The Trainer From Hell!

"Even now it gives me shivers."

"The word 'training' when shouted by that man."

"Is associated with pain and suffering."

"The great trainer from hell Leon Mantelon."

Reginald Coulan, creator and head of House Aurellion in dynasties online.


"P-p-punishment game?"

Railius cried out, his eyes widening before becoming depressed, knowing that his character is not physical and will likely suffer more under the devilish training this usually kind-looking butler will put him through.

Railius, still stuck in his own head, never saw where the butler suddenly pulled a bow out from and saw him load what looked to be training arrows not strong enough to kill him, but for a child like him, it would feel like being hit by a paintball gun.

The young player could already imagine the bruises that would litter his body by the end of this training session and vowed to himself that he would avoid them at all costs in the future.

'Friend System, this is not your alter ego, is it?'

Railius asked in his head to the omnipotent system, suspicious that this was a character it was controlling to help satisfy any sadistic urges it may have.

'Nope, not me! If it were, it would be 100 laps, not 50. This butler is only trying to train you if you do well, it is likely you will gain lots of attributes to hang in there!'

The friend system said, slightly annoyed, before leaving again. It had better things to do than listen to the complaints of whiny players. The vast number of requests in the early game from new players was taxing, even if it could be in multiple places at once.


The butler shouted and began shooting at Railius' feet, making the frightened child begin to run around the courtyard. His friend Jordis was treated equally as the butler fired at him too. But unlike Railius, who was the heir to the marquis and so the butler usually missed his own son did not have this luxury and ended up getting shot directly before shooting off like a rocket to avoid his devil-like father.

Both ran like a demon was chasing them, fear clear in both their eyes as they were chased around the courtyard by the Butler, who seemed to have a never-ending supply of arrows which were fired at a lightning-fast speed. If one were paying attention, then they would see Pelican Guards collecting the arrows fired before putting them back into a quiver which was then passed to the butler when he ran out of ammunition.


"Do you want arrows to pierce your soft flesh!"

The demonic butler shouted at them, firing an arrow to hit Railius in the back, who let out a pained cry and immediately started zigzagging as instructed by the butler ingraining certain habits like this into his suffering students to ensure they sink in.

Even though Jordis was far away from Railius and was even 1 lap ahead of the pampered noble, arrows still came his way, forcing him to zigzag the difference in range between him and Railius, not affecting the eagle-like eyes of Butler Zhou.

This continued for over 20 minutes as the muscles in Railius' body cried out in pain from the continued strain on them, but the fear of Butler Zhou kept the adrenaline pumping through the small child's body which fought through the pain, making him run at full speed before collapsing on the ground just as he finished his 50th lap.

Sweat poured from the small child's body, and his breathing became rugged. Already at the finish line was Jordis, who, while not on the ground, was panting heavily, painful bruises scattered all over his body from where the demonic butlers' arrows had found their mark.

"Yoooshhhh! 10 minutes of rest before the punishment game."

The butler said with an evil smile. Only 1 drop of sweat could be seen on his older face compared to his two students who were drenched in it, the difference between their physical abilities being like heaven and earth.

Railius barely processed the words of his strict, unforgiving instructor, for his body felt like lead after running hard around the courtyard. Around him, he could hear the piteous comments from the Pelican Guards who were on duty and seemed to recall their own similar experiences during training.

"You remember the 50 laps we used to have to do?"

One said, remembering when he collapsed on the ground just like Railius

"Yeah, I felt like I would die! Why is it that the commanders are so fit and skilled that they seem to be able to follow and hit everyone with arrows? I can't remember how many times I collapsed into my bed, falling asleep the moment my head hit the pillow."

Another commented, feeling sorry for the two boys who just had a taste of the brutal training all Pelican Guard members had to undergo to make them into the fit elite soldiers that would become so renowned throughout the world of Dynasties Online.

"Used to do? You mean your not keeping up with your training?"

A cold voice said, the two guards turning around in fear to see one of their vice commanders suddenly appear out of thin air, the predatory glint in his eyes sending chills down the usually steadfast guards.

