

Xavier's point of view.

not to sound horrible but it excited me that Sophie and Caleb didn't talk anymore. and I know, it sounded stalker-y that I was watching the but I wasn't the only one watching anymore. it was everyone.

after Caleb talked about his parents at school, it spread, some people liked it and went all "I'm an ally" and kept congratulating Caleb about his dad and some people were real shits about it. especially Jess, she constantly took it upon herself to say dumb shit about Caleb when he wasn't around us.

And today I wasn't having it. Caleb broke my heart, not doubt about that but that fucking bitch isn't going to talk about him like that. he was the fucking love of my life and even though he didn't love me back, he didn't deserve shit like that thrown at his family. I loved his dads and although I haven't really spoken to them since the break up but I wouldn't anyone talk about Cameo and Andrew that way.

"...see, it's not normal for a child to be raised by two men, what about it's mother, a child can never have a normal life without there mother. people like that are usually pedophiles and who knows, maybe it might decide to follow in it's parents footsteps and become a fa— " she was about to say that word and I wouldn't let her. I was about to tell her to shut the absolute fuck but when someone did it for me. thanks

"seriously, you think every gay person is a pedofile?" Micheal Palmer asks her, an eyebrow arched at her.

we we're at history in Mr Robitussin's class, he'd gone out to get some help from Emma Winston who was the "computer student", she was one of those students who was good with computers and she was going to try and help him with his projector.

"well, I'm just saying, if you can fuck someone of the same gender, you can fuck a child" my blood began to boil.

"so, are you trying to say Alex was gay?" Micheal asks her.

"what the fuck are you trying to say?!!" she screams at him.

"well he's eighteen and you sixteen and you're clearly a child since you can't grow the fuck up and act your own goddamn age... dude, you're a sophomore, you aren't in forth grade anymore, hell, even forth graders Don't throw a tantrum and start calling people names" the whole class Snickers silently as they laugh at Jess' expense.

"I'm not a child and why the hell are you even defending Caleb's faggot parents... is it because you're a fag too?" she asks with a smirk.

Micheal doesn't even flinch but I see the look in his eyes and it's a bit of panic. "well, since I'm against slave trade too them I'm probably a slave. dude, being against homophobia doesn't make me gay" he tells her and she frown.

"whatever, fag" she says and rolls her eyes away.

"seriously, you run out of any logic thing to say and decide to throw that word at him, well, I hope you're proud of yourself because you're now an official asshole" I say to her and her eyes snap to me.

a expected her to hurl an insult my way. I expected her to call me a fag or something but what I didn't expect her to say was, "typical of you to support fags turning innocent kids into fags, after all, your pedo of a father turned you into one too"

the words hit. they sent me from controlled call to burning rage in a snap. my dad was sacred, no one knew my dad had died a year ago but that does not give this bitch the right to speak about him like that. he was a hero, he saved my life, he would never hurt anyone, not even a child.


"get out of my class!" Mr. Robitussin said. I hadn't noticed he was in the class room and I'm guessing no one else did because everyone was in a state of shock. his eyes were on me and I gritted my teeth, he heard her say those nasty things about my father and he wanted me to leave. I wasn't going to move "I said get out of my classroom, Jessica!!!"

"what?!! he was the one that started t—"

"I don't want to know who started what but you do not speak ill of the dead especially in front of their grieving child!!!!!" his voice boomed across the class room and everywhere was silent, I had never heard him raise his voice that way. it was usually quiet and controlled anger but not full blown rage.

"I didn't k–"

"I do not care if you knew his father was dead or not. you haven't only disrespected Mr. Castors father but you have also equally disrespected Mr. Keller-Wilber parents as well and the entirety of the LGBTQIA+ community by reducing their sexualities and their love into something as disgusting and as despicable as pedophilia" His words were powerful and their rang across the room, sending a chill through my body. my eyes filled with tears as my soul registered that this man that I thought was absolute peace of trash was defending me... well,.gays as a whole but you get the gist.

"but sir, I was only joking" she tried to protest but mister Robitussin pointed to the door.

"get out of my class, Jessica" he dropped his hand. "immediately, and you will report to detention everyday for the rest of the semester"

"but sir!! this isn't fair! I only said the truth–"

"do you consider me a pedophile?" he asked her out of the blue. I knew what he was getting at and I was going to freaking scream.

"no...never, I would never"

"you said all gay people were pedophiles and turned kids gay... I do have a gay son but I believe I found him that way and I'm gay but I am certainly not a pedophile" oh my god!! my teacher just came out. "get out and report for detention later"

he eyes turn to me and I give him a toothy grin. "you're my new favorite teacher"

he doesn't say anything but I can see the side of his mouth quirk a little and I knew I'd won