The Sun's son (2)

"And it did survive. How?" Iris inquired, taking a sip of her tea.

Ray looked at her mischievously. "Well, the Sun's son saved it."

"But the Sun had more than one son," Iris protested.

"Corect, but it was only one who was human," Ray explained before continuing the story.

"During this time, a man named Sullivan fell in love with a woman named Maja. The man loved her deeply and protected her of any danger. Because in his heart he was very scared that the world would end again and he would lose her.

That person was the only one who lived in all the worlds from before, or at least the only one who remembered them. He still had memories of the fire that engulfed him in his first life, the winds, the earthquake, the flooding, the animals and lastly the storms. But before he could only lose his life, now he could lose his love as well. And love was since the beginning a very powerful feeling, if not the most powerful. It led to the first life created by humans.