A Unique Unit.

"Every powerful dynasty in DO has created a unique unit of its own."

"Each is different in its own way, with some being far more powerful than others."

"They are created in many different ways some get one or are able to create one due to quest rewards."

"Others train their soldiers in a unique way creating one by accident."

"Some gain one from destroying different dynasties finding the training manual or someone with knowledge of it and taking a dynasties unique unit for themselves."

"But one thing is clear the unique unit that no commander wants to face."

"Is the one created by House Aurellion after their first Dynasty History Event."

Lee Smith, CEO of Emart and founder of House Erendis.


"How the hell did my dynasty become so renowned just from this battle?"

Reginald said knowing this was more of a punishment for him than a reward and trying to pass it off as something good made the Friend nearly as shameless as he was!

"Do you think this battle was a normal battle?"

The friend system said, raising its voice slightly, wanting to shout at the eccentric man before him that what had just transpired was anything but ordinary. However, the sentient system managed to maintain its calm, knowing that its tyrannical master was watching.

"On a mostly open field, you defeated an allied army of 100,000 with 50,000 while making them turn on each other, and you would call that a 'normal battle!'

"If this event went as I had predicted, it would be you're dynasty being destroyed, not that foolish orc player's, and it would have been a hard-fought defensive battle, not a decisive, nearly one-sided victory for you!"

"While keeping around 40% of your forces intact, you actually managed to annihilate an army of 100,000 within three days, no less, and you think the other nations around the continent would take no notice."

"Are you stupid! Or underestimating Dynasties Online too much!"

"Remember, this is not your normal MMO but more like a living, breathing second world!"

"If we add in that this battle helped mark a turning point in the Chavarian Unification Wars in which an empire is born and is taught about in most military academies and schools across the southern continent as a battle to learn and take inspiration from."

"With all this achieved, you expect to be able to just chill under the surface without becoming renowned…."

"Dream on!"

"This reward is a result of your hard work! You do know most people would be jumping with joy to have a dynasty so renowned, right? Don't blame me when a mob of pissed players lynches you for having the audacity to be annoyed at such an excellent reward."

The friend system said righteously with a slight scheming smile on its face knowing that, especially in the early stages of the game, this 'benefit' is, in fact, a detriment as it would allow his dynasty, which will have many enemies to be found easily.

Reginald was also smart enough to know that this was more of a punishment than a reward but could only grit his teeth and swallow back the scolding words he had for the friend system, which stemmed from seething hatred and sigh, letting out his resentment and calming himself down while thinking to himself.

'I never thought there would ever be a time that doing so well would come to bite me in the ass. The brightest flower really is always the one plucked first!'

"Do you have something against me? Why do I feel like you seem to hate me more than others?"

Reginald asked the friend system voicing his complaints at how he was treated despite his great victory and performance in his dynasty history event.

"Actually, compared to some of the other numbnuts, you are one of the players I like more you are intelligent, scheming and very interesting to watch. I don't expect you to understand, but someone like you who can think outside the box and completely overturn my predictions and expectations is rare."

"So I value them a lot, as there has only ever been one eccentric ass person apart from you who has managed completely to overturn my expectations.

The Friend System said, sincere in the respect he showed and had for Reginald. Watching the eccentric players' scheme unfold while he sat back and grabbed popcorn was a highlight of the Friend Systems day, who had to watch over millions of other Dynasty History Events, which were usually rather dull in comparison.

"Accept your reward with grace! You wouldn't want to go against the system, would you? We can always take away some of your future rewards if you are unsatisfied."

Friend System then added the underlying threat coming through with its severe tone.

"Thank you, system, for your generous reward!"

Reginald said, giving the Friend System the gratitude it desired while stroking its ego simultaneously. He then looked over the other small rewards he had gained from his event, even mockingly bowing towards it.

"That's a good boy."

The friend system said satisfied while Reginald looked over the other smaller rewards he got before getting the biggest one that came at the end.

[Awarding 10 gold to player Rising Pelican of Loyalty for being the first player to have a subordinate kill a half-giant]

[Increasing the final Dynasty History Event reward for being the first player to complete an event involving more than 100,000 soldiers]

[Due to the player discovering player-made quests, it is now easier for him to make them in the future and navigate ones forcefully put on him by another player.]

[Awarding 5 gold to the player for being the 4th player to kill another player]

Reginald looked at these rewards that seemed lower than they should be with a questioning gaze and looked back to the friend system for clarification, his mind filled with many chaotic thoughts.

'Hadn't he also been the second player to complete a player quest and made the third player quest?'

'Where were the rewards for these accomplishments? Also, what about his other achievements? Is there not a reward for each individual accomplishment?'

Feeling this gaze, the Friend System sighed and went on to explain Reginald's queries shaking his head slightly at the greed that shone through the British player's eyes.

'And here I was, just thinking that this guy was somewhat different from the other players who only have material goods on their minds.'

The Friend System thought to itself before explaining itself.

"The rewards will come if your dynasty survives through the history system."

"Please bear in mind that if I were to give you rewards for these accomplishments now, the rewards would only be able to be given to characters who had participated in this event. In other words, the rewards given would have very little to do with your character that you will start the game with."

"If that's what you want, your welcome to have them…."


Seeing that Reginald said nothing, indicating that he accepted that the rewards would come later, the system was pleased with itself.

"Sure, you don't want them?"


More silence followed while the question hung in the air, the system taking the time to enjoy itself at Reginald's expense.

"Seems you have some control over your greed, at least."

