The Determined Captain.

"The Mallowhill Massecure."

"That day 3 years before Chavaria was formed."

"Where tens of thousands died on the orders of Drusus Dardanius, the legendary Chavarian general who had captured tens of thousands of troops."

"Did you know that I took part in that?"

"Do you think we were too ruthless?"

"Of course you do."

"So let me ask you one question."

"Do you believe the value of all life is equal?"

"Does this include those in the future?"

"If we did not do what we did, war would have raged on for many years more."

"Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, would die in the chaotic times; families would sell their children into slavery for food or a means to survive, their cries of hatred and despair muffled by the morale grandstanding of those people who call us war criminals."

"Yes, I am a war criminal, but my crime saved millions, so if I had to do it all again, I would!"

"Every head I took…."

"Every life I destroyed…."

"All was to end this constant conflict…."

"For what is a sacrifice of tens of thousands…."

"Against the prosperity and peace of millions."

Scorpius Farflare, Captain of the Chavarian Royal Knights at the Battle of Brunag and future vice commander of the Chavarian Imperial Guards to a future Plurian-born rebel.


Arrows and crossbow bolts rained onto the Plurian camp as the remaining orc archers finally joined the battle aiming for the Plurian crossbows without shields and heavy armour as they were the most vulnerable to the orc's iron arrows as not everyone was like Zugbu, who managed to get some steel arrows from the Plurians for his mission to kill Lucius during the great battle in the day. Still having some left over to use, the small orc used them to great effect assassinating many officers in the Plurian army who tried to organise resistance and keep their men together, greatly contributing to a large amount of damage done initially to the Plurians during this raid as even without the help of his magic the arrows pierced through the Plurians armour reaping life after life leaving them panicked and vulnerable.

The reminding orc skirmishers that Zugbu saved during the previous battle also tried to attack, but they were too far away from the crossbows. All their javelins did was stick into the Plurian shields making up the shield wall, and if the head of the javelin was not broken, then there were even times when they were thrown back at them.

Unfortunately for the orcs, the Chavarian knights had harvested the lives of the orc archers earlier in the conflict like wheat, leaving only around 1500 left; even with just over half of the Plurain crossbows dying in their ambush, who now numbered 2,000, they were still outmanned and outgunned the archers dying to the veteran Plurian crossbows led by Atherid his own personal crossbow retinue setting up a shield wall to help shield the others from the orc archers drastically reducing their casualties.

The battle continued with the Plurians slowly being pushed back further and further the orcs led by Grishnak and Mulush dealt significant damage to the Plurians, who also had to deal with the orc light infantry and skirmishes, their overwhelming numbers slowly grinding down the Plurians. Despite being injured, Bardornus and Alden were forced to fight on the front lines using their exceptional teamwork to keep the two scarily strong orcs at bay, having to occasionally use multiple of their men who locked their shields together to block strikes which threatened to break through their defences. Sindar, however, could not join his embattled comrades smashing his fist into the ground in anger as the fire of desire to contribute filled his heart, his wounded ankle barely allowed him to stand up, let alone fight, leading to the young vice general feeling useless.

Bardornus had ripped part of his long flowing cloak off, the blue cloth being wrapped around the wound on his stomach to help staunch the blood which tried to flow out as his armour stained with the blood of the slain orcs which had lost their lives at the edge of his glaive.

The Plurians struggled on, taking many orcs with them, the land drenched in the blood and stench of death. The tight, confined paths of the camp were used to help stem the tide of orcs allowing the Plurians to use the advantage of their superior soldiers to great effect, but it was no use. The tide of orcs kept coming; the orc archers had fallen silent long ago alongside most of the Plurian crossbows as only a few hundred were left creaking their crossbows, desperately trying to help their exhausted comrades in need watching on helplessly as they died one by one like small rocks eroded from a cliff-face under attack by the relentless tide of the sea cursing the orcs for their treachery.

Just when Bardornus was about to lose hope, their lines nearly broken, his men's exhausted Atherid steel sword had joined glaive and halberd in combating the ferocious orcs shining in the light of the silver moon whose crescent shape lit up the dark sky a thousand stars twinkling while the slaughter continued.

