How Bad Would It Be If I Told Him I Loved Him?

Xavier's point of view.

my ears stung and i wanted to cry but not as much as I wanted to back inside the piercing place.

Mom held my hand all through the process but she did cry. the only thing that stopped me from crying was Lily, the lovely person that pierced my ears. they told me they were nineteen years old and they loved piercing. they had eleven piercings, both eye brows, two lip piercings, three on each ear and a septum. it suited them.

I squeaked when they pierced my right ear and slid the bright blue gem earring I chose. I was so close to crying when they said. "awwwn sweetie, you look so cute" they lifted the mirror and showed me my ear.

"it is?" I sniff a little and they smile.

"so cute" they reassurance me and then they put the mirror down. "let's make em match, sweetie" I turn my head and let Lily pierce my other ear, biting my lip as the needle went through my earlobe and exhaling as the second earring goes in. "done" they say simply and hand me a mirror. "now admire your majesty"

I look at my ears in the mirror excitedly and smile at what I see. "what'd you think mom?"

"I think they're gorgeous... you look beautiful" she pats my head gently. "gorgeous" she mutters and I look up and see her crying.

"oh my god, stop it, mom!' I say laughingly. "no more tears"


before I left Lily wrote their number on my palm with a pink pen and added a smiley face. "Call me if you ever need another piercing" They had said and I'd blushed because they were pretty cute.

but I also didn't like them that way because I only had eyes for one person, only one. Caleb.

Caleb was waiting outside for me, his eyes fixated on his phone. "okay bye, mom" I say shooing her away.

"seriously, I just paid sixty bucks for your ears and you choose to ditch me for a boy?" she asked bewildered.

I turn to look at her and give her an exasperated look. "do you want grand kid or not? I can't have kids if you don't let me mingle"

she sighs. "well I do want grand kids..." she frowns. "okay, mingle away" she gestures towards him and turns to leave then she stops and glares. "condoms, during everything"

"stop it!" I yell dramatically and she runs away laughing. when I turn to look at Caleb, he's just staring, a small smile tugging at his lips as he watches me. I bite my lips and walk towards him with my eyes on my shoes. "hi"

"you look beautiful" he whispers and places his hand under my chin and lifts my face until I'm looking at him. "absolutely, stunning"

"Can I kiss you?" I ask softly. he looks left and then right and then he presses his lips into mine for a small peck. it kind of bothered me that he looked around for people before he kisses me but that was all overshadowed by the butterflies doing sommersult in my tummy.

he takes my hand and opens the door for me. "let's go get froyo, baby" the butterflies threw up rainbows when he called me Baby

Caleb's point of view.

I watched Xavier as he threw different clothes into his backpack. it was the third time I'd been in his room and he was freaking out about what to take on our trip. "Xavier, could you pick something already, we need to get going or less it'd be dark when we get there"

"do not tell me to just pick something! this is my life, Cal!!" he screams at me and throws a red shirt at me. I catch the shirt and glare at him

"¿Por qué haces las maletas como si nos fuéramos del país?" I say exasperatedly and throw the shirt back at him.

"I do not know what on Earth you just said but it better not be something annoying" he warns me and I keep my mouth shut.

he pulls out a pair on long socks and an image of him wearing knee high socks with his legs bent back, nearly touching his chest and my cock buried deep in his ass flashes in my head. heat pools at my stomach and blood rushes to my cock, I adjust myself so he can't see my hardness. "pack the socks"

"why?" he says without even looking at me, squatting so he can pick up a pair of boots on the floor.

"it gets cold this time of the year" I tell the truth sprinkled with a little bit of teenage lust.

"oh, it does... I'll pack them then" he stops talking and becomes hyper focussed on packing his clothes.

"baby?" I call out to him because my cock wasn't getting any softer and he just kept getting sexier

he looks at me and gives me a sly smile. "yes, Daddy" I liked how he did that. during sex it was extremely hot but when we were just talking and he called me the d word it just seemed very fucking funny and he knew that.

"come here" I gesture for him to come sit in my lap.


"because I said so"

"Valid" he says smilingly and walks to where I'm seated on the bed, sitting on my lap and straddles me. "done, why did you... oh" he feels my hardness as he moves of my lap. "why are you hard?"

"nothing much really, just because you're so hot" my hand is around his waist and his are around my neck

we don't move, we just stare at each other for a minute, I felt the sexual tension crackling between us. "are you going to... " he trails off, his unfinished questions hanging in the air, somehow I know what he was going to ask.

"do you want to?" I ask sliding my hand down to his ass. "it's about what you want, Vee. if you're not ready then we aren't doing it, I didn't invite you on this trip for sex... " I pause and consider. "well, maybe a little bit of sex but I invited you so I could spend time with you" I didn't know where this was coming from but I didn't want to see the worried look on his face, I didn't like it and I wanted to reassure him that everything was fine.

"but you want to have sex with me?" he bites his lip as soon as the words leave his mouth.

"yeah, I want to fuck you... you can top if you like-"

"no, I want you to... top" his face is burning red and I have to hold back my laughter.

"good" just to make him burn more, I lean into him and whisper into his right ear. "cause I want to be balls deep inside you" and it worked, he stutters a little and then buries his face in my shoulder.

"Caleb..." he whines and it goes straight to my cock. "oh... wow, are you ever not horny?"

"with you, I'm always horny"

"do you say this to all the people you date?"

"no, just you" he stares at me for just a few seconds and then opens his mouth as if to say something but he closes it back and kisses me.

Xavier's point of view.

I wanted to say I love you. when he said he only said these things to me, I wanted to say that I loved him. I caught myself in Time and kissed him before I said something I would regret later.

he chases the fear away as he flips us both over on the bed, sliping his tongue into my mouth and sliding it against my tongue.

his hand finds it's way under my shirt and runs along my chest to my neck, he runs his other hand up my thigh and starts undoing my button but I place my hand on his chest and shove him gently. "what???" he whines playfully, looking into my eyes, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"I need to finish packing for our trip, remember?" he groans and halfheartedly gets off me. "thank you" I shimmy off the bed and hop down. I make for my closet and start taking a shirt off the hanger.

as I look through the clothes I find a hoodie that shouldn't be their. while I was home after the incident, Caleb dropped by and left this hoodie with me by accident. I never brought myself to return it because I wore it at night as PJs maybe two or three times a week and it gave me some kind of comfort.

I look over at Caleb and he's on his phone so I fold the hoodie and pack it with me. I find the socks Caleb asked me to pack earlier.

I smile involuntarily. "Yeah, Valid" I mutter

"what?" Caleb asks from where he's seated

"nothing, Daddy"

he laughs and his laugh rings across my bedroom and soothes my fears.

how bad would it be if I told him I loved him?