Spring festival (3)

The priest frowned. "I assure you, my child, that the forest has been thoroughly cleansed. There are no monsters left in the Dark Wood."

"I've seen things," the villager insisted. "Strange shapes moving in the shadows, and whispers in the wind. I know there's something there. My poor horse was terrified. I could hardly hold the reins, and when I tried to approach it a shivering cold engulfed me. An s strange dagger was…"

The priest sighed. "I understand your concern, but I assure you that there is nothing to fear. The Dark Wood is a place of mystery and danger, to be sure, but it is also a place of great beauty and power. We must respect it, but not fear it."

The villager shook his head. "But what if I'm right? What if there is something there, something dangerous? Last autumn there was so much... What are you doing? Let go of me!"