Dominated Battlefield: Volume 1- Rulers Of The Battlefield (Chapter 4)

Chapter 4: DRAGONS Plans

Meanwhile At The Force of Loyalty,

DRAGONS Operatives Were Planning To Cause Terrorism In Charlie's Country. There Were 3 Operatives Huge Muscular Men Looking Like Mob Enforcers.

"So What's The Plan? " One Operative Asked As He Dusted Down His Trousers.

"It's Simple Oliver Wants Us To Leave A Bomb In One Of The Cities, Then Charlie Will Send His Reptilian Bastards After Us, When We Get Caught Say We Work For The Raincrushers" An Operative Explained In Full Detail His Golden Ring Shining Bright.

They Walked Into The Town Blending In, The Town Looking Almost Ancient And Rural. One Carried The Bomb In A Suitcase. This Mission Couldn't Go Wrong Everything Was Planned.

They Scanned The Area Looking For Any Good Place To Put The Bomb, They're Eyes Scanning Like Sharks Hunting For Prey.

One Of Them Then Pointed Like They Found A Treasure Or Something. He Spoke Saying "There" As He Pointed To A Couple Of Large Fuel Tanks Laying Next To A Gas Station.

They Walked Over To It The Rural Aroma Was All Around Them. One Placed The Bomb Firmly In Place, The Bomb Attaching Itself To The Fuel Tank Like A Parasite.

"Let The Bonfire Begin" One Operative Announced Until He Was Interrupted By A Short Guy In A Business Outfit With Black Aviators.

"Hey That's Illegal And Is Punishable By Death I'll Have Alarm Charlie About This" He Said As He Pressed The Emergency Button On His Walkie Talkie.

"Screw This! " One Operative Pressed Down On Ignitor Starting The Bomb Off. A Large Cloud Of Fire Arose From The City As A Large Shockwave Of Flames Surrounded Buildings.

"Sir We Have Multiple Intruders! " An Ambassador Shouted Darting To Charlie's Office.

"Launch The Pack" He Commanded, As The Ambassador Pressed On The Remote Which Opens All The Paddocks Of Lohtur, Razzak, Deviant, Ivory. These Reptiles Were Pack hunters Designed To Kill Intruders. They Rushed Through The Gates Ready To Kill.

"I Won't Let Them Leave With They're Souls" Charlie Announced While Grinning.

Meanwhile The Operatives Were Getting On Motorbikes To Escape The City And Flee Back To DRAGONS Base.

"Let's Get The Fuck Out Of Here" One Operative Announced As He Rode Down The Path Of The City, One Other Operative Trailed Behind Him. But One Unlucky Operative Couldn't Start His Motorbike.

"Shit, Shit, Why Did I Sign Up To This, This Shit Is Crazy" He Said Panicking. It Started Up Finally, Suddenly Lohtur Leaped At The Operative. Causing His Back To Break. Lohtur Pressured His Legs Onto The Back Of The Operative Causing Immense Pain.

Lohtur Then Bit Down On His Neck Ripping His Head Clean Off, Blood Festering Like A Fountain.

Meanwhile, The Others Raced To Get Away While Razzak, Deviant, Ivory Chased After Them. "Why Does It Always Have To Be Dinosaurs With This Guy? " One Joked. There Motorbikes Created A Trail Of Dust Behind Them And The Terrain Was Becoming More And More Uneasy.

"We Have To Reach Underground Cave System To Get Away" One Commanded. Ivory Was Getting Closer To The Operative Behind, Ivory Snapped Her Jaws To Try To Knock The Operative Off Balance. "Chew On This Motherfucker" The Operative Said While Pulling Out A Deagle.

He Shot Repeatedly At The Creature But No Effect Each Bullet Bouncing Off Like It Was Raining On The Beast. "Bullet Proof? " He Questioned, He Made One Fatal Mistake As Ivory Quickly Grabbed His Arm In Her Jaws And Ripped It Off Him. He Screamed In Agony. The Pain Inside Of Him Was Like He Was In The Flames Of Hell.

Distracted And Wounded He Didn't Look Were He Was Going And Rammed Into The Back Off The Other Operative. The One In Front Went Unconscious.

"What The... " He Opened Up His Eyes The Pitch Black Vision Fading To Light. He Looked To His Right In The Distance Seeing His Colleague Dead On The Ground Behind Him A Trail Of Blood.

He Tried To Move But It Was Like Something Was On Top Of Him, It Was Razzak Standing On his. He Then Also Saw The Emperor...

"Charlie? " He Laughed As He Spat Blood Out His Mouth. Charlie Looked Down On The Operative With A Disappointed Look.

"Who Sent You? " Charlie Questioned Him In Calm Voice. The Operative Eyes Turned More To Charlies Face Staring At Him For Second Until Speaking Again.

"Raincrushers! " He Screamed At Charle While Laughing Blood. Charlie Looked In Shock Since He Didn't Expect A War This Early.

"Well This Is A Declaration Of War! " Charlie Announced While Holding His Claymore High Up In Sky. The Operative Gave On More Look At Charlie.

"I Hope You Die On The Battlefield, Emperor Bastard" He Laughed Before Joking On His Own Blood And Dying In The Process. Charlie Turned To His Herrerasauruses.

"Go Back To You're Paddocks" He Commanded Them As They Darted Back Home. Charlie Teleported Back To His Office To Begin War Plans. He Wrote A Letter To Ryan The Leader Of The Raincrushers.

Ryan Received It Soon After, He Held Up The Letter By The Top Of It. "Hmmm, He Wants A War Then I'll Give Him A War" He Gave A Little Laugh. He Got Down To The Bow Of The Ship To The Lead Sailor. Telling Him To Ready Each Ship For Battle.The Lead Sailor Saluted And Called Every Sailor Of The Other Ships.

"Let This Glorious World Be Once A Battle Ground Again" Ryan Whispered To Himself.

Meanwhile Back At DRAGONS Hidden HQ In The Lowstriders Area...

Oliver S Was Laughing His Head Off As He Realised His Plans To Start War Are Going Well So Far. "So Now That The Raincrushers Have A Problem With The Force Of Loyalty, Now It's Time To Start Something Off With Kobe And Matthews" He Cackled. "What's The Goals Of This Project May Ask Sir? " One Ambassador Questioned.

"It's Simple They'll All Pick A Location To Fight Similar To A Free For All No Teaming Up Or Anything Like That Then We'll See Who's Strongest And Invade They're Country As They'll Never Expect Us To Attack The Strongest Emperor" He Laughed.

"Elaborate But I Like It" One Cartel Member Started Clapping As Another Round Of Claps Started To Start Behind The One Cartel Member.

"This World Will Yet Again Know What A Battleground Is" Oliver S Smiled.