Even Atherid's crossbow retinue now had to join the grand melee, their swords singing the song of slaughter as they ripped into the green-skinned flesh of the orcs, the bloody conflict promising to keep the devil busy for days to come.

Knowing that it had been about 40 minutes since the raid had begun, and so it was about time that the Chavarians interfered; otherwise, the orcs and the Plurians would quickly reform their alliance when it was obvious that they were deceived.

A horn blasted out throughout the camp like a call of death, stopping the fighting. A rain of arrows and crossbow bolts fell into the orcs, now primarily light infantry, struggled to defend themselves from the unexpected ranged attack coming from their flank. Their light leather armour was useless against the steel-headed projectiles that now impaled their bodies, ripping life from the limp husks of flesh. Their cries of pain and death were overshadowed by the horns, which continued blowing into the night, marking the beginning of the final battle or what it should be named.

A slaughter.

The Chavarians had snuck close to the Plurian camp setting their ranged units close enough to allow them to penetrate even the iron-clad orcs' stronger armour, let alone that of the light infantry whose small shield barely covered their bodies, killing many. The orcs tried to muster a defence setting up a formation of heavy infantry armed with pikes, spears and shields to help keep the Chavarian cavalry at bay but led by Lindorus, his effectiveness shining through, leading the horse archers to ride around. They hit the rear and sides of the orcish army, making it fall apart as knights rode through the orc ranks, cutting them down and shouting how they were here to help their Plurian allies.

"Kill the savage orcs!"

A Chavarian knight cried, his lance piercing through the heavy iron armour of an orc as he rode on his horse, knocking other green-skinned soldiers to the side while drawing his sword to continue the slaughter. An orc pikeman roared a shrill battle cry about to skewer the knight's horse with a long pike but was instead shot by many arrows filling his chest as the unfortunate orc, without the protection of a shield, fell to the ground dead.

"Help our allies!"

Another Chavarian knight called out. Even Lucius' lurking at the back of the Chavarian army, surrounded by his usual 200 knight bodyguard, joined the shouts, his loud voice reaching all of the soldiers in the camp, whether they be from Chavaria, Ortua, or Pluerus, everyone heard what the Chavarian general had to say.

"Brother Bardornus, don't worry anymore! I am here to rescue you, our loyal ally! Let's deal with these savage orcs who don't know the meaning of the word honour and open up a new prosperous future for both our peoples!"

Lucius shouted shamelessly, drawing curses from all of the Plurian army, especially Bardornus, who forcefully calmed himself down.

'Shameless! Completely shameless! Aren't you the reason I needed rescuing in the first place?'

'Honour! You call yourself honourable! What fucking part of this battle have you fought honourably.'

'Wanting praise for fixing a problem you created!'

'In yer bloody dreams, yer sneaky shit!'

'Took yer damn time too! At least we can retreat now.'

Bardornus thought with a sigh, using the orcs as a distraction for the Chavarains to help him to retreat, knowing long ago the battle was lost trying to save as many men as he could, gathering what horses he could to allow his men to withdraw, it went well initially the Chavarians charged into the orcs the fury of battle upon them as they slaughtered all in their way. The knights, on their valiant steeds, plate armour shining in the silver light of moon and stars, made quick work of the wolf riders, their greater skill, numbers, and horsemanship allowing them to finish them off in a few minutes.

Mulush and Grisnak roared, leading a final counterattack with what few orcs they could rally, fighting to the last their bloodthirsty orcs, even when on the verge of death, stabbed their weapons into the legs and bodies of the Chavarains, hoping to use their last bit of life to bring someone to hell with them. Mulush was stabbed in the heart by Leon. The Chavarian vice general's spear slithered into the orc's body like a snake, the orcs large axe clattering to the ground Mulush's eyes looked surprisingly peaceful and content respectful of Leon's mastery of the martial arts, glad to have died to such a warrior who would soon become renowned. Even Leon gave his respects to the orc bowing respectfully to his fallen foe, for this fight was as hard as the one he had with Bardornus, a testament to the extraordinary skill and physical attributes of his opponent if it were not for Archtorius's arrow piercing the arm of the orc preventing him from blocking Bardornus killing the strike the battle that lasted only a few minutes would instead become a duel lasting hours with Leon being gravely injured.