"C-C-C-C Commander Nathos, sir, we didn't see you there! O-O-Of course, we are keeping up with training."

The left guard said, stuttering slightly, who could only imagine what would happen to them if their superiors thought they weren't training properly?

"Y-Y-Yeah, we were just reminiscing on our first few training sessions and all the lessons that were ingrained into our souls."

The right said quickly, his reasoning ability far better than his more boorish companion.

The commander then sniffed slightly before saying with an evil grin.

"I think I smell something! Ah, that's right, bullshit!"

"The shit that comes out of your mouth sure stinks! Do you even brush your teeth properly?"

After hearing this, sweat poured down both men's faces knowing they would be in for a tough night.

"Come with me! I think some 'special training' is needed to ensure you are both up to scratch!"

Captain Nathos said with an evil laugh, grabbing the guards by the ear before they could react and dragging them away. The two guards were silent, accepting their unfortunate fate to go through more hellish training.

After the ten minutes had passed, Railius prepared himself for yet more hellish training while still breathing heavily and recovering from running for so long.

"Time for the punishment game! Young master 50 press-ups, please!

Railius had a blank expression as he struggled to hold his body up while Butler Zhou berated him, but when he saw his young master struggling, the Butler then changed to encouraging him.

"You call that a push-up! Go lower!"

"Keep your back straight!"

"Your mother can do better!"

"My mother is a master-level fighter!"

"You still have the energy to talk back! Do you want to do 10 more?"


"Nearly there, just 20 more to go!"

"Just 10 more you're doing great!"

"Last one, use the last of your strength. I know you can do it!"

Using the last of his energy, Railius collapsed onto the ground, finally finishing his gruelling training session, almost falling asleep due to exhaustion in the grassy courtyard right there and then.

"That will do for today. Well done!"

Butler Zhou said before he heard a bang and looked up at the sky before his gaze hardened, and an angry, worried expression appeared on the 40-year-old man's face for a moment.

A red flair shot into the sky, exploding to take the form of a golden pelican then, more flairs then flew into the sky, acting like signal fires, with one flair prompting the others to be fired into the heavens relaying some kind of message and signal across the Chavarian Empire. But Railius, exhausted from Butler Zhou's training, didn't notice as what little concentration he could muster was focused on the stream of notifications appearing in front of him.

[Congratulations to player Rising Pelican of Loyalty for completing the E rank quest 'Nightly Training and managing to complete it all that was required of you.]

[New Quest Received 'Escape From Chavarian Capital']

Escape From Chavaria: (Main Quest)

Description: After an agreed upon ominous signal is sent, warning that your dynasty is in danger, those with influence within House Aurellion have decided to escape from the imperial capital and regroup somewhere safe.

Quest Clear Conditions: successfully escape the Chavarian Imperial Capital

Quest Clear Reward: Retention of the Fallen Noble Inheritable Dynasty Trait. Other rewards may be given depending on the outcome of the event.

Quest Failure Penalty: Destruction of your Dynasty.

'That sounds more like the quest I was expecting.'

Railius thought while lying on the ground, unaware of his surroundings due to exhaustion as he rested his mind and body for the chaos to come.


Butler Zhou disappeared like a fading mist rushing into the main chamber of the mansion, showing off all the man's extensive skill and physical abilities he then tapped a sequence of stones on the back wall behind where the head of the house would sit when entertaining guests.

A rumble then sounded, and the wall opened, revealing a hidden chamber below it. Entering the chamber, the man in his mid-forties looked up at a shining set of armour laid out on a mannequin that he had not donned in 10 years but had meticulously polished every day the holes once punched in it masterfully repaired by the best craftsmen. The armour was a crimson silver next to it held a slot on the mannequin where a hand should be was a steel red tasselled spear next to it, held on a stand was his familiar ironwood runed bow and behind the set of armour loomed a banner, emblazoned with the coat of arms of House Aurellion.

