I was awakened in the middle of the night by someone shaking my shoulder. On instinct threw a punch at whoever it was. I'm glad he blocked it when I saw it was Leo.

"Leo, why are you here at this hour?" I whispered. I don't want to disturb the others who were sound asleep. Leo sat on the edge of my bed and held my hands, and I noticed that he was shaking.

"Leo, what's wrong?"

"Listen carefully. Tomorrow boss Teodor will ask all of you to fight each other until one is left alive."


"Matthew, you need to live. Save as many as you can. I'm the one assigned to dispose of all the bodies after. I already have everything ready, medicine and bandages and the boat to escape. Try to communicate with them if they don't listen then you cannot do anything about it but try to save some of them, Matthew"

"Why are you telling me this? Aren't you one of them? You are one of the reasons why all of us were here. You are part of this group who kidnaps children."

"I'm not part of them. I was here to save my son. I did all this to save my son. I went through so much so I could join this group."

"Son? Your son is one of us?"

"He's not here now."

"Who is your son? Is it the guy I bet?"


I gasped. There are only two children who died here if it wasn't the boy I beat back then. Then it was….

"Xander, Xander is my son."

"How? You beat him, and Xander doesn't know that you are his father."

"Xander was only three years old when they kidnapped him. They usually kidnap children between three to four years old because children usually forget what happened at that age. They killed my wife and took Xander away. I searched for him everywhere and I accidentally stumbled upon one of them when I got into a fight and the guy asked me if I wanted to join them. He said his boss pays a lot and I joined without hesitation.

"One time, Boss Teodor brought me here and I found Xander. He didn't recognize me but at least I finally found him. When you came here I'm still new. Only two months. I need to prove myself to them so that they will trust me. Their eyes are always following my every move that's why I show them I'm them. I beat Xander and you to show them that they trust me. It's torture to hit my son and you but I need to do it so I could stay, and save him.

"That day when Xander…. He took a deep breath. "I wasn't here because I'm preparing everything for our escape plan. I already have a boat ready. I'm planning to bring you with us but when I came I saw my son bathing with his blood. I look like I don't care when I see him in your arms but I'm breaking inside, but maybe god took pity on me. While I'm carrying him in my arms I felt his heartbeat."


"Xander is alive and he is waiting for you. You are the reason why I'm still here. I couldn't leave you here Matthew. That's why tomorrow, you need to stay alive and save as many as you can. I have a place for all of you to stay."

"I'm happy that Xander is alive, but Leo, even if I live tomorrow, I won't leave beside these people until I kill Boss Teodor and destroy this syndicate."

"But Matthew this is your only chance to escape. You can live a normal life after with me and Xander."

"My life won't be normal anymore. I'm okay. It seems boss Teodor favors me. Don't worry, tomorrow I'll try to talk to them, but not Victor, Ian, and Axel."

"You won't change your mind?"

"No, but thank you for everything."

"I think you already made up your mind. Be careful tomorrow, especially with Victor, Axel, and Ian."

"I will, and you, be careful also with whatever you're going to do tomorrow. Give my regards to Xander. Tell him I'll see him when I'm back in Seoul." He nodded and pulled me in a tight hug.

"Stay alive Matthew, we will be waiting for you." I nodded and smiled when he removed his arms from me. Go back to sleep. You need it. I nodded again and lay on my bed. I watched him when he pulled the cover on my chest and then patted my shoulder and left my room.

"Xander is alive."


The following morning, boss Teodor called all of us to the field. The other wondered why so suddenly he called us but I already knew the reason. I roamed my eyes to the men around us and my eyes met with Leo. He nodded at me in acknowledgment, and I gave him a slight not in response.

"I know all of you wondered why I suddenly called all of you here." Boss Teodor started. He was standing in an elevated area overlooking the entire field.

"Today is the final test for all of you. Whoever passed the test, well go back to Seoul with me. I saw hope wash the face of everyone. I feel sudden because that will only crash soon and this place might be our grave of us.

"Partner up." He commanded. Dean stood in front of me smiling. I grabbed his hand and pulled him close to me and whispered to his ear as quickly as I could hoping he'll get what I'm saying. I looked straight into his eyes when I pulled away. He is now pale but I hope he will believe me.

"You see, there are different weapons in the middle of the field. You can take whatever weapon you like. The task every one of you is doing today is to fight until one person is standing." Boss Teodor's voice echoed around us. Dean's eyes found me and I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Kill or you'll be killed." Boss Teodor ordered. At first, everyone stayed rooted in their place with fears written on each of their faces.

