The feeling of magic (3)

They climbed the stairs to the top of the tower, wondering why she accepted to follow him so easily. Next time they had to find another place to meet. Upon arriving there, Ray did not miss a moment and started to prepare, searching for something in his cabinet. He took out a jar with a black substance.

"This is a reduction of different plants said to help with the awakening, but as I said before, every type of paint can be used."

Iris looked away at the mud like substance, but she had to accept it if she wanted to go any further.

"With your permission."

When she nodded, he started painting the rune from her forehead to her chin. His face was so close and concentrated that made her let out a short laugh before she could control it. Ray paused and looked at her with thigh lips and serious eyes, as he was scolding her. She almost let out another laugh.

Little by little the excitement grew inside her and when the mage finished with the painting she hoped she could already fill the magic. Ray went to write some words on a parchment on his desk and returned with it.

"You need to recite this and focus on this jar with earth I brought from the garden."

"Did you go digging in the garden in this freezing cold?"

"I had to if we want to find your affinity, my lady."

"And when exactly did you fill this jar if I have just decided to pursue this path?"

He gave her the parchment, avoiding her eyes and trying to hide his flushed face.

"I always hoped my lady would agree to become a mage and thought I'd be prepared… just in case."

Iris looked at the paper in disbelief. It would be a bumpy way towards using magic. She then looked questioningly at him.

"What is this?"

"You must recite it to awaken your magic. You have to say it like this:"

Ab intra et ab origine reple me hic et nunc a capite ad calcem sicut at altiora tendo.

"What does it mean?"

"From within and from the source fill me from head to toe as I strive to higher things. Basically, you ask for your powers to awaken and bind with an element, your affinity."

She recited the words, waiting for something to happen, to feel that tingling sensation again. The silence in the room was palpable and when nothing happened, Ray took the jar away and came back with a candle for her to try again, with fire this time.

When that didn't work either, he went to his bedchamber and brought a dying plant out of there.

"What's this?" Iris inquired.

"Maybe your affinity is plants."


"Yes. Everything that can influence us or the world around us can become an affinity."

She tried with no success.

"Damn it, what could it be?"

He went to the desk to search again in his book. In the end Iris had to stop his frenzy and suggest they try another time, after he researches other types of affinity. The mage looked incredulously at her, but quickly realised who he was talking to.

"I beg your pardon, Your Grace. I was too excited by the possibility of testing such high-quality magic."

"I understand Ray. I can see your passion and respect it. Seek for me when you have new suggestions."

She turned to leave, with her heart heavy for not finding that feeling she missed. Then he stopped her.

"Wait, Your Grace, please wait. I can still teach you the other subjects and how you can combine them to make a spell, at a theoretical level at least. But it will be easier when we finally find your element. If we succeed, you might be able to make spells as soon as you awaken."

A flicker of hope rekindled inside her.

"Very well. When should we meet?"

"Well as soon as tomorrow and after that every day. There is so much to cover. We should start with the basics of physics maybe and then go one."

"I have already studied the basics of physics, geometry and science. There is no need for lessons everyday."

"But my lady…"

"I shall come by tomorrow after luncheon and you can bring a good book for me to study. After, once or twice a week, not often then that until we find my element."


"Ray, I do not have your free time. Be content with this much."

He wanted to say more but restrained himself. In the end he had to accept that much.

"I understand, Your Grace. See you tomorrow."

She turned to leave again.

"Your Grace…"

"Is there more?" She was near to losing her calm.

"Your face, you should clean it."

He came near her with a towel which she accepted without a word and cleaned her face. Iris smiled at him and left without a single more word. There were other tasks that needed her attention as well. One of these revealed itself in the evening, when she went back to her room to prepare for the night. The housekeeper came to see her with a young girl.

"Your Grace, as instructed I brought you one of the new girls who is the most promising. Her name is Eira."

The girl bowed deeply in front of her, slightly trembling, but without breaking her position. Iris was pleased. She already was good.

"Eira, that's an unusual name. Are you named after your parents?"

"I beg your pardon, Your Grace, but I do not know. My mother died at the orphanage after giving birth to me but not before giving me my name. I heard it means snow because I was born during a great snowstorm. About my father, I do not know where he is or if he is even alive."

"I am sorry to hear that. You had a tough life, but I hope it will become better."

"Thank you, Your Grace?"

"How old are you, Eira?"

"10 this winter, Your Grace."

"I see." Iris studied her. Eira really reminded her of snow with her porcelain-white skin, rosy check and ice-grey eyes. Only her hair was somehow out of place. The outburn locks were tamed in a tight loop at the back of her head. "From tomorrow on, you will follow my maid, Mary, around and learn from her. I expect you to work hard and be disciplined, but at the same time enjoy your free time. I'll make sure you have a rest day once a week."

"Thank you so much, my lady."

"Both of you are dismissed. Call my maids to prepare a bath and bring something to eat."

"At once, my lady," the housekeeper left with Eira trailing her.

Iris was pleased with the girl and wanted to see her evolution closely. After her bath and meal, she slept a dreamless night.