I bolted up from the bed I was lying on with a gasp, only to fall back in bed because of the unbearable pain in my back. I groaned in pain and closed my eyes tightly. I took a deep breath hoping it could ease the pain a little bit and opened my eyes again. I looked around the room I was in. I was in the hospital, and there was an IV attached to my wrist and an oxygen mask on my mouth.

I forced myself to sit and slowly removed the IV on my wrist. It sting but I endure it. My oxygen mask followed, and my heart monitor quickly sounded when I removed it. I moved down the bed but I fell on the floor. I'm so weak, and my back hurt every time I move.

But I need to go back home. Matthew is waiting for me. I'm sure he is very scared and is now crying and calling for me. I forced myself up trying to reach the knob, but it was hard. I cried in annoyance and in pain but I didn't give up and tried again, but the door burst open. I saw a pair of shoes in front of me and I looked up with tears streaming down my face stood in front of me is a man I didn't recognize.

The man gasped and quickly scooped me up from the floor. "Andrew, what are you doing, you're still weak, and you're not allowed to move around. Your wound might open again" The man I don't, said.

"Who are you?"

"I'm uncle Carlos, I'm your father's friend." He replied.

"Where's Daddy, Mommy, and Matthew? Why didn't I see them? I want to go home." A sob left my lips when uncle Carlos lay me back on the bed. He looked at me sadly while brushing the loose strand of my hair away from my face.

"Andrew, you remember what happened? "

"The house was showered by bullets, And we saw Daddy bathing his own blood. He told us to run, I ran carrying Matthew in my back but we saw Mommy's lifeless body in the hallway. They killed Mommy. There were a lot of men outside the house, so I ran back inside our parents' room and hid Matthew inside the closet, and then I went to the living room to make a call but before I could call for help someone shot me and after that, I don't know what happened.`` My body trembles in fear remembering what happened. Daddy, he was shot, and Mommy is dead.

"Where's Daddy? He was shot. Is he here? Matthew is with him, right?" Uncle Carlos sighed sadly and hugged me.

"Andrew, you're the only one who survived that night. When we arrived the house was already on fire. You're just lucky that you're in the living room and we found you before the whole house turned into ashes."

"No!! It's not true, you're lying, Matthew, Matthew is waiting for me. I'm sure he is very scared right now and crying while calling for me." I cried.

"I'm so sorry, Andrew, but I'm telling the truth," Uncle Carlos said and tried to comfort me but his words could not comfort me until I saw my family safe in front of me.

"No, you're lying!!!! I screamed and pushed him away. Daddy and Matthew are waiting for me, I want to go home." I cried tears streaming down my face. I try to sit but uncle Carlos held me down.

"Ahhhh!!!!! let go, let me go, I don't know you, let me go I want to go home." I cried struggling from his hold. "Daddy and Andrew, they are still alive and they are waiting for me, and Mommy….

"Andrew listened, It has been two weeks since that horrible night happened. You're here for two weeks, struggling for your life. You're not almost breathing when we brought you here, but maybe God has a plan for you. Andrew, stay alive and find who did this to your family." Uncle Carlos whispered. More tears rolled down my cheek and I stopped struggling in his arms this time. Mommy, Daddy, and Matthew, those people killed them.

My heartbreaking cry echoed through the four corners of my hospital room when it finally sunk in my mind that my parents and brother are now dead and I'm alone. I balled my fist tightly. Hatred started to build up inside me.

"I'll find you, I will find you, and I will let you feel what I'm feeling right now. I'll kill all your loved ones, I won't let any of your family left standing, I'll kill all of you, like how you killed mine." I promised it over the dead body of my parents and brother.

"Scorpion, I will find you, and you'll regret not killing me.


Uncle Carlos brought me to his house when I was released from the Hospital. His wife was so ecstatic when I arrived, she was so happy that she cried and hugged her husband thanking him.

"Carlos, oh my god. Thank you. It has been many years since I'm begging you to adopt a child, finally." She cried and pulled me in her arms, and pepper my face with kisses.

They are very kind to me and they treated me like their own son but they couldn't replace my Mommy and Daddy. I missed them so much as well as Matthew.

