Spring festival (1)

The morning of the festival caught Iris in a pile of paperwork as the merchant came early that day with provisions she had ordered previously. It seemed as if the clock was barely ticking, the time passing by with the speed of a snail. She was counting the minutes before lunch but still wanted to get some work done. More than once did she encourage herself to concentrate, trying to convince herself that time would pass by more quickly.

But it didn't. It felt like an eternity until Mary finally came, already dressed for the festival in a long white dress decorated with red poppies. The maid looked lovely, even more so when she announced it was almost time to leave.

The meal was scarce as the maids encouraged their lady to leave room for the food at the festival. Both Daisy and Mary told her about their favourite dishes and Iris made a list in her mind determined to try them all.

Right after, they brought her a white cotton dress as well but with blue lilac instead of poppies.

"Daisy, bring me the jewellery box."

"There is no need for jewels, my lady. The tradition is to wear flowers in your hair," Daisy explained while fixing her hair in a loose braid similar to the one she did the day before.

"Where are the flowers then?"

"We will receive flowers at the festival, my lady," Mary answered instead.

"Not my lady, Mary. Today you shall call me Iris," she instructed her, and the maid nodded. "And Daisy, it's a pity you're not coming with us but I'm sure you'll have more fun with your boyfriend."

"My lady, please," the girl pleaded, blushing to her ears. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Not yet" Mary joined the teasing and all three women giggled.

Iris broke the laughter as a thought came across her mind. "Why is the festival being held at the end of spring and not the beginning as most of the country does?"

"The spring festival is a beloved tradition that has been celebrated for generations, my lady. But this is the first generation to have such early springs," Mary started to explain. "When there were still monsters in the Dark Wood, the winter was much longer and summer so short, as if the land was cursed."

"It was held before the beginning of summer," Daisy helped her explain, " to mark the end of the long, cold winter and the beginning of a new season of growth and renewal as everywhere else in the kingdom. It's just that the seasons were a little different before."

While discussing the difference in seasons, Eira came near them and sat beside her mistress' chair, looking at something in her hands. Iris noticed the youngest of her maids and patted her head.

"Is there something wrong, Eira?"

The girl looked up at her, blushing, then down again at her hands. "No, my lady. It's just… I have something for your grace." In her hands there was a bracelet made with small forget-me-nots, their stems weaved beautifully around a white thread. "The colour reminded me of my lady's eyes," continued the girl and added hastily after, "nu my lady can throw it away if it's not to your liking. I just…"

Iris stopped her babbling and took the bracelet. "It's very pretty, Eira. So pretty, in fact, that I feel I must wear it today. Daisy, help me with it."

While the maid tightened the flowers around her mistress' wrist, Iris smiled warmly at the young girl in front of her who moved her heart with this little yet sweet act. "Eira, I am very glad to receive this flower bracelet and I want to give something in return."

"My lady, I'm not…"

"I insist. Is there something you want? Something you like to do?"

The girl's eyes widened in wonder and a shy smile crossed against her face. "Draw, my lady. I like to draw."

"Did you draw before? At the orphanage?"

"Yes, you grace. Once a week we could take free time to do whatever we wanted. And I wanted to draw."

Iris was surprised at the revelation. "What did you draw?"

"Flowers and trees. And the animals we had there."

"You know what, Eira? You'll have enough paper and pencils to draw to your heart's content." Iris could see the girl's face lightening up. "But promise me something, will you?" her face grew serious now and nodded. "Draw something for me too. Promise?"

"Of course, your grace! It will be my pleasure," she gave her mistress the most brilliant smile, from ear to ear.

"Now go on, don't forget your work," Iris sent her on her way, her heart still warm and moved by that little action.

Daisy was still working on her hair, having to fix some rebel curls that got out when Iris took her gift. In the meanwhile, Mary came with a cloak, and they were ready to go.

After sending Daisy away to prepare herself as well, the other two went together to the main hall where the rest of their party was waiting. Iris expected to see Sir Lewis accompanying Elisabeth and Sir Marco waiting for the one he pledged to serve. But the fourth person came as a surprise.

The mage was also waiting there clothed in white which came as a strong contrast to the green he always wore. All three men were wearing similar clothing but while the knights had their swords with them, the mage only had a satchel.

"Good day, my lady," the men greeted her.

"It was about time. What took you so long? I was actually thinking of going on without you. The festival is about to end soon," Elisabeth clearly showed her displeasure of waiting.

"My dear Ellie, the festival will last all night. You haven't missed much."

"Not yet."

While the others went outside to prepare for the short journey to town, Iris went to Ray.

"Strange to find you here, willing to come to the spring festival."

"Your loyal knight thought more reinforcement is better than less, so he contacted me early this morning to accompany my lady."

"So, you'll be there to protect me?"

"Of course, your grace."

"Although you're not that good of a warrior?" She teased him.

"I am not to be compared to my lord, but I think I'll be able to keep some drunkards away from our noble ladies. My skills are not entirely useless."

"Good to know," she responded with a laugh at his sarcasm.

After the girls went inside the carriage and the men were mounted on their horses, they set off to the town near the castle. Iris could not wait to see the town decorated, to listen to the songs and to feast on the food there.

It wasn't her first festival, but it's been a long time since her last one. More than 5 years ago when she was still a little girl, not yet a woman. It was still her first fair here at Alutus.