So Mister Pirate Man…. What will it be?


"It is in everything we do, every decision we make, both conscious and subconscious and can have wide-ranging effects that you could not imagine were possible."

"From something as small as what you eat for breakfast to something as significant as someone's career."

"Your choice always matters even when it seems like there is no choice at all."

"For that is what life is, a series of choices."

"Terrifying, isn't it?"

"To reduce life to such a simple concept as choice."

"But it is a truth in life if only just one of many."

James Larant, Creator of Dynasties Online and CEO of Dynasties Incorporated.


Railius calmly watched the brutal battle raging throughout his flagship, listening in silence as steel continuously clashed with steel. Ten of his loyal Pelican Protectors surrounded him, bloodied swords unsheathed, effortlessly cutting down any man stupid enough to get close to their lord, who, even after months at sea, still did not feel like he was in the best of shapes.

After ten men had died at the swords of the loyal protectors of House Aurellion, their lifeless corpses forming a macabre circle around the young lord and his men, it did not take long for the pirates to avoid these veteran soldiers like the plague, not wanting to add to the tens of corpses already at the feet of these loyal men.

The many battles the young noble had fought against the many bandits who tried to take his company's goods had long removed any apprehension he may have once felt about what was happening or at the prospect of another man's death, even if many would say the NPCs within the game were nothing but code though Railius thought of them differently for he saw them as people.

People each with their own emotions, wants and desires.

They say that people in the ancient and medieval world had to grow up quickly.

Railius could see why, for his eyes held a sense of calm, a sense of steel that should not shine in the eyes of a man of his young age, whether that was his true age in the real world or merely that of his character, who was only 19 years old, ageing significantly faster than his body in real life. If this was not the case, then the game would hardly be called Dynasties Online, for you would not play as a dynasty but merely one character, just like every other VRMMORPG in existence.

And he was a noble! Yes, admittedly, he was a fallen noble with no lands or titles, but he was still a noble and recognised as such by the world at large. Even though Railius was part of a new noble house that gained its status by fighting valiantly in the most significant and bloody war of the century, they were still considered nobles outside of the Chavarian Empire.

After all, the son of a traitor, even one as well regarded as Lucius Aurellion still was throughout the empire, could never be a noble in the eyes of the law.

He could only be a disgraceful person who deserved nothing more than to lose his head.

So, if this could happen to the world's most privileged class of people, how fast would a commoner need to grow up to survive in such a world?

A slave?

Railius could not even begin to imagine how scarred someone may become having to live through such a life, though at least a commoner or serf did not need to worry about assassins hiding around every corner as he did and would be able to live a relatively peaceful life when no wars were going on.

Even now, nearly 8 years after House Aurellions supposed betrayal, the Chavarian Empire has not let up for one second, spending vast amounts of money and resources in an attempt to find the last of Lucius Aurellions' line and extinguish it lest it comes back to bite them in the future.

A fear that would more than likely become true in the future.

Even Reginald, the player behind Railius, could see the logic behind the Chavarian emperor's and crown prince's behaviour. However, if House Aurellion's intelligence reports were correct, then Cassius Crestier, the great founder of the Chavarian Empire's health was failing, age finally catching up to the great emperor.

It also meant that as the characters Reginald played aged, he would more than likely experience how it felt to be old despite not living even a third of his expected lifespan, a prospect that the young university student was not looking forward to if his father's incessant complaints about his advanced age were anything to go by.

Having to kill would force any man to grow up and gallivanting around the battlefield, as Railius would only make this more so than most.

And he had killed many a man to survive and thrive in this brutal medieval virtual world to gain the coin and the resources for his future rise and survival in this virtual world.

However, every day that passed made Railius think that this world he seemed transported into every day was anything but virtual.

Maybe the real world was always just as brutal as this virtual one. The only difference was that nowadays, it is hidden under the surface and not as blatant as in the past. 

History sure made it out to be.

Of that, Railius was certain, being the student of history that he was, he knew of the battles, blood, and betrayal scattered throughout the annuals of humanity's bloody history in worlds both virtual and ones that were not.

