His return

"My lady, my lady," Daisy ran up to her mistress, hurrying to tell her the news, "the lord is entering the town gates. Lord Walter is back!"

"Benjamin," the announcement made Iris forget about the papers scattered on her desk as she quickly sat up, going to the front doors of the main building with large steps, her maid following her closely. "Go prepare a bath, new clothes and the best food our cook can prepare."

After the maid went to prepare everything she was asked to do, Iris started running down the stairs to the main hall, her heart galloping in her chest. She went through the entrance doors as the arriving party halted in the front garden. As Benjamin was climbing down his palfrey, two small arms embraced him and he started laughing, much happier than the day of his departure.

While in her embrace, Iris could feel his smell of musk and rain making her body vibrate to her core.

"What a greeting! Had I known my dear wife missed me so much, I would have returned sooner!"

"Don't tease me, Benjamin! You know how much I missed you."

He kissed her lightly on the top of her head before dismissing his men.

"Enjoy your time, we won't be seeing each other until tomorrow." she looked after Luke and Lady Rose especially, but they were nowhere to be found.

"What about your advisors? I thought they would follow you here."

"Luke and Rose remianed at the capital to see after some bussiness and represent us."

The news were mosre than welcomed to Iris as she felt that meant more time for the two of them. Still holding on to one another, they went inside the castle without saying a word. For Iris there was no need for words at that moment, content with only his presence and the warmth she felt in his embrace. As soon as they reached their chamber, Iris sent the maids away and she herself helped Benjamin take off his clothes.

After unbuttoning his travelling mantle and his surcoat and letting them fall on the floor, she tried to help him with the heavy chainmail but he had to pull it over the head himself, his height making it hard for her to reach. They worked together at the gambeson underneath, freeing him of all his armour leaving the linen underwear hanging on his sturdy body.

Iris reached for his chest and worked her trembling hand on the last material as well, caressing his strong iron-like body in the process. She swallowed hard when he was in the nude, but gathered the remaining of her boldness and took his arm, leading him to the bathtub.

"Come," she led him, "your body must be exhausted after all the travelling."

"My lady, it's not my first time travelling, and the capital is not that long away from here."

"Nonetheless, a bath will calm your body."

He let her in charge and Iris smiled pleased while he submerged himself to the chest in the warm water.

"Won't you join me?"

There wasn't anything she wanted more at that moment but had other plans for now. Without answering, she started to gently rub lavender scented soap on his golden hair until it disappeared under the foams. Going down, she began cleaning and massaging his terne shoulders, wide back and muscular arms and watched with delight how he relaxed under her touch.

She moved in front of him glancing for a bit at his forest green eyes which were observing her every move. Trying to ignore that fiery glance, she concentrated on his hard chest, moving lower on the abdomen making him groan. She finally raised her head only to see his head leaning on the edge of the bathtub with his eyes closed.

As if feeling a stare, he raised his head and looked directly in her eyes making her warm on the inside. After a moment, Iris broke the contact after them and stood up.

"I-I'll bring you a towel."

She only said before hearing the sound of water dropping on the floor and felt something hot behind her.

"There is no need."

"B-but you might catch a cold…and…"

"A little water won't kill me."

His arms embraced her from behind pulling her closer, wetting the back of her dress and her light brown hair making them stick to her skin. Small kisses on the back of her head were making their way harder into her skin while one of his hands moved on her left breast, moulding it to its pleasure. Tingles travelled from those points throughout her whole body, making her forget space and time once again. She was hopeless in front of his passion.

Determined hands went to the buttons of her dress, working quickly and chaotically to release her from its clutches. He turned her and started pouring hot demanding kisses on her lips, leaving no time from breathing or thinking. Droplets of water fell on her face and bare breast.

Iris had no idea when or where her garments suddenly disappeared but was more than happy to feel his hard body so close it threatened to devour her. She let herself into those arms that carried her to the bed and into those sweet lips taking her into oblivion.

Hovering over her on the bed, Benjamin looked at her with hunger before continuing with his meal. He moved from her mouth to her throat, kissing it so hard it ached her, sending waves of pleasure down to her core. His hands were again occupied with her breast.

A moan left her lips without making the slightest effort to contain it. Her hand stroked the wetness of his hair, cold water coming in small streams on her shoulders and arms, contrasting with the warmth she fell from the kisses. She wanted more, more than her body can endure. She wanted to be devoured again and again but to also be the one devouring. She pushed his shoulders away from her, turning him to lay on the back.

Some kind of madness took control of her as she climbed onto him the same way she mounted her horse so many times, feeling him hard between her legs. She bent to kiss him instead, her hand rummaging his hair, shoulders, arms, and everything she could grab. Her kisses deepened before going lower on his chest and his abdomen, making him moan loudly in the otherwise silent room.

When she reached the middle part of his abdomen, he sat abruptly and pulled her into his arms, moving his manhood between her legs. She arched her back leaving her body open for him to take, her slender arms holding tight onto his shoulders. His hands moved from her back to her bottom, moving her to his rhythm. The action made her crazy, moving her hips herself quicker and quicker, wanting to fill everything inside her.

Panting and groaning, Benjamin turned half throwing her back into the bed, grabbing her wrists above the head with one hand while the other positioned himself at her entrance. With a trust he filled her insides, moving so slowly to have time observing her every expression. Still looking at her, he sped up.

Iris tried to escape from his hold to bring him closer, to share this pleasure together, but the pace made her only sink more into the sheets. Her whole body was moving to the tempo he dictated, harder and faster, waves of pleasure going through her until he thrust three more times harder than ever before falling on top of her.

After a moment when they tried to control their breaths, he moved on her side, pulling her closer wrapping both with the blanket. Iris rested her head on his chest listening to his heart slowing down and delighting with his smell.

"I missed you so much."

"I know, dear," Benjamin excused himself. "I did too. Hopefully there won't be any need for me to go anywhere for the time being."

"How are things in the capital? Is the king as sick as they say?"

"There is nothing to worry about. Prince Julius only needed help with keeping everyone together until his father recovered and, fortunately, he started feeling better before my leaving."

"But that is great news! But why did he need you there when he has his own council?"

"Probably to show that I endorse him."

"Endorse him? Do you?"

"I'll support whoever his majesty will name his successor."

"But what if Prince Alwyn is named the successor?"

"Then it's decided, isn't it? Let's not talk about that anymore."

"Was the second prince in the capital?" She insisted.

"No, he took time off to travel north."

"North, but…"

"Just do me this pleasure, Iris and move on from this subject. I am tired of politics, listening to everyone talking about the crown and princes and illnesses. I only want to rest now."

Iris stopped at the coldness in his voice, fearful she'll ruin the mood. Instead, she moved closer into his embrace, immersing herself in his smell.

But her mind didn't stop thinking on the subject and wondered why did Alwyn travel north when his father was so sick. To meet Lady Rayla? Or someone else who resided there at that moment?