Just a little more time (2)

Iris couldn't believe her ears. "You're leaving now?" Her voice trembled with a mix of disappointment and concern.

"Tomorrow at dawn and not a second later, or else the monsters may move and we can lose their tracks," Benjamin informed her with a sense of urgency.

"For how long?" Her voice wavered as she tried to come to terms with his imminent departure.

"At least five days, but it can take even two or three weeks until we find and exterminate them," he explained, anticipating her desire for more information. "I must go and gather my men and prepare."

Iris's heart sank, and she couldn't bear the thought of Benjamin leaving for such an extended period. As he passed by her, she instinctively reached out and caught his hand, desperately pleading, "Stay just a few more days. The beasts won't disappear."

"They might, Iris," he replied, his tone filled with a mixture of understanding and resolve.