No matter what the UN says or what its existence represents and espouses, war crimes and other atrocities still happen, especially in countries that have active nuclear weapons. After all, it was only because of the development of nuclear weapons that a war between the US and USSR was avoided and instead only led to a much calmer Cold War, as no matter how brutal they were, proxy wars between great powers were far less damaging to the world than world wars. 

While still not an ideal state for the world to be in, it was still better than an outright world war, especially if the damage caused by the first two world wars was anything to go by.

The bloody battle raged on. The cries of pain, the begs for help and mercy as blood flowed freely in small puddles and streams on the deck of the ship, nourishing it with the crimson liquid's nutrients, the putrid scent of death from men soiling themselves as they died—all of it was something that Railius had long become accustomed to over his many travels and trails while playing Dynasties Online, slowly hardening his heart as it adapted to the cruel realities of war.

But these small-scale battles and skirmishes were nothing when compared to the giant war he had fought during his first Dynasty History Event, which had long since unknowingly secretly scarred the young 18-year-old university student, making him and his heart harder and colder, as if a sliver of ice had entered his once warm and pure heart, bringing a ruthlessness that was not there before.

A ruthlessness that would serve him well in Reginald's future endeavours.

For the death and bloodshed he witnessed during those 3 days in the game made what was happening around him trouble him less than the seagull shit that fell onto the deck every now and then, not that any seagull that did so ever live to tell the tale as the offending bird would quickly find one of Aldorus' arrows shoot it out of the sky and later put onto the dining room table for all to enjoy.

Despite his many thoughts, Railius still watched the battlefield until he saw something that made him frown.

The leader or admiral of this pirate fleet, a man dressed in far more luxurious customised light mail armour, was charging towards Kaila alongside 3 of his best men who had easily cut through the sailors on the ship. However, they struggled against the Pelican Guards, being lucky enough to be facing the younger members, who were mostly adept fighters rather than their older comrades, who were all expert fighters who had spent their lives marching from one bloody battlefield to the next.

Men that had even injured a few Pelican Guards, though it looked like the injured men would live, their mail armour saving their lives, which was something to be thankful for. The three expert fighters had not the time to finish their opponents before their captain called them, so they left the men injured and out of the fight while they responded to their commander's call.

These were men to be wary of, and a captain who had managed to find the weak spot of the fleet for Kaila held a crucial role in House Aurellion's future plans. It could be said to be the only way to make Railius and his men negotiate with these pirates on favourable terms, as with their master fighter being dealt with by Aldorus, there was no one capable of even coming close to Railius, making Kaila the only real viable hostage they could use to get out their predicament.

Others did not easily fill the crucial role that the young girl held. As a result, Kaila became a woman who must be protected at all costs, second only to Railius himself, even though most of the Pelican Guards disagreed with their lord on this point. That was why two Pelican Guards were assigned to protect her throughout this battle to keep her from danger, having done a decent job so far if the numerous corpses at the feet were anything to go by.

The four pirates started to break through, their cutlasses flashing as they cut down one sailor after another. They found a small opening, and the two Pelican Guards protecting Kaila were busy fighting off four other elite pirates, a feat which required all their attention and led to a lapse in the young girl's protection.

This offensive coincided with Braxel's attack, which the pirate player ordered to distract the young girl's guards while he captured her. Even if the four died, it would be worth it if Braxel could acquire this lifesaving hostage.

"Captain Cedrick, go protect Kaila, please!"

Seeing this, Railius calmly called out to the captain of his Pelican Protectors, an aged veteran of 53 years of age and one of the 30 men who had survived the gruelling trip from the Chavarian capital. His hair was a mix of grey and black, his facial features sharp though wrinkled from his long life on the battlefield. Captain Cedrick watched the battle calmly; having experienced far larger and bloodier wars than the small naval battle, he had long since become accustomed to such bloody scenes.

His chestnut-brown eyes were serene but alert as they scanned for any threats to the young lord's safety.

