chapter 23

after Brownie gave the metal boot back to me as I nod and put it back one

" looks like I'll have to remind myself not to move when I stub my toe anymore"

" yeah, so how does the armor feel? any different from the previous additions"

" Nope, it's like I just another tool, first the chemo and strangely fluffy part with full-on blades, then this, then again They can't all be that good"

" well I hope you do well on your mission, I'll be heading over to my teammates, I fear I may have stayed a bit too long here, besides, I finished my food"

" yeah not like you have to worry about that after today since it is highly likely that mission is gonna be done before the sun can get a chance to set, I'm envious"

Brownie chuckles from that as they start walking away

" well if that's the case I'll have the day off tomorrow to just rest, then after then I can join Cody in his"

as she glances at all the work happening above as I respond

" task? yeah, we all can see this will take a good while, good luck then Brownie!"

" and a good day to you"

as Brownie walks off, I also start to head over to my group as I have to go a full distance to reach Ent, and Chris while not talking anywhere near as much about project ideas, I feel glad for in my head they still talk a bit about their bouncing off ideas

" If we can manage to preserve the spider's muscles and add them to the suit, and make them somewhat connect to do what we need it could-"

"you're losing me here kid, not only would we need a biochemist better than what I hear metal is to make that work, I have no idea how muscles will do any better than what tech can do, If you want to mess with the stuff you might as well find a way to make a muscle relaxant here for all the spiders"

" Ah, hello"

as both seemed to have gotten out of their rhythm almost stumbling as they stop the machine

" Ah, looks like your last again, though then again it ain't as bad as last time"

" Apologies for not noticing you you got us during a small debate "

" right, 'debate' so"

as Ent looks over to me with a somehow tired-looking face in the morning

" Well, get on we bleeding daylight"

as I just get on and respond

" but it's the morning"

" oh I know, but still, let's get going "

as he pulls the lever to Start the mover again as we go back to work, as I and Chris do the bolts on both sides, Ent moves the levers, and the wall panels in the rights spots to be bolted as we all start going into the rhythm

" hey ent, I may be the latest, but aren't you and Chris just early?"

" eh for me not much to do in the day anyway than do missions at the moment, at least now I can mess with Chris's ideas when they keep on thinking of the could and not the should"

" well one has to be curious sometimes otherwise the same mistakes repeatedly like What is the definition of insanity "

" which is just being mentally so yeah, that is why I'm early, I legitimately have nothing else to do but this"

" o-k, so what about you Chris?"

as I turn over to him who finishes a bolt

" Honestly, I just wake up early, if anything I'm curious how the ground clerk is always there I'm almost tempted to watch them the whole night"

" well if you woke up so early what time was it?"

" There are no clocks around, but I know the sun wasn't up yet at the time"

that made Ent stop moving for a bit as they just look confused, I having a similar moment as well

" That, well that honestly impresses me, that is legitimately pretty good work ethic"

" Are they even human most of us wake up at least when the sun is in the sky, the only time I woke up that early was in a dream"

"Indeed, a type of drug perhaps? also, that, doesn't, count "

" If it was a drug there would have been some type of effect"

" either way I guess Cook just, doesn't sleep? or just needs little, cause I can't say they are human if they don't need sleep"

" either way this passes the day as we work, so let's. discuss this thing right"

" I mean they could just sleep in the rest of the day till night, I mean it's the most sense all their activity is during the morning for missions and giving out food, and they are up at night As well so in the afternoon is the best guess"

" nevermind the answer was too simple for conversation "

" I mean you two have plenty to talk about if yesterday is the be remembered "

" Sure, but either way it won't fill out the time allotted for the day"

" I mean we can switch topic to something like dreams for the future, or, just anything really"

" That tows a small bit over being friendly toward letting out personal questions"

" what? how come, I'll say it right out"

" it's because some goals surround people's lives idiot, it's like showing a piece of your heart to see"

" Indeed some goals are simple, and some, aren't in a way, or some just lie about their goals to save face to say"

" ok, so what do we all get to talk about ?"

" I got an idea, with the new rule about how we are allowed to keep material to ourselves, how fast do yall think it will take for the chaos to start?"

" oh, I dunno, it seems like it will take a good bit cause there are people like Cody, and Brownie, as well as the muscle dou to take charge and all"

" yeah like every single person is gonna listen, let me tell you, the moment it becomes common for people to go on missions and have good equipment, things are gonna go badly fast"

"What makes you think like that Ent? sure individuals may become bad eggs I doubt every single person is gonna start causing chaos all of a sudden, not everyone would willingly do such a thing without reason"

" and what makes you think that huh? Can I just assume you'll go raving mad all of a sudden out of the blue?"

" Ah whatever my reasoning is starting to get too personal too, is there just nothing to talk about"

" no you don't try changing the topic, what makes you think people will just lose it?"

as Ent just makes an annoyed sigh as they look at me

" fear and panic, the 'monsters' in charge seemed to get what, we say all the time, they already are going more hands-off, maybe eventually they'll we leave us to our own devices, and well, we aren't the only people on this planet "

" I'm sure we won't lose it that quickly without their help have more faith Ent"

Apologies my faith in humanity dried up and turned to sand a while ago"

" oh really? I find it hard to believe "

" Ah whatever "

" figured"

as we continued our work from then, after the conversation we all kinda accepted there is not much to talk about among strangers at least at the moment we don't have any ideas for today as we had the usual progress as I take the quiet time while construction to look at the other projects as I can see Brownie layer in the day sitting on the ground just resting

as for the pillars, some bridges have been made I noticed it had to do a lot with constantly throwing from the closest pillar to even attempt, as they build the bare minimum for the bridges then throw the ropes over or make a machine to do it for them as the ones on the targeted pillar attempt to catch it and not fall over with the help of a made guard rail to catch them, as they then use the already made small columns to tie down the rope and make it stay in place as they then work on the bridge making wooden panels to step on and traverse to another, as I see Cody lead people around to get the situation in control and not have deaths, though that would be difficult, Jerry is helping out Cody as another hand as well

soon the day starts reaching its end for us too as Ent goes to turn the machine off as I and Chris stop bolting as we put the tools in a compartment as we say our goodbyes for today, as Chris heads in Coles's direction, Ent just sits on the mover looking at the sky, as I start heading over to the base to get my rest in as I see others also starting to go off and Brownie waves to me with a smile


" hey Brownie so, what is gonna happen now that the power generator building is now finished? any idea?"

" Who knows, all I got is that there will be more missions now"

" of course, hey any idea about the greenhouse? I'm growing curious "

" oh, I'm sure its entrance is by the water collecter"

" thank, you, enjoy your daybreak!"

as I walk over to the base as Brownie just nods with a smile as they look at the sky


the reports are as usual of multiple missions progressing as so far the people aren't killing each other yet thankfully as I sigh at the time passing until I hear his voice

" is something troubling you sir?"

as I look over seeing guard his massive frame taller than even me looking from behind the doorframe I sigh trying to remember what nickname he had again

"Nothing, guard, what are you doing here? doesn't Shadow hate your guts?"

" I simply ask if any of you have worries, from time to time, as well as Shadow still being on ground"

as I sigh putting the work down

"nothing really, just a false alarm, and progress is slow, and don't you say that the 4 nations weren't built in a day, I know that"

" Ah that, we all saw their end, and even so we have to do what we are currently doing for the future "

" and yet there was nobody to be found, and the masked ones certainly don't believe so, and I fear what they would plan"

" let's get back to one step at a time, only metal can split into two and they are busy As well, you don't need to stress now"

as I sigh looking at the mission papers

" Yeah"