When You Smile It Just Makes Me Want To Smile

We walked down the stairs, avoid dancing people and ducking people tonguing each other. eww. i was following Caleb because i guessed he knew where the ice was but i had no idea he was taking me somewhere else until i saw him close the door to the empty room we were in. The room was literary empty, no clothes, no furniture, absolutely nothing.

"uhm, what are we doing here?" i asked him and he just stares at me. "Cal.."

"Xavier... " i shiver at the sound of my name. "what was that?"

"nothing, it was nothing" i say hurriedly. "please continue"

"okay.. have you been avoiding me tonight?" he askes and i want to immediately say no but i actually can't because i want sure if i was or wasn't. "all through tonight, you didn't Even talk to me, except when you said hi. and i really doubt you'd have sat next to me if it wasn't for your brother"

"i... i... i... i didn't... " i tried to lie to him but i couldn't. "i have but not on purpose, i didn't even realize it up until now"

"oh" he says and closes his eyes. "I'm really sorry, Xavi-"

"Vee, please call me Vee" i tell him because i can't get hard right now.

"okay, Vee, I'm so sorry. i didn't mean to it's just... we hung out before and it was so cool and you were so fun, you made me laugh and when you smile it just makes me want to smile" he says and i blush smiling. "yeah, that's the smile, it's bright and it's beautiful because it's you" why is he saying these things?.

"Aren't you here on a date with Calley?" i askef because i felt so bad for crushing on a guy on a date.

"Nah, Calley's ace and aro, she doesn't like me or anyone that way, in fact her friends were the ones who put her name in as a joke, the only reason she invited me was because she wanted to be friends" he says and rakes his fungers through his hair. "We're just friends "

"what are you doing here by the way?"

"Vicktor is Callie's older brother, he's the one throwing the party. Callie invited a bunch of kids from school" he says and then he takes my hand in his, playing with my fingers.

"why's he having a party anyway?" i say ny voice dropping to a whisper. he was really close now

"do you actually need a reason to throw a party?" he whispers to me and comes in even closer.

"i guess you don't " i say and he's leaning in.

"i guess you don't... " he repeats and comes closer. "can i... "

"No" i say coming back to my senses. i can't do this to Shawn. even though i don't like Shawn the way i like Caleb, i still couldn't do that to him. i take my hand out of his and put it in between us. "Cal, I'm not gonna lie, i like you... i really like you and i think you're nice and all but i can't. I'm with Shawn and well, i don't want to hurt him, he's nice and he has really puffy hair and... I'm going to stop talking now" i stop myself.

"oh, I'm sorry" he says smiling but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Cal, i-"

"let's go get that ice, now" he steps back and tears form in my eyes. "hey- " he tries to say something but i turned around and walk to the door, wiping my eyes.

"the ice remember" i say smiling while my heart was breaking.

"yeah" he says and we walk away to go get the ice. when he says "wanna know what you brother was telling me before you go there?"

"what?" i asked as we got to the freezer. they were so many people around us and the music was thumping so fucking load thatbhe had to whisper in my ear.

"he was telling me how he meet Tari, apparently, his nickname is toilet Tari" i burst out laughing because he knew just how to make me smile. we packed a bag of ice as he told me the story of how my brother and Tari met. although he got most of the story wrong, he made me laugh and that's all that matters.

we had a bag of ice in my hands and we we're laughing we were on our way up the stairs when i caught a glisps of some familiar fluffy.

"oh, hey... it's Shawn" i say smilingly

"your boyfriend shawn?"

"which other Shawn do you know?" i say giving him a look.

"Shawn Mendes?" he says unsurely.

"do you know Shawn Mendes?" i asked him and he laugh.

"no but i did meet him once though, My papi took me to a meet and greet once and... " he trails off looking behind me. "uhm, Xavi-"

"Vee" i say and look at him. "what's wrong?"

"Vee, i think we should go back upstairs" he says again and tries to walk away.

"no, i wanna say hi to shawn" i turn around to so i could go say him

"Vee, wait-" i finally understood why he said we should go upstair. Shawn, the guy i just rejected Caleb Keller for was here stuffing his amazing tongue down some guys throat.

i didn't want to say but i did. "Fuck!" i say, i wasn't sad or upset. i was fucking furious. i handed Caleb the bag of ice in my hand and started for him.

"Xavier wait a minute" he drops the ice on the floor and follows me.

I was behind Shawn and Mister kissy face, who was all but eating my fucking boyfriend's face. Mister kissy face notices me and pulls away. "uhm do you mind?. we are not your private porn show" Shawn laughs and rests his head on Kissy faces shoulder, oblivious of me

"oh, I'm not watching, i just wanted to say hi" i say and shawn finally faces me. his eyes go wide and his smile drops

"shit, Vee- "

"Hi, Shawn" i say say through clenched teeth. i don't get mad easily but when i do everyone knew to step away because i went absolutely crazy.

"Vee, let me explain" he was drunk, very drunk. with the he swayed and slurred, i knew he was drunk.

"please don't. i don't want you to explain" i turn to Mister kissy face. "who did he come with?"

"Uhm, i don't know -"

"then find out!! because if he drives amd gets in an accident, i will find you and destroy you and everything you love!" i warn him.

"it was a mistake" shawn says walking closer. i step back bumping into Cal.

"i don't care if it was a mistake or not, Shawn. i just want you to not talk to me right now" i turned to leave because i didn't want things to get ugly... uglier.

"why did you agree to date me?" he asks me, stepping closer to me.

"because i -"

"if you knew you don't like me, why are you with me?" Shawn askes. how did he know that?

"okay, I'm gonna go now soooo... " kissy face backs away slowly.

"what are you talking about?" i asked.

"I'm talking about you and Amber talking about you breaking up with me on Monday. I'm talking about the fact that you told your sister that you liked me but liked... him more" he says pointing at Cal. "i swear i wanted to make it work, even after i heard you talking with your sister about me and i rounded it all up to first date jitters but after i heard you at school yesterday, i couldn't just let it go!" i finally understood the meaning of the phrase 'the man was too stun to speak' because i was too stun to speak.

"i... i... " i didn't have anything to say because he was right, i wouldn't let it go if it were me

"it's his choice dude, not yours, not mine. so, respect that. At least he didn't go shoving his tongue down another guys throat" Caleb says and i look at him. he looked pissed. "That was you"

i was greatful no one was watching us because we were in a corner by the stairs.

Shawn glares at him and then turns to me. "Vee, I'm sorry"

"no, just no" i turn around and head for the door while i was still boiling with anger because after every anger tantrum, comes the tears and I'm a fucking teenage, I'd rather die than cry in public.

when i get outside, i texted Amber and Wendell to come take me home because one of them was with the keys, but after none of them replied, i decided to get an uber.

while i was waiting Cal came outside, looking furious. "let's go" he says and takes my arm, leading me to his car.

"but Maddie- "

"who's Maddie?" he says

"Amber, her other name is Madeline, i call her Maddie sometimes and Amber sometimes"

"why would you do that?. don't people get confused??"

"they do but who cares?" i say.

he sighs and he murmurs something softly.

"what?" i asks

"let's just go" he puts me in the car and buckles my seatbelt but he still looked upset.

what the hell happened in there that's got him so pissed?