The first day I arrived at their house all I did was cry and locked myself inside my room. I didn't eat or sleep. I know they are worried about me. Aunt Alena keeps knocking at the door asking me to eat but I ignore her. I don't have an appetite to eat. All I want to do is cry and die so that I'll be with them.

The next day, Uncle Carlos opens the door using his key. I ignored him and stayed on my bed. Aunt Alena scooped me in her arms and I burst into tears and I buried my face in her chest. She cried with me that day while rocking me in her arms planting a kiss on the crown of my head once in a while. Until I fall asleep.

Two days later, I made up my mind. I need to live to find justice for my family. I went out and asked Aunt Alena for food. They were surprised to see me step out of my room. Aunt Alena was so happy and cooked different food for me. The three of us ate together, with aunt Alena wearing a smile on her face, but it only made me so sad remembering my mother who was always cheerfully talking while we were eating with Matthew giggling, and Dad scolded them.

My tears rolled down my face and her smile suddenly vanished. I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't. I lowered my head and continued eating between my hiccups. Aunt Alena's tears also rolled down her eyes. She quickly went to my side and hugged me, and the sobbed I was holding broke out my lips. I buried my face in her chest, and let out the pain I am feeling.

"Shh!!!!!! everything will be alright Andrew, we're here," She whispered rubbing my back trying to comfort me but it wasn't true. It won't be alright anymore because I lost my whole family.

"I miss Mommy, Daddy, and Matthew," I murmur between hiccups.

"I know dear.'' She whispered, "Starting today, I'm your Mommy, and uncle Carlos is your Daddy," She whispered. More tears rolled down my face. I looked at aunt Alena with eyes brimming with tears. She wiped my tears with the pad of her thumb and kissed my forehead.

"Stop crying now Andrew, your Mommy and Daddy don't want to see you like this." She whispered, caressing my face. I hiccups, tears still pouring from my eyes.

Uncle Carlos came to our side and then scooped from his seat and carried me in his arms. He leaned my head on his shoulder while rocking me like a baby and it reminded me of my father. Dad loved to carry Matthew and me every time we were together, even if we didn't want to, but he always said that we are his baby even when we grow old, and more tears rolled down my face.

"Andrew, I'm your Daddy now, okay?" He whispered. I hiccups but nodded and wrapped my arm around his neck. They will become my parents now, and they can help me avenge my family. Aunt Alena smiled sadly and kissed my cheek.

"Daddy and Mommy will make you happy Andrew." Aunt Alena whispered, but I doubt if they can. I'll only be happy if my family will come back to me. I continued to hiccup on uncle Carlos' shoulder, and he kept rocking me until I was asleep.


Daddy Carlos and Mommy Alena sent me to school, but I don't want to mingle with other students. I keep my distance from them. I wanted to be left alone and focused all my attention on my study. I need to learn because it can help for my revenge later.

When I was nine Daddy Carlos asked me if I wanted to buy something, a toy or anything, but I didn't need any of it. I don't have time to play, instead, I asked for a laptop. They were very happy because for the first time I asked them something. They quickly bought me a laptop, without bothering to ask why I asked for it when I already have one. The laptop I use for school I don't want to use for my research because they might find out what I am planning all this time.

But one day I didn't notice Dad come into my room, I'm so engrossed in my laptop that I didn't hear him. And he saw me searching for a scorpion tattoo. He asked me about it but I lied and told him it was for my project, and I'm glad he believed my lie.

"When I was a freshman I asked Dad if I could take extra studies, and I'm happy he allowed me without asking what extra class I wanted. I wanted to learn martial arts. I need to know self-defense, and I need to be skillful with it. I need it for my future plans.

Mom and Dad were surprised when they found out about the extra class I wanted. They only sighed and let me be. Every Saturday and Sunday I went to martial arts school. I know Mom doesn't like it but she didn't voice it out because she doesn't want to upset me and just understands me. I felt sorry for her but. She was very kind to me as well as Dad but my number priority is to avenge my family.

"Dad, I want to go to learn to use a gun," I asked when we were eating dinner. I am eighteen years old now. I wanted to learn it back then but I am still underage and I'm sure Dad won't let me. Dad slammed his fork on his plate which startled Mom and me.

"Andrew, what's really inside your mind why you're doing all these things.?" He asked, and for the first time, I saw anger in his eyes.

"REVENGE," I answered shortly.