chapter 31

when me, Anne and colling decided to work with eachother to continue construction of the home things are generally going into a while slow progress, it is still like we are working in the background as while the two beside me are still very much new to this and checking the directions and stopping me from going autopilot to ask a question, the whole time felt just normal to the point the two converse with me to fill the time, as luckily I got some stuff to talk about

" So, what is it like, being here, for so long? it certainly has been, awhile since many of you came back, does it feel wrong?"

" eh, the only family I know I'd rather leave them to do their own thing, and as for a home? where you two too young to remember your last ones?"

" it was, just a question, though I, guess you can say that it's, correct in a way,"

" Ah, hey, it's fine. Besides, at least we are alive, right?"

though it's under from rumors, say, less than sane

" Anything you want to say, either collin?"

as he looks up over at me, pausing a moment

" What do you mostly do? I heard of Cody and of Brownie! but not as much about you, so what do you do!"

I don't know if that comment should have hurt or not

" well I just do the general stuff, a bit this, a bit their, some hunting missions, some building, or just something in between, Cody and Brownie are sticking to one thing, though for Cody, I doubt it's much an option anymore, but they seem intent on finishing the roof so, I dunno, maybe you two will get known for something, like working with Brownie "

" So, you're the jack of all trades, right! "

" Guess you can say that. Either way, how has it been for you two since you went past your time in the acid rain? any regrets?"

" Um, a, few"

" None at all, I'm ready to build!"

" ok, so how have you been Anna, mind telling me some of those?"

" No, it's fine."

" o-kay then, guess we shall continue working since your brother seems to stop working whenever they speak."

as Collin notices and chuckles slightly in embarrassment as they get back to work as things progress as usual till the sun starts to set on us, making me start taking the material for the home back over to where it was before we took them as the two beside me notice, looking up Then follow suit shortly after

" A day has passed already? I didn't think it would have gone so quick. "

" What did you enjoy the work?"

" it just, jeeps get my mind, into a calming state, is all"

" Ah, I see. How about you, Collin, how has it been today working on building a home like you wanted?"

" Have a great time!"

" Really now, well, you two go on to your gramps, I'm sure he will worry about this somehow,"

" No worries, as long as nothing happens, Craig isn't the time to worry for nothing, I think we will be good,"

" Either way, let's get our rest to build tomorrow,"

" Alright! see ya two then, I'm gonna check on Cook's area then! something tells me good news is gonna be coming!"

" Good luck then, hope the news does arrive."

" Thanks for the encouragement!"

as when we finished, I headed off to Cook's area to ask a question I just remembered to think of, though briefly hearing Collin speak to Anna behind me just before I couldn't hear them

" So Anna! did you know what they meant by the good news!"

" Honestly, Collin, I just wanted to wish them luck,"

well atleast they tried as I soon make it to the passage that leads to Cook, as while I walk down the empty area I can tell that it will certainly be done by tomorrow with the wall at the very back almost closed and the rest are reinforced, as Cook looks over to me as if he was expecting me as I get up to him

" Ah, what are you doing here to almost night?"

as he has a small grin looking at me as I have a small sigh as I speak

" is, my house, finished,"

" You only had to ask here is"

as he slides the keys toward me, their smile seeminly enjoying this as I grab my keys

" You aren't gonna do the have to ask thing me again, right?"

" Who knows?"

just great, as I start to walk away before turning right back around to Cook again

" Which house?"

