A broken promise

Mary, Daisy, and Eira exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern. 

"My lady, it may not be safe. The attackers are still out there, and there might be monsters…" Mary said, her voice laced with worry.

Iris understood their concerns, but her resolve remained unwavering. "I cannot stand idly by while there are people suffering, knowing too well I can help."

She went by the maids, ordering them to prepare everything she'd need to be able to provide first aid. They followed her instructions and shortly a bag with bandages, unguents and disinfectant was prepared.

Daisy came with a thin summer coat to protect her from both the weather and the dirt from the village as well as a wide hat which Iris dismissed stating it would only get in the way. Reluctantly, the maid had to take the hat back.

Getting ready to leave, the lady was stopped by Mary. "I beg you my lady, let me follow your grace. I will do everything in my power to help."