Xander and I became friends, and Leo allowed us to train together. For One week Leo let us do the same routine the first day I started my training but now we do it at the seashore. 

After a week I got a hang of it but not Xander. He's still struggling and ended up beaten every time he failed, but he didn't give up and kept pushing himself. For a year we keep doing different exercises. Leo said to build our stamina and strength.

When Xander and I turned six, Leo taught us boxing, and some self-defense in the morning, and in the afternoon he taught us how to read, write, and some math equations. He said we needed it in the future when the time came that boss Teodor gave us some assignments.

We are sixteen kids in total now because a few months ago they brought another kid but he is older than us,  around eight years old. He didn't cry. He stayed alone in the corner but always fought for food.

"Victor, Ian, and Alex, the bullies, tried to snatch his food before but they ended up beaten. He knows how to fight and Victor and his friends are scared of him.

At the age of nine, Xander and I learned simple self-defense and boxing. We were so happy and Leo started to loosen up and he didn't hit us anymore every time we made a mistake.

He always said we need to be strong to stay alive and I engrave it in my mind.

Xander and I  stood side by side ready to get our food. We always did this. We are partners in crime. Whatever food we got we shared.

When the men gave us the signal that we could get our food Xander and I rushed into the middle and grabbed as much food as we could. I grinned when I got a lot when I moved out from the group but a loud crash was heard. I looked back and my eyes widened and the food I was holding dropped to the floor.

"Xander!!! I rushed to him. He was laying on the ground with blood gushing out from his head. Someone hit him with a brick on his head. Tears rolled down his face.

"I'm So sorry Matthew, I cannot be your best friend and partner in crime anymore." He weakly said. I grabbed his hand sobbing.

"Help him. Please help him." I sobbed but the men around just looked at me. Where's Leo if he was here I'm sure he will help Xander.

"Forget it, Matthew, I'm happy that I'm finally free from this hell. Be strong for me. Stay alive." I sobbed when his hand fell beside him. I looked at the brick beside him then looked around searching for the culprit.

"Who did this? Who killed Xander?'' I asked. I will avenge his death Whoever it is.

"I did, you have a problem with that?" The kid who was brought last here said. He was two years older than me but it won't stop me. Picking up the brick, I stood and walked toward him. He stays rooted on his spot with a challenging look on his face.

He thought I wouldn't do it, then he was wrong. He killed the last person who was dear to me. The last person who helps me stay sane and I won't let it pass.

The men just watch us enjoying the show. When I was a few feet away from him I rushed to him. His eyes widened when he found out that I'm really going to hit him, but it was too late for him to avoid me because I already slammed the brick on his chest, knocking him down. Blood came out of his mouth, and he screamed in pain. I raised the brick again and slammed it on the arms that hold the brick which ended Xander's life. He screamed again and tried to move away from me but I straddle on his lap preventing his movement,  and keep hitting him until someone pulls me away from him.

"Matthew." I saw Leo in front of me shaking me from a hazy state. I threw the brick I was holding, which was covered with blood, and went back to Xander's lifeless body.  I hugged him tightly and let my tears roll down my face.

"Don't worry Xander, this is the last time I shed tears. I won't let them bully me anymore. I'll kill them if they do.

"Boss!! The man said I know Boss Teodor stepped in the room but I stayed in my place hugging Xander. But I jerked when the gun went off. I looked up and my eyes widened. Boss Teodor shoots the kid I beat.

"No one is allowed to kill someone without my permission. You can beat each other but no killing.  Got it"

"Yes, boss."

"Now throw their bodies to the sea, and Matthew comes to my office." He commanded and walked out of the room.

I held on to Xander's body when someone tried to take him away from me. I don't want them to throw his body into the sea. I want to bury him so that I can visit him every time I miss him.

"Give him to me Matthew if you don't want boss Teodor will punish you severely," Leo said. I cried but let him carry Xander's body away from me. I know I will be punished for what I did but I didn't regret it.

I took a deep breath and made my way to boss Teodor's office. I knocked at the door twice before I stepped inside.

"Kneel." He said as soon as he saw me. O kneeled on the salt in front of me, with my face void of emotion. I won't shed tears anymore no matter how hard my life is.

I bite my lips and close my eyes tightly when the whip hits my back. I almost fall to the floor but quickly straighten myself. The salt on my knees stung but It wasn't as painful every time the whip hit my back.

"I fell face down on the ground on the ten strikes and I could feel my blood gushing on my wounded back. 

"Go back to your room." He ordered. I struggled to stand up and fell on the floor a few times before I managed to stand up on my wobbly legs.

Holding the wall for support, I went out of his office and I fell to the ground again. My knees are bleeding and my vision is getting blurry.  A pair of arms picked me up from the ground and darkness consumed me.

When I woke up, I was lying on my bed on my stomach and my back was covered with bondage as well as my knees. I'm alone, and the sun is already bright.

I stay on my bed and savor the silence around me for the first time since I was brought here. I'm alone again. I guess I am better off this way.

"You're awake. Come and eat. Can you sit?" I looked at Leo who sat on the edge of my bed.

"Boss Teodor exempt you from the training for two days. You should get better in two days or your wound will get worse. Come on. Eat, so that I can change your bondage."

I tried to sit but my back felt like it was on fire and I fell back on the bed. I bite my lips holding the scream that is threatening to come out of my lips. 

"Okay just stay still. I'll feed you." I looked at Leo wondering why he suddenly act concerned about me but I didn't voice that question.

I opened my mouth when he brought a spoonful of food into my mouth with my eyes not leaving him but he avoided my stares. What is the reason for this sudden change?"

After I finished all the food, He removed the bandage on my back. It's so painful but I didn't complain and just buried my face in my pillow. He applied an ointment on my back and I let out a sigh when the cold cream touched my wounded back. He wrapped my back again and then tended my knees.

I watched him leave after he was done, and I could see his shoulder slump a bit different from the Leo I know who is always cold and strict to Xander and me.

In two days, Leo sent me every meal and fed me, and then tended my wound and left without uttering a word.

My wounds are much better now but it still hurts when I move yesterday is the last day I'm exempted from training.

I hope Leo won't give me a hard time today. I stood up from my bed and I felt the scabs of my wound on my back crack open. I bite my lips, I'm scared to bend. I'm sure my wound will open again if I do.

"Stay in bed. Boss Teodor allowed you to just train your writing, reading, and your math today. He had given you a questionnaire to answer. His questionnaire is hard but it's better than being out of the field doing physical training. 

If you got fifty percent correct, one more day exemption for you. He said he will do this until you get better but once you fail you'll return to the field the next day."

"Why is boss Teodor being generous to me suddenly?"

"He likes the fire in your eyes. So keep it up because that fire can keep you alive. Now do it. I'll bring your food later."

I never failed the test that Boss Teodor gave me and I stayed in my room until I was completely healed.