" the one facingtoward me"

so left side, as I then hurry to my place of rest ready to get some good sleep on a bed that's truly mine as I walk on over seeing Cody go down with the others to get back to base as I look over to, now that I think about it, box home 2.0, though their is atleast some form of comfort from the outside as I get my keys and unlock the door revealing the place I've already seen before, yet feels so different

" Huh, this place is mine, right?"

as I walk inside while closing and locking the door behind me as I just walk over to the bed, taking off my non-existent armor until I fully realize it

and when I did, I was out like a light before I even used the blanket as the usual dream start again and ends by getting killed by the lizard again on my attempts, as when I wake up in my room I get some trouble just getting off the bed as I soon decide to ignore about my armor and then go to the closet, as the things I've been waiting for a long while is inside, clothes and a shower in another area of the box, as I take my first shower in, I'd rather not say, and the new clothes, though, it, feels like I'm cheating in a way so I'll just use the old ones still at the moment

as after word, I exit from the box home 2.0 and face the feeling like I just had a full-on luxury from that shower as I go off to Cook's area meeting Brownie on the way

" Ah, hello! you seem like you're living the dream! how was it like?"

" it was amazing! though you'll get what I mean soon, since you're also among the first to get a mission and still continue "

" That is true, though I hope jealousy wouldn't become too much an issue."

" Oh, yeah, that would tend to cause problems, wouldn't that?"

" Yeah, I hope it doesn't go, too badly, at least not that quick since a good chuck of us has come here from the start, either way, good for you!"

"Yep, but either way, let's head head off to Cook's area, I'm ready to get some food as well as get back to work,"

as me and Brownie make our way over to him and wait in the line as usual

" Oh, also Brownie, be sure to ask whenever your home is ready. Cook pulled that onto me yesterday, while I saw through it. It's still a bit of an annoyance,"

" Oh, OK, thanks for the advice!"

" No problem, also looks like we made it to the end or the line,"

" indeed unless someone continues to talk he just gives them their food, shows them the missions and any needed info and let's them go, helps they are fairly quick about it too, like now, hello cook!"

" Hello Brownie, here's the food, and you're getting another home building mission. I guess you can join in with Jake's "

as he passes Brownies crate over and writes it down

" Ah, when will my home be made?"

" Should be done by tomorrow from the general pace, see you."

as she nods and goes on, leaving me a little more annoyed

" ok, how much paperwork have I actually cuased at this point?"

" Enough, here's your food crate, and you already have your mission."

" Like, how much then? I want a real answer now"

"Enough for me and wolf to work together on for a small bit, and you're delaying the line,"

as I take my foodcrate I breathe in and out as I walk away from Cook and toward the house I'm gonna start constructing again as brownie is at the passage enterance waiting for me while also conversing with probably more members of her group as she follows me soon after when I pass her

" Well, what are you planning?"

" nothing much I'm just preparing a small division to the groups so we can make more homes for people quicker you know, so I was gonna have it be that per five people on one home building another 5 will form to do another building and so on, since only so many can do one fairly small project before It becomes just pointless, so I had made a small plan last night and have been telling the group members about it while you were with Cook"

" Huh, but what a if the people in the groups need to know something."

" Then they can ask the other groups. Otherwise, it would be problematic."

" So you gonna join me then, wouldn't the other people in your group need you?"

" I trust that they are able, besides its nice doing a mission with a friend. Why else do I help in the roof mission with Cody every in-between of my missions?"

as I nod as we both head over to the objective


going through the line is as stale as usual as they mostly keep to themselves unlike some, as I suddenly get a call on my device as I hurry on my delivery of the food crates and missions on those at the front and close up the tent causing some complaints as I speak to confirm only to notice that it's the clerk

" Hello! I got some news for you that is given from Wolf! by the way you can grow your hair a little and the-"

" Not now clerk, what does wolf have for me?"

" Just saying, either way, something about an outpost out in the wild,"

" Oh, so I'm to make contact with it, correct? then who is replacing me during which?"

" I'm sure we can get someone from, slimer,"

" Of course, well, at least they won't be the type to Betray, so it's expected."

" Yep! and also, it's not necessarily just making contact"

" Oh? is it the masked ones?"

" No, no, not at that level, just some people you might know."


" their called the hunters,"

as at that moment, Cook's smile widened immensely

"Oh, this will be fun"