If only (2)

Once on the balcony, Allan stealthily peered inside the room, observing that it remained unchanged since his last visit. Numerous questions plagued his mind over the past week, particularly regarding the enigmatic identity of the man whom Sile suspected to be a foreign prince. Their intentions were clear—to elevate Lady Ivalyn to the status of a queen. However, it remained uncertain whether she would become the queen of Thrakia or the kingdom of the mysterious man. 

Either way, this development posed a significant obstacle to Allan's own plans of forming an alliance with the Everglows, an alliance that was crucial to his path to the crown. If the man were truly a foreign prince, possibly the prince of Meria seeking alliances in this realm, it could be advantageous for them to be on the same side. Nevertheless, before proceeding, Allan needed to ascertain the true identities of those involved.