I Can Make Him Love Me

chapter 23

Xavier's point of view

"Hey, Vee" Caleb texted me and I smile.

"Caleb" Calley, Amber and Shawn all say at once. I groan.

"shut the fuck up, all of you" i look to my phone again and smile.

"can I come pick you up and take you home with me" I know all he wants to do is sleep with me but I'd walk to ends of the Earth if all I'm doing with Cal is just sitting next to him.

"seriously dude, you're gonna go have sex with him?" Calley whispers into my ear from right behind me.

"what the fuck?!!" I scream and everyone at the ice cream place turns and looks at me but I ignore them and glare at Calley. "how did you get behind me so fast?" she bent down and takes a spoon of ice cream from my cup.

"I don't even know why I'm not upset, he's my boyfriend for the day, so, who told you that you could have him?" she says lightly and sits back in her seat. "just kidding, go get some"

"so, are you going to go or are you not gonna go?" Amber asks and reaches over to eat out of Calley and Shawn's bowl of ice cream.

"stop that" Calley smacks her hand away.

"you were okay doing that to Binky, why can't I do that to you?" she snatches Calley's bowl of ice cream away from her. "are you going to go?"

"should I?"

"yeah" Amber says

"why not?" Calley says

"You probably shouldn't but slay, I guess" Shawn's says

"okay, I'm gonna go" I text Cal and tell him he can come pick me up. he texts me back, saying that he'll be there in five minutes and that I should wait outside the Ice cream shop for him. "uhm, are you guys gonna be okay without me?"

"yeah, go get some!!" Calley cheers and everyone looks at us again.

"stop it!" I scream and run outside. the second I get outside, someone grabs me and spins me around.

"Hi" Caleb says like he's excited to see me.

"hi" I'm blushing as I say it.

"my car's over there, come on" he takes my hand and leads me to his car. I bite my lip to keep myself from giggling. I was so giddy and excited. "how was class today?"

"uhm, good, I guess" he's asking me about class.... oh my fucking God, I think he really does like me.

"can we... go over to your place instead... my dad came back a little early and now, he'll probably tell us to keep the door open because of... uhmmm... the stuff" he blushes at the last part and I do too. "is.. is that okay?"

"ye.. yeah.. it's okay" I blush too as I remember the event of last night


"okay" I repeat.

it was an awkward drive and I kept fidgeting with my fingers and biting my lips. I look up and we're outside my house and it's weird because I never told him my address. I get out of the car and unlock the door while he grabs his bag from the car.

he's behind me when I open the door and he's on me when we get inside. his lips are on mine In and instant and he's kissing me.

"all through the drive you were biting your lips and I wanted be to do exactly fucking that" he bites my lip after he's says this and I moan... because I like it.

"Cal... " I say when his hand lands on my ass and squeezes.

"god, I love your body" he says and I smile at him. "it's beautiful, you know that?"

"yeah, I know" I step back because I didn't want to just have sex. I wanted to talk, I wanted to play games and I wanted to get to know Cal because I didn't just want to be his boy toy.. I wanted him to love every part of me and I wanted him to love me. "when's your birthday?" I keep stepping back and eventually turn away from him.

"December 24th... where are you going?" he says. "I thought we we're in the middle of something?"

"I wanted a sandwich" I say innocently. "well, mine is on June 17th. what's your sign?"

"Aries...? I think"

"I'm libra" I take the bread out of the fridge. "who the fuck puts bread inside by a fridge?" I mutter.

"I know, right?!. why do you need to put bread in the fridge, it's gonna go stale either way" I put some water in the electric kettle. "do you need hot water to make a sandwich?"

"no it's for tea" I open the tea cabinet.

"uhm... do y'all ready need that much tea?" he says as he looks at the many boxes of the tea in the cabinet

"yep... everyone likes tea here... if you hang around me too much, you're gonna end up liking it too" I grabbed a box of strawberry green tea and shut the cabinet. I grab two cups and place the on the counter.

"yeah, I don't-" he stops when I give him the look my mom gives me when I say I don't want tea. honestly If he had protested in anyway, I'd have not forced him into anything.

"what type of cheese do you like?" I ask and put a frying pan on the stove and throw some butter into the pan.


"you know what? I'm just gonna use the five cheese mix" I say and get the bag from the freezer. "who's your closest friend?"

"That's easy, Alex and... uhm" he pauses and scratches the back of his head.

"and..." I press as I drop four slices of bread in the pan side by side. I head back to the fridge and grab a dish with some leftover beacon bits from a while ago... I sniff it because I wasn't sure when I made this.

"Sophie Cheng..."

"really?" I ask, surprised. "the same Sophie from the game... the one you dated first"

"yeah... we have some history" he says nervously.

"okay... that's something I didn't know" I go back to the pan and sprinkle some cheese on the slices of bread and then some beacon bits. "did... did you date her?"

"no" he says and I turn to look at him. "it's... personal... uhm... maybe I'll tell you about it another day" I could tell he was uncomfortable with the conversation.

"that's fine" I tell and look at the melting cheese. "what's cheese made of?" I ask to change the topic.

"...milk, I guess"

"how does milk turn to this stuff?" he walks behind the counter and come to stand next to me.

"I don't know" he grabs a spatula hanging on the wall and flip the sandwiches on to each other. "this is a grilled cheese"


"you said you were making sandwiches"

"a grilled cheese is a sandwich" I tell him.

"no, a grilled cheese is a grilled cheese"

"no, a grilled cheese is a sandwich made of cheese" I tell him and take the spatula from him so I can take it out of the pan. "grab a plate for me, please" I say and turn the stove off.

"from where?"

"uhm, in that cabinet over there" I tell him and he grabs the plate and puts it near the stove. he watches me transfer the food to the plate.

"What's you favourite colour?"

"... pink" I tell him and his smile brightens. "what?"

"I'd imagine the prettiest colour for the prettiest boy I know" he says and I blush.

"stop it!" I say bashfully. I make the cups of tea and take them to the kitchen island so we could eat.

"mine's green" he suddenly says.

as he picks up his sand which and takes a bit from it, I sigh.

progress. we didn't need to have our hands on each other's bodies to have a bond. that means it's not just sexual... there's something between us.

I can make him love me. I can make him mine