"Milord, with all due respect, my job is to protect you, not the young lass over there. If you fall for any reason, then all of our and the previous lords' efforts to save your life would be a waste."

The captain stoically replied as he saw the 4 pirates cutting through men to get to Kaila. His accent revealed his commoner background, remaining ever watchful, for instead of retiring, he, like his other 30 surviving brothers in arms who had fought their way out of the Chavarian imperial capital, decided to stay in service and join the Pelican Protectors despite their advanced age-determined to protect the young lord until they finally go to meet the gods.

Even though most were in their mid-forties to mid-fifties, the strength and experience of these elite soldiers should not be underestimated. They could easily wipe the floor with almost anyone else of the same level. Even the Chavarain Imperial Guards, a military unit famed for its strength within the southern continent and feared by all, struggled and took considerable casualties when they clashed with these old soldiers in the past.

These old loyal Pelican Guards had failed the father, but they would not fail the son!

"Oh, is that so captain? You are only here to protect me?"

Railius asked, smiling slightly, his voice full of mirth and eyes shining with mischief, making the captain's blood cold for a second. This was the last thing the loyal soldier wanted, but he nodded to show that Railius was right, sighing loudly as he could imagine what his lord would do next to force his hand. This was the only thing he could do in this situation. After all, he was not the one in charge here as his young lord had long been of age, and so he no longer had the authority to stop him from doing anything or countermand his orders. He could only give his advice and follow his young lord's antics and orders, no matter how much he disagreed with them.

He had watched over and protected the young lord for the last 8-9 years, so as a result, he knew more than most the result of the amused, almost playful look now plastered on his lord's face.

It was worn when his young lord was up to no good, though why it had to appear now at such a dangerous time as master fighters were battling on the ship was something that only Railius or the gods would know.

'Trust the casual and eccentric House Aurellion to be mischievous and calm even on a bloody battlefield.'

Captain Cedrick thought as Railius drew the sword at his hip, a blade far better than most players possessed in Dynasties Online, which had until now remained sheathed, was drawn out. The sun's light seemed drawn to it, the mixed metal alloy reflecting its rays, giving the blade an otherworldly beauty as he casually walked towards Kaila and the four approaching pirates without a care in the world, as if every move and potential outcome of the battle was perfectly calculated and its result clear.

As if this battle would only end in one way, a resounding victory for House Aurellion.

The old captain was stunned for a second as he saw a shadow of the past in every confident movement and expression Railius made. Subconsciously, his hand reached out for this ghost, this apparition that suddenly appeared in his mind, a man that he had followed, respected, and, like everyone who served House Aurellion, loved and mourned even after he departed from the mortal plain years ago.

As Captain Cedrick's hand was about to touch this spectre of the past, it suddenly disappeared in a puff of illusionary smoke, breaking the old captain from his trance, who blinked a few times, dispelling the shadow of the past created by his mind before quickly following his lord into the naval battle. 

If anyone who knew Lucius Aurellion had any doubts that this was his son, then the way Railius had just walked and acted would have removed any doubts they may have previously had.

Even now, there are still some people who doubt that Railius Aurellion could be alive after being hunted down by the Chavarian Empire for so long and believe that House Aurellion's supporters had found a random kid to prop up to get revenge on those who had wronged them.

This was mainly because no one else had ever managed to escape from the imperial capital like House Aurellion had, so this theory was not baseless.

Only the Chavarian Emperor, Crown Prince, Minister of War, and those close to them believed or knew that the last heir to House Aurellion survived them and the Nathian royal family. Everyone else could only guess, as it had been nearly a decade since any news about them had appeared to the public. Only a select few could track them and their movements over the years due to how low-key the actions of the fallen noble house were.

This was because House Aurellion had a history of achieving extraordinary things. Its founder, Lucius Aurellion, would have even been the main reason for the fall of Nartook Fortress if the nobles in Chavaria had not sabotaged Lucius behind the scenes and cut off the supply lines of the army that Lucius Aurellion commanded 10-15 years ago forcing the Chavarian great general to retreat.

