chapter 39

It didn't take as long as expected to make it to the ground and keep everyone in one place, as I call shadow to get him to help me to make sure no one escapes, it took me 30 minutes to hear the thump, so not many around to cause it. The base isn't that small after all

The body is still warm so not that long, however it's stiff, so between 3 o 8 hours ago, that thump, However the reason is what I don't get, just dragging would have worked fine, so why-

" hey, it's shadow people that could have made it away from here in 30 minutes are being stopped and being brought here"

"Thank you shadow"

" yeah yeah, solve this quickly i hope, rather not have it be like it was last time"

" clear"


As for tracks they are clearly wiped away, didn't help that acid spiders come up these specific walls too, they really picked the spot, as for the blood it's clearly dried, if anything it's impressive enough they kept the knife on, as for the thump it clearly ain't the body, if they really dropped it it would have gotten stabbed by the spikes used for the joke of a moat, I still don't get why this is made but either way

I look over to a knitted bag made of spider silk holding the now wasted food from the delivery, which leads back to why, what was the point of calling attention to it and not to leave it alone to rot for a few hours?

Unless, they are hiding right here, but where, it can't be the crowd their the first ones there is anything it just hides them momentarily, not to mention the looks of every one of their faces dont show a hint of knowledge about what happened and clearly not much of anything to say they where a part of this, and the most daming is that there is no speck of dried blood on them, and all are still covered in dust so they didnt clean up so recently, so where are they really, if it's some what near the crowd but not in plainview

"Shadow leave the people alone for now, I got an idea"

As I start heading up again and looking around till I see the exact spot of suspicion the only place we haven't searched because of how impossible it seems, it can't be within the wall it solid, not in the buildings they were searched wich left two things left

Time to look around the building stairs, and the two watchtowers in range, this is gonna take a bit


The news put a damper on the mood is an understatement as greeting everyone slowly died in my mind as I sigh

" I hate that Cook was right"

" what do you mean? What did he say?"

" it's nothing that's too related, was the killer at least caught?"

As brownie slightly shakes her head

" the are looking for them, but I assume it's still going on in that corner of the base"

" the body must have been found recently right?"

" yes, it's a terrifying thought as well, but that shouldn't stop construction of the homes yet"

" let me help, better get this done quickly, makes I rather do this instead of accidentally see what I might see if that's fine with you, any news about Cody then?"

" yeah, he decided to not have work on the ceiling for today, he vouched it to the seven and they agreed"

" huh, the seven agreed, means we can all meet up with each other again correct?"

" yeah, I guess so, I'll ask him about it maybe after the person is caught later in the day"

" yeah, you know, I would like that, just a good ole time for us to chat with each other and catch up with what we are doing with our time!"

Besides, with the recent threat from shadow, what me, Jerry, and the others have planned, and these nightmares of the same warning, even Jerry's own voice, maybe I could use the distraction, i, dare not say the murder was a blessing but. . .


" either way guess I'll see you next couple of hours and so correct? And where?"

" Ah don't worry about that and what about at the construction area for the storage area, would that do well?"

" that would probably do great! Probably other then the muscle duo that I hear is working on it we don't have to worry too much about being noticed either since the building is mostly finished with just the interior to work on"

" so the meeting has has been now put down, so, see you later like"

" when the sun is straight up?"

" yeah that works, bye!"

" bye!"

As I separate from Brownie going to my house until I'm out of sight of her as I go looking for the location of the murder, since they aren't caught yet I don't want to hear of another murder happening soon, as it didn't take long to find the area, it's in fact pretty obvious rhe entire area has shadow making saure.people are still at the place as they see me nearby, their eyes are already glaring at me

Let's just say I still remember that night

Of course when I tried passing over they stop me in my tracks, even when I tried the other area after seeing him, it seems just seeing me raised his guard

" really now? This is a crime scene, you, especially you, are not entering the place"

" I, just, wanted to help find the killer"

" yeah, sure, cook has already got it handled, besides, I know you and Jerry, weren't blind to you"

"Well how long has the investigation been going, it can't have been long, it is right on the seven-"

I couldn't help but hiss a little at the sudden pain from the pressure shadow now has on my shoulder, almost crushing my shoulder

"Apoligies, it seems, you still don't understand, leave, I'm not letting anyone through until the culprit is found, and Cook so for has found something that will lead us to them, so, leave"

It seems their patience is, low, as they toss me into to the ground further from the area As I take a glance back to them as they continue to look at me

" so don't be an idiot, Jake, the scene is already almost done, all your actions will cause is further confusion"

As they leave me at the ground and going back into the shadows as I look at the area I can't help to search for a killer in as I sigh about the problem in from of me, as I suddenly get an idea on what to do, as I look at the towers, I just need more of a less internal role in solving this mystery besides cook is leading the investigation so it's not like they will take away any idea as long as they haven't checked it, as I look at the arrow and the few peices of wood from crates that me and Jerry cut thinner via the string method, though mostly only Jerry uses them, as well as the quiver of arrows at home, as an idea starts to form in my head


While I investigate the scenes for any signs of the killer there has been less spots they could hide as the stairs were looked all over and wouldn't help them aren't the type to hide their underside so it's clear they aren't the place even when looking near the top or bottom, and I took out the buildings as well due to being intentionally built for there to be no gaps in them even if the subject is in a house we still have cleared that suspicion by searching, and can't be under the wall passage ways cuase they are right in the open for everyone to see, so it leaves just the watchtowers but we have started checking those as well but not much work so I'm starting to check manually as I look at the blueprints of the watchtowers

They are cubed with a ladder leading up from the middle through a trapdoor that can close so they don't accidentally fall back down, their are 4 sides of bulletproof windows in case the enemy has snipers since metal and the rest know that we aren't the only humans left and I know first handedly that those out there aren't likely to be the friendly type, they have a pyramid type roof to have the acid rain drain down to the ground for now, and will probably stay after the roof project done as a small stylistic choice, of course the roof is open as it's bottom is fully visible from the outside, leaving plants space to take down then redo, as well as to make sure to deal with thinks like bugs or traps being hidden there in case of espionage, this leave a few places for the person to be hiding and since shadow is on guard the culprit can't move from their spot, issue is where they are hiding in the towers, and that is where I'm searching

Sadly there isn't much to search I already had shadow look at the roof and I've checked the underside and any possible cubby hole of the towers, it's already turning away from the day and it's already a growing worry of releasing the perimeter for people to sleep, if this continues, not only with it make it more likely for people to think the 7 are to be messed with and so cause worse inci-

I move away from an arrow hitting straight at the bulletproof glass as a reflex as after the shock, I notice a note on a strange thin roughly cut wood

" it looks like that you may need my help, as I watched you go through the watchtower ;)"

Only so many people have wood like that to write with, as I look over to the direction they are in, seeing as there is only one person with the wood and that attitude put in even writing, maybe it's time to meet the walking paperw- I mean Jake outside of absolute necessity


The spot I managed to find Jake at is the watchtower on the next corner of the base as a launching point of the arrow, how the hell they didn't fall off to launch the thing I don't know as I start heading over to the direction of them and warned shadow of the meeting as I start to see Jake's figure by the watchtower as I sigh

" Alright then, say it,,what is you great idea of where the suspect could possible hide"