Alutus castle

The Alutus river sprung from the mountains north-east of the castle which bore the same name, from the Black Wood Forest where the young Lord Walter defeated all the monsters which lay there. Before the purification of the forest and the spring, the river began to soil more by the years, turning into poison in the end. Thanks to the knights who rode there with their lord and the priest who purified the whole land, the spring turned back to crystal clear water. The knights doubted it was drinkable although the change could be clearly seen, but their leader had no fear and went down on his knees and drank from the water. There are people who believe he received the blessing of the Mother through the water for releasing the forest from the devil. And more songs and praises were heard across the kingdom about the revered Benjamin Walter, the one sent by the true gods.

Travelling on the Little River Road, Iris could see the water which indeed seemed cleaner than the last time she saw it. When she was a child and sailed up the river with her family, the river was just as clear as it was now, but the last time she visited Brook Castle, the river seemed sick. It had a darked colour, almost dark grey and all the vegetation on its bank was dying. No animal dared to approach the river to drink. But now it glittered in the sunlight and flowers of all types could be seen, with insects buzzing above them. Iris' heart filled with pride upon seeing the river that her husband saved and once again thought how lucky she was to have married him.

"My Lady," Gilda interrupted her thoughts ", did you enjoy the tea this morning?"

"Oh, yes, Gilda! It was so sweet and calming. I hope soon it will have the desired effect also."

"Soon, Your Grace!" she smiled a little when looking at her.

"It will be so lively when Your Grace's children will be born! I hope you'll have plenty of children!" Mary seemed ecstatic at the thought of their offspring roaming the castle.

"Mary, how could you say something like that to Her Grace? Have you forgotten your place?"

"It's quite alright, Gilda! I agree with Mary, I hope my husband and I will have many children." Iris smiled gently at her youngest maid who was just so joyous at that future.

Benjamin and her's children! What a wonderful thought that filled Iris's heart with warmth. She wished to have at least two children, a boy and a girl, who will bring endless happiness to them. An image of a little boy who was the exact replica of his father with his green eyes and noble features went through her mind and made smile gently while looking at the imposing castle that was rising in the distance.

Alutus castle was an impressive building which was heavily renovated the past few years following the death of the old lord Walter. It was rumoured before his death that they became poor due to the wrong government of the territory as the lady of the land, Benjamin's mother died when he was very young, and his father lost interest in everything little by little. Others said that they lost most of their riches to either gambling or addictions. But renovation of the past years proved that there was not a problem of money, but a problem of taking care of the land.

"Your grace, we are almost home!" Mary exclaimed enthusiastically. "It's been so long since I've seen my family."

"You'll be able to see them soon. Does your family live near the castle?"

"No, your Grace, my family lives in a village nearby. I was lucky to be able to begin working in the castle as a maid a few months ago and even more so to be able to serve Your Grace," she said timidly ", and it was only because there was a need for maids after the old ones left…`` She looked little to her right at Gilda who shot her an angry look.

"They left? Why so?"

"Nothing to worry about, My Lady! They were old and didn't do anything to help preserve the castle when the old lord wasn't able to take care of it any longer. His Grace dismissed most of the workers because of their inability and only those loyal and hard-working were allowed to continue with their jobs," Gilda explained.

"Were you one of them, Gilda?"

"I was lucky enough to be one of them, but that was mostly because I was His Grace's mother's maid and thereafter looked after My Lord as I would have after my own child."

"Benjamin is lucky to have someone as loyal as you, Gilda. And so am I."

"Thank you, Your Grace!" The maid lowered her eyes and Iris thought that she could see tears in them.

Iris thought about her own nanny who helped raise her and her brother. She was older than Gilda, almost as a grandmother to them and they loved her deeply but unfortunately, she couldn't follow her to her new home. Her husband insisted that the nanny should continue her service at Tomis castle as he firmly believed that she belonged at Tomis castle. His wife complied, but now, thinking about the old lady, she missed her deeply already. 'But now I have Gilda and Mary. And Gilda can be my nanny as she is Benjamin's.' That soothed her a little.

They finally arrived at the city and went through the big iron double doors, to arrive in a town filled with chatter and colour. The houses were narrow, but tall, taller than the one in Tomis, and they were painted in different lively colours. The villagers gathered and began chanting their lord's name.

"Our lord is back!"

"Lord Walter is back!"

"Long live the Lord Benjamin the Bold, the fearless knight sent by the Gods!"

Her ears were filled with the chanting which went one until they arrived at the castle. There all the servants were waiting outside to greet their liege. When the carriage stopped, the coachman opened the door and Benjamin himself came to escort her.

"Welcome to your new home, my dear!"

The white castle was towering over the party and the roofs glowed golden in the evening light. Large windows of stained glass were aligned on the walls with banners of the tall mountain with its white peak on their sides. Standing tall as the mountain were the words of the Walter family and now her words as well. The Walters took pride in their land and their actions and so would Iris from that day one.

"Welcome back, You Grace!" the butler greeted them. He looked like a man in his 50s, maybe even 60s with grizzled hair and a dignified stand.

"This is my wife, Lady Iris Walter, the new viscountess of Buri!"

"We welcome you, Your grace!"

All the servants bowed their heads in front of their new Lady. The last one was a woman with burning red hair. She didn't look like a maid. Benjamin followed her eyes.

"My Lady, this is one of my advisors here at Alutus castle, Lady Rose. She is my childhood friend and the daughter of the most loyal commander of my father. I hope you will become good friends."

"You Grace, I am happy to finally meet you and it is my dearest hope to become your friend." She bowed in front of Iris who smiled at both of them, wanting to become a part of Benjamin's family here in his childhood home.

"Then you have to call me by my name, Lady Rose." Iris approached her and took her hands.

"You honour me, Your Grace."

"Tomorrow you'll be able to visit the castle, but tonight you should rest, my dear. Serve us dinner in our room, William."

"Yes, Your Grace."

Her new life began there at her new home and Iris had a feeling that it would just become happier and happier.