Paper wedding (2)

The forest was full of life, birds flying everywhere as wife and husband rode through the dense foliage avoiding lower branches that threatened to hit their head. Iris was following Benjamin, riding closely to him, proud that her dainty brown horse, Blaze, was able to keep up with her husband's much larger one. The black horse sped with ease over the prominent roots of the trees, like a shadow floating over the ground.

Initially, a wave of worry washed over Iris when Benjamin proposed a horseback ride through the nearby woods. The memory of the recent beast attack still lingered in her mind, casting a shadow of unease upon her thoughts. But Benjamin gently reassured her that all the protective artefacts surrounding Alutus had been thoroughly inspected and were functioning flawlessly. The powerful enchantments woven into the very fabric of their surroundings would safeguard them from any potential harm.