chapter 35

when it became to mid on night me and Jerry go towards the front of the base as so do the twins as they all look over to my shriveled bits of ego I've tried to gain that was stamped into a pulp as I start to explain

" ok so I have two out of my previous plans still standing, Jerry practically made them fall apart so not much left to say but hey, the two I do have is project crossbow, and project metal wagon and if they are both done well it could technically be possible to take out and carry the entire spider sentries group at once just, now is more difficult that I thought"

as Cole speaks up with a questioning look

" I mean those two do sound reasonable, though I'm curious what the other four are is they weren't even able to leave the gate though, as a crossbow would work, however the reasons for bows still stands as the spiders have a carapace, we would need a mechanism strong enough to pull it so"

as Chris joins in the conversation

" maybe his plans are like a roulette, some just aren't worth the time and some would be helpful, like the metal wagon while simple if we can workaround the uneven ground if we get our hands on some hydraulics probably from one of the leaders who will certainly enjoy the idea, and since it's metal we won't have to worry about acid, and we apparently have a ton of the stuff, though I do fear from where it's from"

" So these two plans still survived, right?"

"Yes, they did, no worries Jake, also to tell the other two, yes, I would say they are like a roulette, but these plans could work now for only the way to -"

as the base door opens again, showing a tired ent their eye twitching as the look over the group looking slightly annoyed

" This base ain't soundproof. All of you should have figured that out already if I had, man, I hate being easy to wake."

"Ah, sorry then, ent? we figured it wasn't that bad. "

Jerry said apologetically as they slightly bowed

" Wait , he was a light sleeper?"

as Chris and Cole nod at me as Jerry looks over to ent

" You all spent that quiet, and of course I was at the side where you all met up because of course."

as they sigh and just lool over at Jerry as I slightly moved out of his gaze

" Just tell me when you're having a meeting next time so I can sleep in the correct area cuase if one of these times you do the roof and I'm in the middle, I will lose it."

" its, alright we will tell you about them later then,"

as ent nods closing the door as I could still hear him worry about his sleep schedule on the way back. Those walls really aren't that soundproofed

" Before you ask, it is because it's a good idea to know when their is acid outside or a monster. Like- , I said I thought it wasn't so bad,"

" . . . huh, either way. "

as we decided to move over to Jerry's room to continue the topic as we noticed that we might need to get the blessing from metal, since they seem to be the producer of the stuff which me and Jerry still have our gripes about but it's not the blackmailed took form yet, I'm sure it would start eventually, though as we talked, I feel someone watching us, which even as I look the apartment I see none of them

after the meeting it was time to go to bed as we went of to separate ways for us to tame in our actual sleep for the next day the weird feeling passed by however so it took me just a little longer to knockout as I went to my deadly dreams though, they are so, consistent?

either way, I die again to the mysterious Lazer thing, though i did reach closer but had to avoid a spider patrol and got hit in the back

I wake up and stretch from the bed that is increasingly hard to leave in the morning due to my increasing time being up at night and the bed so comfy as it is already as I start to gain my plan back as I head over to the food stalls direction to get something to eat for the day as I wait in line seeing that the passage way for the area has been completed as we can be a lot less cautious about the spiders, somewhat, as I make it to the one the only Cook! I know the lady tried their best, but they felt off, though it seems like they had a triple shift as I can visibly see their eye bags hang off their face as I chuckle a little

" So the man of the day is back! and seeming like they just went through a wave of acid"

" First, the saying is man of the hour, second, really laying it on thick, might aswell just say I look like I haven't slept for multiple days"

" and running on coffee"

"we don't have cocobeans, sadly."

" So, what was the mission that got you away so long?"

" You say that like I will tell you of all people, all I'll even say is that it was a bit messy"

I chuckle I little as I know that screech I heard is probably from what they where doing as when it happened they arrived the next day, and Jerry will probably figure that out as well when he sees him though they look a little, they have their eyes more somewhere else as they look downcast, which is, weird

" So, what's got you so glum by the way, I didn't expect you of all people to be like that?"

" Why do you ask? I just had little sleep like you said, "

as they slightly slam the box almost hitting my hand as I just barely avoid it knowing that I definitely hit a nerve with them and I know they wouldn't answer any more if I push so I ask just one more thing

" So, what missions are available at the hunting category? since I want to do something a bit new. "

" well, there is the silk producers in or just outside the nest, the normal acid spider that can easily be found outside, the seeminly ranged spiders that are around the nest, the impossible metal spiders that from scouts is deep inside the nest, and the spiders that we hear can light up the area around the nest"

of course, most are near the nest, though other than metal spiders, the rest can be found outside it at least

" Then I'll take a mission for the light up spiders, since this place can get, real dark at night, that is for sure."

" Alright then, just catch them with this capture net and put them in the jar, at least get five of them, and be wary of other spiders in the area,"

as I pick up my crate putting the net and jar inside it to see what is about them after I have my fill and begin walking away as I look back at Cook's dejected look yet again as I decide to just leave him be again as I go back to the base take a seat up on a passage way on the walls as I hears someone munching on nearby me aswell as I turn to look at the new ked with their strangely spiky hair since I'm sure hair gel isn't a thing made yet though their blonde hair gives me a thought of a memory as I just continue on as we both just continue on as I soon finish and look over the two objects I'll be using

the net seems to have some cutting saws at its sides to cut up the webing and the center is the actual nat that will wrap around the spider to capture it though somewhat small, at least as it can catch normal spiders easily but the big ones and a specific feature for the webbing? so how did they know so much about it already? not many people went inside or around the nest, for them it's a death sentence that isn't worth it, but Jerry was the first and they said they are hard to find as they are often on the ceiling of webbing and deep into it, though, that doesn't take into account that they could have just went their themselves to do some research they may be more into staying in the moving city I wouldn't put it past them to have more human servants like Cook or Abigail go out to check, either way they definitely got their samples from something to get a a fitting jar, but when I open it it's a more fitting name to call it a small terrarium for the thing as it has nutrient soil for it though even Jerry doesn't know how they eat, but for right now this is the missions goal, and it's not like whatever could be inside would go outside, I just have to do take some of the light sources, either way I'll go on to converse this with Jerry when I get back as I go home to get my armor on and to get over to the nest


I hate seeing pity on peaples faces, mostly when they look at me when they do so, and of course, it's by that Jake fellow, or I'll call them the walking workload

becuase it isn't like the just started when the missions became a thing, they do stuff like this as normal and since back then I had to be neutral with them until the ceremony

I liked that ceremony it made me get back to just nature as I show him more of my true feelings and oh was it satisfying, though I had to stop myself from doing the stuff before the missions cuase me knowing that would reveal a bit too much

I take a call scrap to see how my, how metal is doing since they don't have to do that much at the moment since I finished up passing out the food and missions as the device beeps and scraps voice, voices? either way, it starts

" Ah, it's you cook? how has it been?"

" Fine, how is metal again?"

" same as ever just researching and checking on the material to find ways to make it into what she needs it to be, so she is unable to use It at the moment until it passes her tests "

" Ah, I see, and, scrap?"

" Yes, what is it?"

" Can I ask you for something?"