Grishnak had a much more depressing end. Surrounded by Aldorus' knights, he was slowly suppressed and killed by the master-level tactics, Master Suppression.

The formation which the orc should have been able to break was backed up by Sorrell, who helped to contain the great orc, eventually beheading him, the silver-tusked head falling to the ground, a vicious expression remaining on the green face. The blood which spouted from the corpse covered the old man, who knelt on the floor, exhausted from the fight as Grishnak was not an easy opponent and kept on fighting till his last breath, his last swing cutting diagonally across Sorell's chest, blood dripping from his hand and chest where his flesh was ripped open by the large orc who let out a relieved sigh that he had done at least a bit of damage.

Just as Bardornus was getting the last few men on horseback, hooves thundered behind him, the Chavarian knights who had finished dealing with the wolf riders and routing the orcs had arrived, leaving the rest of the clean-up to Lindorus and the Chavarian horse archers.

At the head of these knights rode Scorpius, who greeted Bardornus in a friendly but firm tone.

"General Bardornus Lucius invites you and your men to his camp for a relaxing chat to discuss the future. He has nothing but respect for you, who is his most valiant opponent."

Scorpius said his words diplomatic, but the cold man's hand rested on his sword to indicate that it was not a request but more of a demand.

"Surrender, is it?"

"Do yer really think I will surrender?"

Bardornus said, looking at the knight captain coldly, but the knight captain just stood in his saddle like a statue, immune to the suffocating pressure which made every other man feel a chill down their spine.

"If you want your men to live, you will."

Scorpius replied confidently, his arrogance making Bardornus bristle in response.

"You think that after what your general has just pulled, I will trust him?"

"Are you crazy?"

"You don't have that choice."

"You don't think that after setting this elaborate scheme up, he would not have kept some men to ensure your capture and death?"

Scorpius said coldly, ready to kill them all without mercy if needed. The man's mind, body and soul had been turned into the perfect sword for the Chavarian royal family and had long lost its aversion to granting death to the kingdom's enemies.

"It seems ye really have little respect for my abilities, and considering how well yer general has danced us all to his tune, I'm not surprised."

"He has no men left! They are all dealing with the orcs right now…."

"Am I right?"

"Knight captain."

Scorpius said nothing making Bardornus know that he had hit the nail on the head, as what Lucius is concerned about is not whether he and a few thousand Plurians escape; instead, it is on annihilating the orcs to ensure he wins the battle, setting Chavarian hegemony in stone.

"Perhaps we should fight again, and this time, that old man won't be around to save you!"

"Tell me what will happen when the Chavarian royal family losses their leash on such a talented general…."

"Protection? Special assignment? It's all bullsh*t, is it not."

With every word that Bardornus said, Scorpius' expression got darker and darker as he and now Bardornus, like Lucius, knew what the royal knights were in reality.

"No, that's not what you are at all…

"Instead, what you are is…."

"An execution squad! With orders to kill Lucius the moment he does anything to betray The Kingdom of Chavaria or its interests!"

Bardornus said as sweat began to pour down the face of the captain when he heard what the Plurian general said next.

"Seems I am right."

"Tell me, does Vice General Leon know about your secret duties."

"No, he's not, is he?"

"Even if Lucius were aware of the Chavarian king's intentions which of course he is, after all, someone with his intelligence would easily be able to see through the check that the royal family had put on his growing power and influence, he would never tell Leon about your role as it would sow discord and distrust within in his army.

"Tell me how would Leon react if the man whom he trusts and works with to protect his beloved lord….

"Would instead end it without any hesitation!"

Hearing the other side say nothing, Bardornus let out a satisfied smile at having something to stoke distrust within the Chavarians in the future and at silencing the arrogant man in front of him.

"That is irrelevant! Will you accept General Lucius' offer, or must I send you to the underworld?"

Scorpius said, drawing the sword at his waist and leading to the knights that accompanied him to brandish their weapons, the moonlight reflecting the steel which they held in their gauntleted hands.

"Is it not better to surrender and get benefits for yourself and your kingdom than die here? Our king is a man who values talent, after all, if your brother and his men were not so stubborn in their admirable loyalty to their kingdom."

"Then the Mallowhill Massacre would not have happened, or do you want me to begin another."

"Right here, right now with your men…."

"As you watch while I take each head one by one."