chapter 21

as I and Jerry start making it to the base entrance we hear a strange announcement

" Hello everyone, this is Wolf, you are hearing this announcement from a comm that an employee of ours has so you can get this news along with those inside the moving city, we are here to inform you all that while you can do quests, you are now allowed, to get the material from your own time to do what you ever need, as the bases outside the moving city, other than for missions, are your outposts, however, our shop is still active for guaranteed quality, and don't use the weapons inside the moving city, that is all"

me and Jerry well, we felt a bit shocked, it sounded so much like we are free to do what we want, as long as we aren't inside the moving city that is until Jerry spoke up

" they, probably also mean if we go after each other, we are on our own"

" oh, but hey, we at least got some kind of freedom outside of the moving city right?"

" yeah, which means we can collect some of this web later after the mission, I can use the webbing I get to have as glue and you can give your half to the Cody fellow "

" true has been working on the same clock project for days"

" I don't think glue is gonna help, that much"

" true, but who knows what we will find later on"

as we begin to reach Cook's area As he sees the amount we have gotten and already starting to write stuff down as we place it in front of him as they look through it nodding in confirmation

" It's a good amount, you each get 15 points and a ticket for the other little add-on we can make if aloud, and for Jerry, for when they have the arms, and legs at least"

" so how long will it take?"

" a day, so that is all, and you certainly seem curious about the announcement"

" a bit, but I'll figure it out, see you, I'll do the web add-on tomorrow since it's turning night "

" Alright then"

as Cook looks over at Jerry

" wouldn't it be better if he just do it now when he is gonna be asleep"

as Jerry just walks away from him, as the sun Readies to set as I look around at the current progress the building for power generation seems to have more inside mostly what looks to be wires all around to be organized, most probably for the incoming generators, as the wall had some more progress while I was busy, now being a solid twenty-five percent done, as well as now two of the towers done being made lengthy, as for the passage and second wall, there is little progress as not many are in those missions, as while expanding the base seemed interesting at the time, there is little done at the center in the first place, as for the passage people will more likely remember the acid rain to do the quest to cover the base, or just the lengthen towers cause with a taller wall the previous towers would be useless

as I enter the big building as I lay down on the bed I claimed, though not many are sleeping most inside are just resting a bit as others are entering along with Ent and the very much excited Chris who I definitely know has heard the announcement as I also see Cody and Brownie walk to me to say high before I go to sleep


the next morning is up as I stretch my limbs, get off the bed, And head to Cook's area As I leave the base after putting my armor on my shoulder ready to give, for Cook to have it modified as he sees me after three people get their food as I hand over the armor As he gives me the food crate

" what will the new add-on even do? all I know is that it needs me to get webbing from a spiders nest"

" Look, the thing is what we know we could do, we haven't been able to research it since we didn't have any samples which we have now"

" nice one adding the we"

that got me a glare from them until they pinch the bridge of their nose

" look, it's simple, it would be like having padding to help you stick to walls, that you can turn on, and off, happy?"

" y-ep, I now know what this would do"

as I just walk away from the clearly annoyed Cook as I think I can even see one of their eyes twitch as I get to the base and start to eat my daily meal from my crate, as I see Cody coming up to the base with his crate a bit later just eating normally beside me

" you looked, worried, yesterday, did you have another vision?"

what he said almost made me choke on the piece of apple I was about to finish

" what do you mean, I just went on a nest mission yesterday so close to it, of course, I would be a little nervous "

" Jake, me and Brownie know you, you don't just lose nerves like that, you were shaking and shivering constantly in a cold sweat "

I kept silent as Cody figured out I won't say anything as they sigh and say something else

" When do you think we will all go on a quest, it was the point of going on this whole mission thing as well, at the start we didn't get to keep the resources so I wasn't interested, and Brownie was doing perfectly fine in her own business for sweets"

" Ah, right, what about, we all get some webbing ourselves to get you some glue right?, maybe even hunt a spider so you and Chris can get along about it, and we will do it together to appease Brownie "

" you have no idea what to help Brownie with do you"

as I slump a bit

" Ah, yeah, I mean can you find any place for some ingredients?"

" I'm sure they get food from somewhere to support their size, and I doubt enough corpses are around to make so many, even if they feed on their fellows' corpses"

" I guess, though I doubt that we will find anything good for a sweet like what Brownie sells"

" then you can do it later, I highly doubt there is just this place in the whole world, once we are done here we can move on to the next, strangely breathable atmosphere "

" Cole said the same thing"

" then we simply think somewhat alike, maybe I can converse with him and his friend on my projects"

" I dunno, from what I saw Cole is about environmental stuff, Chris about the creators, and you about the mechanics "

" That makes things better Jake, who knows maybe we can make something if we get a body of an acid spider with, less damage"

as I simply laugh softly at the idea

" guess I now have a good reason for having this bow, huh"

" true but the shot will be difficult unless you have been training without me knowing"

" true, but either way, when we all finish the building quests we became part of then we go on to hunt a spider and get some webbing for you to get with the other two to mess with it to find out what you would do with it, does that work"

"It's fine, I'm sure Brownie will be, ok with it as well, so I have an idea for her, will you care to listen?"

" yeah, anything, what was your idea, cause like you said there is a low chance for there to be any good ingredients for sweets "

" no, it's something easier for us to get in this area, and if the spider's exoskeleton can work with what I have planned, it isn't going to be much but it is something "

" well we gonna get that idea off the ground after we finish work on our building tasks, Cody, how quick do you think your mission will be?"

" very slow, we have to work on a massive plan as well as platforms going from pillar to pillar an already strenuous work, in order to get the real job to do of assembling it on the poles as well as making sure it doesn't collapse in on itself"

" yeah, figured, well ill help out when my mission is done, or maybe just get the mission as well to be ready immediately"

" you have to finish the first mission to do it, I've seen someone try the same and not allowed, it's a precaution in case someone took all building missions and just did one anyway"

" yeah I guess that makes sense, well"

as I get back up stretch again with a yawn to wake myself up again and leave my empty crate to Cody

" I'm gonna get to my team for the walls, I already left them hanging yesterday doing another quest, I don't plan on leaving them out to dry again"

"Alright then, I'll get to my team as well, after I place these crates near the spot I sleep, good luck then jack, I will see you later"

as I head on over to my group with their machine already running making me have to catch up, Cody goes their direction with the crates to move them where they want them


after doing my work of passing out the crates and checking missions I closed the small quest stand to walk back into the moving city elevator my list in hand to brightness my day, as I have it go up to see the usual clerk who waves at me

"Well boss, you seem very intent on something?"

" Clara you know I'm not one to speak of private matters, and none have been entering"

" I think we both can guess because of a new fear or making of plans since the announcement"

" yeah, but when that stage is over, I'm sure a lot more would go onto the ground, the only issue is the danger it could cause"

" well, the danger is a part of the whole, rebuild humanity goal, who knows, after this area we are gonna go to the ruins of the previous kingdoms"

as I sigh looking at the elevator

" and with that the masked ones"

" good luck with the meeting with Metal"

" you know she is good with me, sure she gets, schizophrenic sometimes, but she still works with it easily"

" Alright metal maid"

" I'm not a maid Clara, I'm a worker, plus researcher, see you soon Clara"

" see you Cook"

as I walk away from Clara to get to my meeting with metal