Chapter 4

"Marinette!" Adrien said as swiftly as he could. "What!" Marinette responded, with a hint of sass. "I am going to come to see you right now. Can you wait for me on your balcony or in your room? Please?" Adrien said, as he quickly transformed. "Urgh fine!" Marinette said, shaking her head. She ended the call and tried to fix her makeup. She didn't want him to know she had been crying before that phone call. If he found out he would more likely keep asking more and more questions.

As the time got later and later and hit around quarter to twelve, Marinette sat on her balcony waiting for Cat to arrive. "Hey princess!" Cat said, Landing on her balcony. He held out a pink rose for Marinette. "Y-you want me to take this?"Marinette asked, whimpering in the process. Cat nodded and put the rose in her hands.

"What's the matter, Mari?" Cat asked, really worried. Marinette just stayed quiet. "Mari? Seriously, what is up? You don't seem like yourself. It's worrying me deeply." Cat said, A tear falling from his eye. Marinette didn't want to see him cry. "It's just lately I might have just, you know," Marinette said, Blushing deeply. Cat shook his head. "I don't know Marinette. It's not like I am your thoughts sweetheart." Cat said, a hand on Marinette's shoulder. Marinette couldn't contain herself.

Her lip began to quiver, she was on the brink of crying. "I-I like you kitty!" Marinette cried. She just sat there on her balcony in tears. "Woah! Hey now." Cat said, shocked Marinette was crying about something as silly as that. "Look at me, Mari," Cat said, cupping her face in his hands. Marinette looked into Cat's eyes. "I don't like to see you upset ok?" Cat said, leaning in closer to Marinette. He was able to get a Sniff of her beautiful strawberry scent.

"Ok" Marinette sniffled. "Now Please be happy" Cat chimed as he leaned in even closer to Marinette. Marinette dropped the rose as Cat pressed his Lips against Marinette's. Marinette confused, blushed deeper and kissed back. She had unlocked the feelings she knew were there. Seconds later Cat broke the kiss as he needed to process what had just happened. "Marinette!" Cat said, confused about what had just happened between them. "I told you! Did you not listen to me?" Marinette cried. "I did" Cat owned up. "You said you liked me. Didn't you not?" Cat asked, with his usual smug smile. Marinette brought back her tears.

She stood up so she could be almost level with Cat. "I believe this is yours," Cat said, bending down and picking up the rose. "Thank you" Marinette cried when Cat handed her back the pink rose that he had kindly given her. "I told you, I love you," Marinette whispered. Cat flushed up a bright shade of red. Marinette went back inside to get the tea things. She put her rose in a vase and then returned up to her balcony with the tea things. "I heard what you said," Cat said, still blushing. "I think I love you too Mari" Cat said, tumbling his words as he spoke.

Marinette couldn't take it anymore. She violently set the tea things on her pink plastic table and stood on her tiptoes. She smashed her lips onto Cat's. He was confused. He had kissed her only a mere three minutes ago. Why did she have to kiss him again? Cat couldn't just back away from this. He knew it would upset her greatly. Marinette finished kissing and was breathing heavily. "You ok?" Cat asked. "You. Didn't. Properly. Kiss back." Marinette said out of breath. Cat blushed and chose to sit down in a chair.

"I-I." Cat began. He took a deep breath. "I am processing the feelings of love," Cat said. Marinette gasped. "So y-you like me back?" Marinette asked, not believing what she had heard. "You're a pretty girl Marinette." Cat complimented. "Oh so that's why you came to me at school today," Marinette said, feeling a whole lot better. "What are you on about Mari?" Cat asked as Marinette poured him a cup of tea. He was looking at what was in his cup.

"You know. You visited me at school when I was going to fight with Chloé!" Marinette reminded Cat. Cat nodded his head and looked back at his tea. "Of course, I remember! You took me into an alleyway. You made me feel like an idiot!" Cat said, slightly hissing. "Also what have I said about fighting with girls?"Cat asked. Marinette sighed. "No fighting with girls because I could end up hurt, in trouble or worse!" Marinette recited to Cat and she blushed deeply.

"Marinette. I like this tea. What is it?" Cat asked. "It's bubble tea," Marinette chimed. She poured them another cup and offered Cat some cookies and some other pastries. "Omg! Marinette! These look amazing!" Cat beamed, licking his lips. "Only the best for one of the best superheroes in Paris!" Marinette beamed, smiling happily."You know your hair should be down more often Marinette" Cat complimented. "Oh thank you" Marinette giggled, blushing intensely. Cat sighed. "What's the matter kitty?" Marinette asked.

Cat sighed again. "It's nothing, my purrincess. Honestly, I swear." He said holding up a hand. Marinette looked at him and shrugged her shoulders. "This has been nice but I need to go now," Cat said standing up to leave. Marinette grabbed his tail. "Don't you leave me now!" Marinette whined. She let go of Cat's tail. She stood there, arms folded. "Mari!" Cat whined. Marinette started to whimper and her lip started to quiver.

"No Mari! Don't you dare!" Cat said with a firm temper. Marinette ended up with tears falling out of her eyes. Cat gave her no sympathy. "Please kitty," Marinette pleaded. "Ok. Just for five more minutes." Cat sighed.