progress

soon the night comes and I Wake up with a few others since we slept so early like Brownie and Ent as we no longer hear the waves Ent sighs in frustration putting all their armor on except the head As they quickly notice me

" of course, you are the one that wakes up along with me"

" hey it's not my fault we woke up at similar times"

" um, Ent was it? is it still flooded in acid outside?"

" That's what I plan on figuring out"

as they put an ear on the wall and kept from. the door hearing the dripping sound after the rain

" looks like only those of us with the full set can get out, it's not dry right now but there isn't a full flood thankfully "

" Ah, guess I'll just stay back then"

" Meanwhile I'm curious what the place looks like half flooded"

" hey I said it's not flooded but that doesn't mean there isn't a good bit of acid that will come through if I open the door"

as I ponder a moment and get an idea

" what about you just open the door slightly as I get one of the metal furniture to in case there is a pool at the bottom so it can delay it enough for you to close the door"

Ent just sigh at the idea as they put their helmet on and start to quietly look around for something As I join in though it is surprisingly hard to find something metal since their metals don't melt and also flat and large enough to reasonably block the bottom of the door so we instead used a chair cushion to atleast stop it a moment, just a moment, but a moment is enough, as Ent gets up to the door, takes a breath, and a moment to glare at me as they open the door a crack, and the acid doesn't come through, they still closed the door immediately after but it didn't as they have a sigh of relief

" looks like it's good to be walked through right?"

" yeah, right"

" I'll just get back to bed while you two, um, get along?"

" Ah, Alright, good night "

"Jake you better get your armor on, don't want you to get killed by some droplets"

"I know, I know, I'll get them"

as I and Brownie head to each of our beds as Brownie lays down to try and go to sleep again, I get my armor from under the bed and put it on along with the glowing eyes, while intended for making expressions they do give off a bit of light since it will still be dark out as I return to see that Ent has already left through the door as I open it to head outside as well seeing the many puddles of acid already seeping into the soil as the metal doors close behind me

the place has a different feel in the dark As I walk around, and then go up the one tower that was finished after being heightened as I can certainly feel it, like I'll fall off even if I just take a quick look over, though I can't take in a real sight the lights on my helm don't go far enough to see much if not barely as I start to head down the ladder again making my grip tight so I don't fall off since it's still a bit wet with acid, as I look over and see, Ent, standing they're looking straight at me with their light for the visor off, as I gradually go down, I can tell it's a bit unsettling

they are still awake as I haven't left their direct line of sight as I go down I am unconsciously ready the blades in my wrist add on and keeping my grip tight on the slippery rails of the ladder as I make it onto the ground Ent is remaining stock still, as they stare at me as I walk over cautiously to them

" hey bud, you seem, out of it"

as a voice, unlike Ents, speaks

"Why do you want to go there"

" w- what?"

as I start getting confused and clench my hand to take the weapon behind me

" you know that place will bring pain yet you're going there"

as it starts walking over to me as I back away but it starts to run

" why, why, why"

it reaches me so quickly that I try to stab it but it stops my blade, looking at me, as it grins

" it only, brings, pain"

as it suddenly pierces through my helmet with its claws


my plan went without a hitch, since I and that Brownie person are the only ones that awoke I easily got to leave a moment to check on Wolf again as I leave the person I possessed to take my place in case she gets suspicious as I head inside only to see wolf look a bit tired at the moment

"Long day"

" * yawns* yeah, Slimer got the information I needed, I just need to make a whole new system"

" heh, what kind, is it as annoying as the average human?"

" shadow not now, but no it's much worse"

as I soon look over what they were working on

" oh no"

" Look, I ca"

" no, don't you say a word, I can see the issue from a mile away! this! is not something I'd allow, you know wha!"

as wolf stops my mouth with their hand

" I know, but I made the deal, and I'm not gonna back down on it"

I calm down And glare at the papers

" you better have mentioned this to the leader"

" I did, no worries"

as I grumble while taking a seat to watch Wolf work