The Noble House Of A Gods Favoured.

"Amulius Lunaris."

"Even now, I do not understand him."

"What did he want when he came that night?"

"Did he really think that I would betray him just because Railius is potentially a Gods Favoured?"

"Or was he sentimental in his old age?"

"Everyone had said that the legendary Chavarian Minister of War was incomprehensible."

"It was only until that day he visited me that I understood it fully."

"Just how incomprehensible he is." 

Leon Mantelon, Grand Commander of the Pelican Guards and Grandmaster of Loyalty.


"Do you want to learn how to defend yourself properly?"

Railius asked, gazing at Kaila, who suddenly felt like all her secrets were exposed in front of the lazy noble. Why he was determined to follow her around as she did business was a mystery to the young businesswoman.

But right now, that was not what was asked, and Kaila focused on the question she was asked and was surprised that Railius would ask such a question in the first place. After all, she was to do negotiations, not fighting, and she assumed that he would want to keep her combat skills weak so he could control her more easily.

 "Why are you offering me such an opportunity? I'm a girl, and we usually don't learn things like fighting."

Kaila asked, only to get a small chuckle from Railius, who smiled slightly as if her question was cute.

"Do I seem like a guy stuck in the old ways? Who says a woman can't learn how to fight? Are there not plenty of examples of princesses and queens leading troops to defend their nations in times of need?"

"It will also serve you well in your role as a trader, so why would I be against it?"

"Why wouldn't I offer you the opportunity? Am I not also educating your sister in whatever she wants? Why would I not offer you the same things as her? Unlike her, you're an adult, so you can gain first-hand experience instead of through books, which will serve you better than any book could."

"I also imagine that you are quite well educated. After all, your father was rich and the leader of a merchant group until a few months ago and would have spared no expense in making sure his daughters were prepared for the world. All I am offering is something a little better than that to your sister."

"Alicia can learn what she likes, including what it means to be a traditional noble lady if she likes, but I don't think that fits the little rascal's temperament very well."

Railius said, giving his opinion in the same solemn tone before it got casual as he talked about Alicia, who had the bravery to steal from someone guarded by three mail-clad soldiers.

In Railius' opinion, Alicia was too free-spirited to be stuck in a noble's mansion or castle all day and looked forward to her development as he planned to turn Declan and his family into his loyal subordinates as he could see their upright and kind nature, which was more important to Railius than talent. 

"Are you not worried that I may try to take over your company?"

Kaila asked as she was talking to someone who had not only likely suffered a terrible betrayal in his past but was very cautious as well, so it did not make sense for him to want her to be able to defend herself so he could keep her under control more easily.

She had witnessed him kill someone without blinking to keep his power a secret from the world, even if the chance was low that the mercenary would be found and interrogated, yet for some reason, she wanted to improve her self-defence capability.

Was he not afraid that Kaila may get enough power to stop any retaliation Railius sent her way?

"I hope you won't be offended, but do you really think you can become a threat to me in the next few years? Even if you could take over operations in some kingdoms and empires, I only need to find someone else to run it. I am not forcing you to do anything. If you want to leave, you are welcome to."

Railius said casually, as if he did not care whether Kaila stayed with him or not. While Kaila's family were important and could accelerate his plans, that was all they could do: accelerate them, not stop them, as there was always more fish in the sea.

Railius wanted people who wanted to work for him, not those forced, so even if it slowed his development, he was not going to use someone who did not want to be used or against their will well unless he had to or they were an immoral piece of human garbage, as this tends to breed resentment that can later be used to foment betrayal.

A good example would be a noble who tyrannises his people. Railius would have no issue blackmailing him for his own use.

"I know about your hidden power, right? Who says I am not a threat? All I have to do is tell people about it."

Kaila declared bravely. She was not one to stay quiet, but her eyes quickly widened as she realised her mistake.

"You know how suspicious I am and how ruthless I can be, yet you still have the guts to threaten me."

"You haven't forgotten what happened to that captured mercenary ahem bandit, have you."

 Railius said, coughing slightly when mentioning the bandits that attacked him on the road. His words felt frosty as if she had suddenly been dropped into a cup of ice-cold water, his eyes as Kaila felt a shiver down her spine, instinctively knowing that this was not a person who should be offended as she had not once seen him become emotional and lose his cool even when injured or in a dangerous situation; instead he just calmly analysed and found ways to survive and even thrive in them.

"Honestly, it is impressive."

Railius continued much calmer, a calm smile returning. The emotional outburst went as quickly as it came, and the cold eyes suddenly relaxed as if the young lord's anger didn't exist.

"Anyway, when you are not dealing with the company's matters or are travelling, you may join us in training. After all, I know more than anyone how vital someone's personal combat ability is….

"And how it feels to have people die on your behalf when they wouldn't have to if you were just a bit better at fighting."

Railius said darkly as he ate his food, savouring every bite. Despite his relatively plain meal, it was just how he liked it. He had never been much of a gravy or source type of person; he would happily eat bread on its own as much as he would eat a roast dinner.

Jordis himself was surprised at his lord's words, as it seemed that he was serious about learning how to fight properly and was truly just in deep thought. However, he was relieved that Railius was finally taking something serious for once in his life.

But Kaila felt something momentarily when Railius' emotions ran rampant and what his dangerous aura and killing intent inspired in her.

Killing intent that he should not have.


A great primal fear that even now still made her body shake.

And talent.

The man's terrifying talent momentarily exploded before being forcefully suppressed by an inherent laziness and his own will.

The talent that seemed to be able to see through everything, every plot, scheme, and even people's thoughts and feelings.

It was as if….

Railius feared himself.

And what would happen the moment he didn't constrain himself and let himself loose on the world.