"You want me to kill you one by one without a fight?" Boss Teodor screamed, pointing a gun at us. All fourteen of us quickly ran to the different weapons that were placed in the middle of the field. The only weapon missing was a gun. I grabbed two daggers and held them tightly. And soon Boss Teodor's gun went off signaling to start the fight.

Dean faced me holding two daggers as well. He was the first to attack me, but I dodge him, cutting on his side. He hissed holding his side but he didn't stop. He attacked me again not minding making a defensive stand. But stop in front of me.

"I trusted you." He whispered, I nodded and stabbed him in his chest. He gasped, looking at me with wide eyes. He fell to the ground gasping with tears in his eyes. Then he closed his eyes. Leo was with us instantly. And carried Dean away.

I looked around and I saw Boss Teodor grinning like a devil watching us. I look around looking for my next target.

I saw Dustin trembling, looking at his friend, Bryan, in front of him with tears streaming down his face. I hope he is still alive. Leo picked him up and took him away. I stood in front of Dustin with the dagger in hand. I didn't let him notice me. I just stabbed him. He gasped with his eyes looking at me. I whispered at him and pushed him to the ground.

I looked to the others and I noticed only Ian Alex and Victor were left standing. They are both covered with blood but I didn't see remorse or regret in their eyes. Good so that I won't feel anything to kill them.

"This is fun." Boos Teodor said, clapping his hand. Ian, Victor, and Alex grinned while circling me. I calmly stood up watching their movement and holding the two daggers.

Alex was the first to rush to me, I sidestep step catching his wrist that was holding a dagger, and pushed him to the approaching Victor knocking them both down leaving only Ian standing. I grabbed that chance, I charged Ian, he was caught off guard for a moment and it was just enough for me to stab him in his chest. He staggered backward and his blood gushed out when I pulled the dagger off his chest.

I swiped my dagger when I saw Alex rushing toward me, cutting a long line of wounds on his chest, cutting his shirt in the process. It wasn't deep but his blood quickly stream like water.

Victor came next, he didn't attack, instead, he walked around me. I saw Ian drop to the ground and Leo picked him up and left. Axel is trying to stay standing but a gun went off, Victor and I jerked when Alex's body dropped to the ground with a bullet hole on his forehead. I gritted my teeth holding the dagger tightly. I looked at Victor and he was looking at me with an emotionless face.

"Now that only the two of you left. I want a good fight. Whoever wins, well go back with me to Seoul. You'll have your place to stay, you will have your men to command to do your bidding and you'll handle some of my business. You will earn lots of money if you win. Now hurry and finish it."

Victor attacked me first this time, his eyes full of determination. "I'm going to kill you, and I'm going back to Seoul." He screamed and stabbed me but I dodge.

I laugh at his threat. " What I told you before, you'll take your last breath in my hand." As soon as I saw an opening on his side, I shoved the dagger on it and pulled it out. He quickly staggered backward holding his bleeding side. He hurriedly moved away from me, but I followed him with a flying kick sending him to the ground. He scrambles to stand up, but I was beside him again, and I stab the dagger into his chest. I pulled it and his blood splashed on my face. He gasped holding his wound but I didn't stop, remembering everything he did to me since the day I came here. I know it wasn't his fault why I'm here but he was the one who make my life more miserable

I watched as his body dropped to the ground gasping for his breath. I took a deep, holding my tears. Victor looked at me smiling, which surprised me. "Kill them all." He weakly whispered. I nod at him and his eyes close.

I slowly walked toward Boss Teodor and his men holding the daggers tightly in my hands. I am covered with the blood of the children I have grown up with but keep my calm face. They tensed up when they saw I was coming their way with daggers still in my hands. I chuckled when one of his men pulled his gun and pointed it toward me. Without hesitation, I threw a dagger at him and it hit the bull's eye.

"If you point a gun at someone make sure to pull the trigger quickly," I told him and pulled out the dagger from his chest. The rest of the men also pulled their guns on me but I was too tired to fight. I sat in the vacant seat in front of them and grinned. I won't let these people see any weakness in me, and I will slowly eliminate them.

"What do you think you're doing?" Boss Teodor screamed.

"Tsk! survival instinct boss," I casually replied, wiping the blood off my dagger using my shirt. "I win, where's the price," I asked, playing with my dagger in my hand. I looked calm and collected outside but inside I was a mess. Victor, I hope he made it.

"You're coming with me back to Seoul." I grinned and quickly stood up. "I'll just fix my things," I said and ran towards my room. To let out the anguish inside my heart.