I Kissed A Boy

i dropped mom off ten minutes ago and arrived at Caleb's five minutes ago. right now I'm parked in front of his house tapping my fingers against the staring wheel. my phone pings. I pick it up and I think I turn white.

"you've been sitting there for over five minutes, you coming?".

I unbuckle my seat belt and get out of the car, dragging my feet to the door. I knock twice.

"coming" someone says. the door opens to reveal a tall man, he has black nail polish on his fingers, his wearing a pair of blue jeans and a grey shirt with an apron over them. he has grey eyes, shaggy black hair and he's dark skinned, he looks really nice "oh, hello"

"uhm, hi, I'm...uhm Vee" I say, forgetting I'm supposed to introduce myself as Xavier instead of Vee. "sorry, I'm Xavier but ever one calls me Vee"

"oh, hello Vee. are you a friend of Cal's" he says with a bright smile.

"yes" I mutter and bit my lip.

"well, you're a shy one, come in, Cal is finally cleaning his room. I just wonder what might have caused him to do that, he's a dirty pig, just like his dad" he rants

"you don't look dirty" I blurt out.

"oh, I'm not, it's my husband that is" and it hits me. Papi and Dad. he has two dads, his parents are gay. that's why he didn't mind me joining the game.

"hey, Xavier" Caleb calls from the stairs. "hi papi" he says to him father.

"you guys can head upstairs, your dad and I will be heading out in ten minutes, I made lunch, yours is in the freezer and Vee, you can have some too. Oh and Caleb, I swear to God if you ever curse at your brother again, I'll throw my shoe at you" he says with a pointed glare. "Luke, Andrew, Daina, let's go now, car. move, move, move" he hollers up the stares.

"where are they going?" he says.

"there eating out" he replies.

" but he just said, he cooked dinner," I muttered.

"it's dinner for the rest of the week, Sunday nights are for eating out, I'm not going with them so I can hang out with you" he say and starts walking up the stairs. "bye guys"

"bye honey, have fun" his papi says and he smiles

"yeah, pap" he mutters and takes my hand into his, pulling me up the stairs and into his bed room. "welcome to my humble bedroom" it was black and red and looked like a coven. "sorry it's a mess"

"your dad says you cleaned it" I say.

"my papi" he corrected. "my dad is white and my papi is brown skinned. so the one you saw was my papi, not my dad"

"why didn't I know you had dads?" I ask and he smiles. it's then I realize his hand is still in mine.

"because the kids at school are brutal and I don't think I'd ever take it we'll if someone said something bed about my parents, they are amazing people, they love me and my siblings and that's all that matters" he says in a breath

"yeah, your papi is pretty cool" I say and he laughs, throwing his head back and unfortunately, letting go of my hand. I almost cry.

"come on, I'd rather watch a movie, I'm pretty bad at video game, you okay with that?"

"actually, no, I want to play and see how bad you are" I say and she smiles slightly. "so, you game?"

"uh, okay, if that's what you wanna do. but we can still watch a movie, though" he says and sits in front of the flatscreen tv. he hands me a game pad and says. "let's play"

if the end he was horrible, absolutely and utterly horrible. we played for two hours, halfway through, I tied my hair back and destroyed him at mortal combat and then call of duty. I was laughing while he sulked.

"can it" he say and then joins me laughing. his laugh is a rolling rumble, it's deep and....sensual and I can't stop staring at his moving adam's apple. "what?" he asks and I'm speechless. he's staring at me and I think - I might just be crazy - he's leaning into me. okay, I'm not crazy, I'm not, he's leaning in and I'm leaning in too. our lips are close, and inches apart.

he closes the space and our lips are touching, we're kissing and I... I...I like it. I press my lips into him and groan. he doesn't react and I'm about to pull back when he wraps his hand around my waist and pulls me on top of him so I'm straddling him and he kisses me back, hard.