If it were not for this and the other things that these commoners turned nobles had achieved, people would have already considered the fallen noble house extinct or irrelevant as fallen nobles with no territory, even those with loyal subordinates and soldiers, rarely last long.

Whether betrayed by one of their subordinates for the promise of wealth and power or abandoned to the whims of a cruel world after all their resources are spent for a fallen noble house, especially one seemingly devoid of allies, the only result is a tragedy.

This, however, never happened to House Aurellion. Despite having a child lord, they managed to survive and now even thrive in Nathia, setting up multiple streams of income that now bring in hundreds of thousands of gold in a month. The trip they were on now would net them hundreds of thousands of gold alone, let alone the other caravans, and the money they would get from the mercenary work the noble house dabbled in.

As Railius approached the four pirates, who were quickly making their way towards the young women, a mail-clad figure appeared before him, charging forward and engaging them just before they could get their hands on Kaila. A cold expression appeared on the Pelican Protector Captain's face as he swiftly dispatched the three elite pirates at the front of the diamond formation, who were among the best the pirates could offer.




3 seconds.

It took only 3 seconds for the three men to fall, one falling with each second that passed, and in a flash, they were clutching at large wounds, trying in vain to stop the blood that flowed out like a small stream. Each man's leather armour was cut through like paper by Captain Cedrick's steel sword, his sword appearing and cutting them down in what seemed to be a flash, their blood slowly pooling on the wooden deck of the ship.

First to fall was Wyl, who fell to a counter riposte that was far too fast and skilful for its own good that it happened in the blink of an eye after the unfortunate pirate decided to take the first swing. Then Hal followed his friend into the cold embrace of death. His blow aimed at Cedrick's waist was dodged by the Pelican Protector captain, whose body slipped past the man's blade as he cut the unfortunate man at the waist, nearly bisecting the man as he shredded through the leather armour protecting the man's waist like a knife through butter.

The final to fall was Ralf, whose eyes were still wide in shock at the brutal deaths of his comrades and the efficiency at which this bearded white-haired man harvested his friend's lives as his head was cut off with one precise swing of the old veteran's sword#. The headless body spurted blood as it lifelessly slumped to the wooden floorboards of the ship.

Each man fell within a second to the old captain, whose ice-cold eyes bored into Braxel, chilling his body like a winter's breeze would. The combat demon's breathing wasn't even slightly laboured after his efforts, showing just how far the gap in skill between him and pirates truly was.

Braxel's eyes widened at the sight of his men's lives being harvested like they were sheaves of wheat in autumn harvest, stuttering still as Cedrick's sword pressed against his throat. The way this demon dispatched his men could only mean one thing, as they were meant to all be at the same rank when it came to their combat abilities.

"A-a q-quasi m-master."

Braxel stuttered in a whisper, finally figuring out just how truly screwed he was. Looking around, he found that most of his men joined the 3 elite pirates in death, being no match for the older, more experienced Pelican Guards, who had survived through wars where hundreds of thousands had died, let alone the few hundred that would die in this minor conflict that many saw only as a small skirmish.

To say that these elite soldiers' perceptions of a real battle had been warped would be an understatement.

Captain Ryman finally fell as Aldorus slowly but surely pushed him into a corner with nary a scratch on him. Aldorus' final strike was one that went diagonally from shoulder to waist, resulting in a sizeable bloody gash. Around him, the rest of the pirates were quickly dealt with after the rest of the Pelican Guards started to clean up the ship.

"So, mister captain, or is it admiral?" 

"Maybe boss?"

"Honestly, it doesn't matter, but how about you tell your men to surrender, and you may be able to get out of this with your head firmly attached to your body and not hanging around at some port for people to gawk at."

"Maybe we can even get to your master fighter in time to save his life if you make your decision fast enough, so please make it as soon. as possible."

Railius said casually, though his voice had a cold undertone as the lifeblood of the master-level pirate captain began to flow out of his body like a river, showing that he had no issue killing the pirates or handing them over to the authorities if the young lord felt like it suited him.

"So, mister pirate man…."

"What will it be?"