Basically a porn announcement

Okay, so I'm done with this book and I will most certainly make another book for Micheal and Shawn titled "Fuck you, Micheal Palmer"

Its gonna cover the lives of Shawn and his friends. It's going to talk deeply about homophobia and y'all should be ready for that but it's also going to be Smut.... so look forward to that.

I'm also going to say that there isn't an announcement day for the book yet but the book cover will appear in a week with an intro chapter but nothing else until further notice.

I need to remind y'all that I'm a med student and I don't have time but I do have something special in store

Drum roll please!!!!

I'll be posting multiple smut scenes for some of the characters that I didn't really talk about and it will be done here.

They will be three chapter and right after the last one, the first actual chapter of "Fuck you, Micheal Palmer" will come out.

Which means these chapter will come out periodically.

On that note, I'd love to thank everyone who took their time to read my book and waited for new chapters.

You can follow me on Instagram if you have any questions or thoughts for me.

Instagram: Tara_Thankgod

Until then, bye, bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!