The Friend System commented before warning Reginald about one last important thing.

"Also, I should tell you that all accomplishments, titles and resources and tied to your dynasty, so if your dynasty cannot get through the Dynasty History System or is destroyed for any reason, all these will be lost."

"The game is called Dynasties Online, after all, so it should live up to its name!"

The Friend System said seriously, indicating to Reginald that he should heed his warning and that no amount of complaining from the player base would make the company or the system budge. There were plenty of players and people desperate to gain resources through the game for them not to have to worry about a problem like a lack of players.

Reginald then looked at the last reward he got for completing the event. This also included the main quest tied to the event and many of his other accomplishments.

[Your dynasty has survived its Dynasty History Event and has gone above and beyond the task given to them, and due to their grand achievements before its fall, your dynasty's noble rank has been upgraded from vice count to marquise]

[Please choose 1 of the following rewards for increasing your dynasty's noble rank by two. They will reflect your dynasties traits and background also note that your exceptional performance has led to the system generating excellent rewards]

[Option 1: A training manual/knowledge for a customised military unit unique to your Dynasty and any faction it creates of your own design, which can have unique abilities allowing you to train soldiers of your dynasty in a unique way. For reference, this would be something similar to the Chavarian royal knights you fought alongside who had a magical formation and strong combat abilities.]

[Option 2: Pick or create within the limits of the system 1 Inheritable Dynasty Trait related to war.]

[Option 3: Downgrade the rewarded noble rank by one and become a landed noble of the empire with the rank of count. This will replace the 'Fallen Noble House' trait with the 'Landed Noble House' trait; however, you will have to deal with the outcomes of your actions taken in the current Dynasty Event and those that follow. This option will also alter future Dynasty History events]

[Option 4: An option created by the player and checked and verified by the friend system with some sort of military aspect.]

Reginald was stunned when he was given these options, as each was incredibly powerful, and he was surprised that the system would provide him with access to such lucrative rewards. What surprised Reginald the most was that the system was willing to make him a landed noble with a rank higher than is usually available at character creation for someone starting in an empire. Reginald thought that such a thing was impossible for someone who was originally a fallen noble.

Again like in character creation, Reginald was in no rush to make decisions if he could take some time as he weighed up all the potential options.

At first glance, the third option would be considered the best start for a dynasty. However, there was also a trap and many hidden implications with this option. First, he would be in a very delicate political situation as not only would many of the Chavarian nobles be hostile towards him for his upstart status. Then you must also consider that there would be many nobles who would meet with fates similar to Lindorus in the Dynasty History Event being beaten for their arrogance and disobedience, which would mean that he would have very few allies to rely on in an empire where his dynasty had accumulated much hatred.

The second issue was that the Plurians would see him as directly responsible for their defeat, and this would most likely not only be because of the Battle of Brunag but also for his extensive involvement in the whole war and as attacking and going against the future Emperor of Chavaria would be stupid and suicidal doing things behind the scenes against him would be more than doable for them so a large amount of the noble class who originated in the Kingdom of Plurus who kept their positions of influence would hate him.

As such, while he would have more power and likely even start with a castle, city and a rather large domain, something that many people, especially corporations, would drool over but he would have to watch his back for plots to remove him constantly. One must not forget that Drusus was only around 40 at the time that Brunag happened, so there is no reason why he could not continue his attack on Nathia, but for some reason, he failed and even likely died shortly after taking Felendril.

One could say that the empire had just formed and was weaker, but if Drusus could destroy two kingdoms and take one hard-to-take mountain stronghold, why not another? There were likely some machinations behind these events, and in the early game, when he was still getting used to the game, these could be fatal and lead to him losing the dynasty that he spent so much effort building in an instant.

For these reasons and also out of laziness, he decided against this option.

The second option was desirable; Inheritable Dynasty traits are strong and the foundation of a Dynasty as you could have one powerful character, but once it died, if you don't have strong Dynasty traits, there is no guarantee that your characters descendants and your heir will inherit any of his skills so Reginald who had the Marital House Dynasty Trait can make sure that his descendants also have a solid foundation in military affairs like him even if their character has preferences for administration or some other field of expertise.

But it was the first option that Reginald chose after nearly an hour of careful consideration. This is because it was obvious that the system valued all the first 3 options equally, so the fourth option is a gamble as he could ask for something that was not as valuable, and he was happy with the first option anyway, so he went for it as who wouldn't want a customised unit to recruit from the start of the game.

He went for this option mainly because, like the Inheritable Dynasty traits, as long as his dynasty survives, they can build and train this unique unit. He had also seen these troops' deadly effectiveness in battle as it was because of the Chavarian knight's durability, ability to form a magical formation and incredible skill at arms that he managed to win the Battle of Brunag in the first place, so he was eager to get a customised unit for himself. If it had not been for this powerful unique unit, then the night ambush that did not go well could have been fatal. It was only because of the protective magic made by the knights that they did not get turned into pincushions which would lead to him losing the battle and having his Dynasty destroyed.

He also already has a strong Inheritable Dynasty trait which cost him a large number of his starting points during character creation, so having a unit specific to his dynasty and preferences will increase his Dynasty's power in the long term and allow him to start forming his own little loyal army of simps before feeling a shiver of fear run down his spine.

'Imagine an army of little Leons…. Ah, that would truly be a terrifying sight.'

Reginald thought as a system notification appeared in front of him.

[Are you sure you want to choose option 1?]


Please read the author's note at the bottom there is an important announcement there.