A normal day of a Legend





"Uhh", sighed Blake and ended his training.

But Blake isn't a normal person, who trains, he is a martial artist legend in the 21st century.

He learned every martial art that exist and even created many.

He beat every opponent, that challenged him.

Through his 87 years of live, he beat more than 5,000 martial artists.

But now he is at the end of his time. He has only 2 minutes to live.

[Uhh! It seems like I am going to die lonely] thought Blake, while he closed his old eyes. At this moment he heard his name from a voice, that he doesn't know.

"Who are you, sir" asked Blake calm but respectfully. He waited for an answer from the mysterious creature, but it didn't say anything.

Blake waited longer and the answer came:"you Don't have to know that. I'm here to fulfil three wishes of yours. Now don't ask questions and hurry up".

Blake was shocked because he didn't know the reason why he got wishes, but he still remained his calm expression.

"1. I want a system that helps me out".


"2. I want to improve my stats 5x faster than normal".


"3. I want instant mastery of skills"

"Granted, I will send you to a world of pirates and marines."

Blake was excited, because in his old world there was no challenge, but now he gets a new chance.

"You will be born as the grandson of garp and the brother of Luffy. Good Luck"

Mysterious creature, that gave Blake his wishes:"What do you want,revenge?"

Reeven:"You know that Blake is the son of them! Why did you not destroy him,Roy?!"

Roy:"His parents have helped our universe many times and you want to destroy their son, are you crazy?"

After he said that, Roy teleported behind Reeven and destroyed his soul.

Reeven:"ahh..how dare you..they will come after you...and they will do everything to destroy that child..."

After Reeven said that he turned into dust and disappeared.