Kaila was in deep thought trying to analyse the eccentric man before her, who was far more complex than she could have initially imagined, and by the time she came out of her stupor, Railius had finished his meal. He didn't talk to her at all after asking his question, just waiting for her response. Railius then got up and gave a happy, relieved sigh as he had thoroughly enjoyed the meal and went to pay. He then returned to the table, put a gold coin on the table, and said it with a gentle smile before leaving.

"Just think about it, ok. There is no need to make a hasty decision. It's not like I'm suddenly going to disappear any time soon."

Railius left, leaving Kaila alone as she ordered something absentmindedly. She stared at the noble's back as he disappeared into the crowds, with Jordis close behind. They were going back to training.

'Quinten Amberguard.'

'What happened in your past to make you fear….'

'Fear your own talent that could shine so bright in the world.'

Kaila thought as her eyes remained on the crowd that Railius had disappeared into.


In the Duchy of Detarnor, Leon Mantalon, the Grandmaster of Loyalty and Sheild of Aurellion, sat in his personal quarters in the dojo, meditating until he sensed a presence. It was faint, but he would not mistake it. His fists clenched as he pressed down the burning rage that threatened to consume him, barely able to do so.

No, he could never mistake it.

After all, it was a presence that stood by and did nothing as Lucius was killed and his family ordered to be exterminated.

It was a presence that he had not sensed in eight long years, and there was only one reason for that person to reveal his traces when he was perfectly capable of not doing so. These traces were so faint that only the grandmaster, who was familiar with this man, would be able to recognise him.

He wanted to be found.

He wanted to meet someone, but not just anyone.

He wanted to meet Leon, the only person who could pick up and recognise these traces.

'What is that bastard here for? What does he want? Why did he come only now? Is the Chavaria so peaceful and court so idle that he can afford to spend months travelling just to get here?'

Leon grabbed his spear and headed out, wearing black clothes that were more reminiscent of an assassin than a proud warrior, before disappearing in a flash. Only a gust of wind could be felt as he made his way out of the town. No one, not even the guards, was aware of the meeting between two beings at the pinnacle of power in the world.

On a hill no more than 15 minutes away, an old man stood admiring the night sky. At his waist was a sword in an ornate sheath, a representation of the man's wealth and power. His hair, once jet black, turned grey with age, and he wore a richly decorated black and gold silk robe as his wrinkled face looked up at the night sky, admiring the stars that scatter small light in the heavens, his bright blue eyes able to see through the world.

With only a few hints, this man can come to the truth, such was the terrifying intelligence he possessed. Initially, he had planned to keep to himself after the events eight years ago, continuing to help his emperor manage his court and nothing more. They had long come to a mutual understanding, but with the recent upheaval in Oovere and the god's favoured rebellion bringing the gods favoured to the forefront of the NPC's minds and, the old minister felt he needed to talk to his old disciples' most loyal man about a few of his suspicions.

He waited until Railius had left and came alone so as not to antagonise the Grandmaster of Loyalty, who would be on the same level as him of this he had no doubt. 

As he was deep in thought, smiling as the sky, he heard approaching footsteps. His superhuman senses could hear them even from miles away as a man he had not seen for over a decade appeared before him.

The old man was not wrong.

Leon would come.

And he would talk. No matter how much he wanted to cross swords with the old Chavarian minister, his sense of loyalty to his lord would prevent him from causing a scene, attracting attention, and making trouble for him.

"What are you doing here, Minister Lunaris?"

"And tell me why I should not try to slit your throat right now!"

Leon called out, his voice ice cold and ruthless. His malicious voice dripped with a long-held rage and the futile attempts to push down grudges that had festered for ten long years. The old, tasselled spear that had accompanied him throughout his lifetime on the battlefield was deftly held out to the side in his right hand as he glared angrily into the man's sea-blue eyes.

If it was not because he knew he had to keep his strength a secret to avoid his lord catching too much attention too soon, he would not even be talking to the bastard before him and would just directly try to kill him.

The man in front of him is a man who can make the entire southern part of the continent tremble with fear. 

The Chavarian Minister of War was the mastermind behind The Chavarian Unification Wars, which forged a mighty empire nearly 18 years ago. He was the mentor of the great generals Drusus Dardinius and Lucius Aurellion and the man stabilising the fledgeling empire, allowing it to gain power and establish a firm foundation.

 Amulius Lunaris.

A genius who became one of the youngest grandmasters the world had ever known.

"I am not here to fight or threaten you, Leon. After all, if I wanted to kill you or your young lord, I would not have come alone."

Amulius said calmly, his eyes like a calm sea as he looked at Leon, not flinching as he felt the dense killing intent that radiated from every pore of Leon's being who wanted to do nothing more than cut him down where he stood.

Of course, the frighteningly intelligent man understood Leon's position and the source of his dense hatred of both him and the Chavarian Empire. He even admired the ageing grandmaster who fought so hard to defend his friend's last descendent for so many years.

 "How did you find us?"

Leon asked, his fists clenched and shaking the moment, he felt Amulius's presence, which he was allowed to feel, draw him here. He looked continuously around for a trap that would never come.

"It was not easy. I only found out where you were 2 years ago, for no matter how much you try to hide or deceive the world…."

"Traces of the truth will always be left, even if they are only in the minds of others."

"Just like how traces of the truth about Lucius' false treason charge remain even a decade after his death."

"And if I could not find you, then I really would have gotten senile in my old age and be unworthy of my reputation."

Amulius sighed. He was impressed by how well House Aurellion kept themselves hidden, after all. It took this person, who had almost all the information about the world at his fingertips, nearly six years to find out their whereabouts after carefully retracing House Aurellions' every step from eight years ago until now.

"If you did not come here to kill me and my lord, why did you come?"

"Because I think you need to know that I suspect House Aurellion to be a noble house of a Gods Favoured."