After affectionately picking up the spear, which was the man's companion over the decades that he spent at war, he donned his familiar armour, feeling slightly refreshed as the steel plates still fitted perfectly to his form even 10 years after he had last worn it personally buckling each leather strap as he had done so many years ago.

He then walked over to the neatly rolled piece of cloth which lay on a table, bowing to it respectfully before tucking it under his arm large arm as he headed out with a determined expression making sure to close the door behind him.

Upon returning to the main chamber, he was surprised to see a yawning small woman waiting for him, her golden gilded armour shining in faint light provided by the candles that adorn the walls of the large room.

"It's been 10 years since I last saw you in armour."

The small 5ft 2 woman said two mithril axes hanging from her hips with her long hair rolled up into a ponytail with a sigh, her heart aching as she prepared herself for an emotional separation.

"You still remember the promise you made to my husband, don't you, Leon."

She continued the woman being the wife of Lucius Aurellion Thorilsia Caskarm and an accomplished warrior in her own right, marched forward authoritatively, her golden boots ringing as she walked over the polished wooden floor right in front of the old butler who no longer looked like a giant servant but instead an imposing general and commander of men.

"Yes, my lady, I will protect the young master with my life!"

Butler Zhou, who was really Leon Mantelon, said respectfully, his green eyes flashing with a determined light, not backing down an inch.

"I don't like this one bit!"

Thorilsia shouted in anger. She knew what the red flair meant and the evil tidings it brought.

It meant chaos.



And entrusting her dear eldest son to someone else without knowing when they will see each other again.

"My lady, this is his lordship's command! You know as well as I do that you will be the first one they hunt down if we are in danger while they see me as an unimportant servant."

"This is the best way to keep him safe. You know that."

Leon said calmly, his aura becoming imposing as he analysed the worst situation in which the entire empire would be after them.

"Beat me!"

Thorilsa shouted, determined that she would be the one to look after as Butler Zhou narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"My lady, we don't ha-"

"Beat me in a duel, Leon! If you are still as skilled as you were back then, you will not be afraid! Beat me in a duel, and ill let you look after my son! I will not allow someone worse at fighting than me to look after him!"

"The entire empire could be after us! There is no way I'm allowing my beloved son to be in the care of someone worse than me."

She shouted, interrupting the huge imposing man that towered over her casting a large shadow that covered the dwarf's small body drawing her two shining mythril axes and getting into a ready stance.

Knowing that this was the quickest way to resolve the issue, Leon put the roll of cloth carefully on the table before gripping his spear in both hands and watched as the small dwarf charged towards him, her axes flashing and blinding him for a second before the large man sensing there the strike was coming from expertly blocked it making Thorilsa eyes widen in shock.

The duel continued for a minute and a half as Leon dominated his opponent. If it were not for the large man's concern and reluctance to hurt the wife of his lord, then it would have been over in 1 minute while Thorilsa's tried desperately to defend herself before Leon used his spear to masterfully disarm her before kicking her down to the ground and placing his spear tip at her throat.

"Are you satisfied?"

"Do you still think you can protect him better than me?"

Leon said coldly, removing the tip of his shining steel spear from Thorilsa's throat and extending his hand to help her up instead of anger which would be the emotion many people would feel after such a beating. Instead, the Marquess of Nalora had a relieved look on her face instead, smiling slightly. Pushing her feeling down, she was ready to entrust the former vice general, like her husband, with her son.

"Since when…."

Thorilsa began asking before being interrupted by Leon, each of the man's answers being short and to the point.

"6 years ago."

"Who else knows?"

"Only his lordship."

"Why did he not tell me?"

"It was safer. The fewer people that know, the better."

"Good, if my son dies, ill beat your ass up in heaven for all eternity,"

"Understood, we best be off! Time is of the essence! You remember the plan, right?"

Leon said, walking towards the front entrance of the main chamber, no longer needing to hide his identity and prepared to carry out his ultimate duty.

"Yes! I'll do my part."

"Lucius had you leave the army on false pretences to allow you to protect our family secretly after all."

Thorilsa said, watching the huge man's back as he left to go and make preparations for their imminent departure and prepared for the fights to come.