The Journey Begins

*The name at the top of each chapter is the point of view the chapter is based on. Bold is inner wolf voices, italic text is mental links*


I was still thinking of my dream from the night before. The woman in it had been truly beautiful. My wolf whined a bit when we woke up. "I wanted to see her more. Her wolf was stunning." I smiled and shook my head at him. "I still say it was a sign. She's our mate or at least someone important to us." I wasn't so sure. The Moon Goddess was a lot of things and I would never oppose her, but she wasn't known for laying breadcrumbs to a mate. It was up to us to find them on our own.

I heard Silas heading down the stairs, he seemed to be in a rush. Usually, he was a slow riser in the mornings, refusing to get out of bed until I threatened him once or twice. What got him up so quickly today? It wouldn't be the meeting, he only went because it was required, not because he enjoyed them. "Morning Alpha." I nodded once as Silas rounded the stairs. He seemed different today, he had a hop in his step. What had changed his mood so drastically from last night?

"Morning Sin, Omegas." He nodded to us all in turn and headed to the breakfast that was on the table in the kitchen.

"Okay, we are getting ready to leave. Brine," Brine walked over, his head lowered and hand over his chest waiting for my command. He was a wonderful soldier and Omega. He wasn't a leader, but he also got few opportunities to practice leading with his role in our pack. That was why my choice was simple. "I'm leaving you to handle my position as Beta in my absence. Be sure trainees in the hand-to-hand combat are pushing themselves but watch for wounds and places they can improve. Be sure all the prisoners are fed by dusk, only one meal. The head from last night's rogue can be returned to his body this evening as well."

"Understood Beta, thank you for the honor." I put my hand on his shoulder, releasing him from his attention stance. He smiled at me and I gave him a look of assurance. He could do this, it was just a day, maybe two if we stopped on the way home tomorrow instead of driving straight through.

"I'm leaving the advisor in my position, he'll handle all the political side of things for today and energy training. Pause all weapon training until we return. Any new lawbreakers should be locked in a cell until I return unless something trivial that can be settled quickly."

That was no surprise, Silas often left Lionel in charge if he had to leave the pack territory. Lionel lowered his head, "Understood Alpha, safe travels."

"Also, Daniel, you will accompany us for additional protection on the trip. Lesta, you can handle the omega duties until we return." Lesta was still new to her role as third-ranked Omega. Her shock and fear were written on her face as she lowered her head and put her hand to her chest, standing at attention.

"You'll do well, and remember it's two days. If you can't get to something today, make sure it can wait until tomorrow. Prioritize your workload, we understand this is typically a job held by three people." I offered her words of encouragement, catching a smile from Silas as I did. He was testing her, but of course, he wouldn't tell her just yet. It wasn't a test to handle all the work of three people on her own. It was a test of trying and refusing to give up when an order was handed down. I sent a silent call to the Moon Goddess to help her focus today and do well for this test.

"Understood, thank you." She released her attention stance and turned to her fellow Omegas. Daniel and Brine both gave her a pat on the back and began to give her tips on what to handle first and what to leave for tomorrow. Daniel dismissed himself to get a bag prepared for our departure. I watched the clock while everyone finished eating and was wondering if we'd make it on time.

"You seem on edge." Silas gave me a slight shove and I shook my head.

"You seem relaxed. Did I miss something?" There was definitely something that got him excited.

His voice sounded through our private Beta/Alpha link, "I'll tell you on the trip. Let's hurry these Omegas along. I'm ready to go." I wanted to push for answers but he had said his piece for now. It wasn't my place to push him to talk now. I shrugged, accepting I'd have to wait for answers.

 "I'm ready, Alpha." Daniel returned with a bag and a big smile on his face. He was clearly very happy with his placement in this quarter's meeting. For the last one, it was Brine who accompanied us and Daniel who took my duties while we were gone. Being the Beta wasn't exactly fun and games. I handled all the hand-to-hand training on my own and assisted Silas in the weapon training. Not to mention caring for the prisoners along with any other requests or orders from the Alpha directly. I also helped the Alpha with defensive training of the Omegas, and personally ran the first protection detail of the night. The Omegas covered the remaining protection details and defensive strategizing or training of their defense group members. They also handled personal requests from members that had to do with their home or food needs. That was their main focus, defense of the pack lands overall. I focused on the defense of the Alpha most of the time.

"Okay, off we go. We should return tomorrow afternoon. Prepare well, and follow the Moon Goddess' lead." Silas traded goodbyes with Lionel and they shared the shake of leaders, gripping at the elbow as we had last night.

"You as well Alpha, may the Goddess watch over you on your travels." I nodded to him and the Omegas my farewell, not seeing a need to add more than was already said.

We got into the large van, it had double rows in the back and thick bulletproof glass for all the windows. We may have healing abilities, but you can never be too careful. Getting shot wouldn't kill us, most likely, but it would hurt. I climbed in the driver seat, Silas took the passenger side, and Daniel climbed into the furthest back row. "Mind if I sleep on the trip?"

"Not at all." Silas and I said in unison. We both knew Daniel well, he was probably up late playing games and knew he'd regret that decision once we arrived at a party with tons of wolves and where he'd have the role of protection. He'd be expected to stay by our sides the entire night until we released him for the evening. It was going to be a long afternoon of meetings and discussions that would bore him since he wouldn't be allowed to partake. It'd be worth it for the fun he got after, but until then he needed to be awake and alert.

The road was clear, it wasn't exactly the traveling season with snow on the forecast for the week. We were on highway 35 quickly, heading towards the North's meeting place in Sioux Falls. We met at the Good Earth State Park in South Dakota. It was just over five hours away from our main pack location at Battle Bluff Prairie in Wisconsin. Our pack was the second closest, with Blood Moon being the lucky pack whose main pack location was in the same state. Claw Moon and Harvest Moon both had much further drives from Indiana and Wyoming locations. After about half an hour of silence, I finally thought to ask again. "Okay, so now that Daniel is snoring loud enough to break our windows. What got into you today?"

"Actually I'm not entirely sure and I'm telling you this as a friend, not my Beta." That was often a warning that he was about to say something crazy I needed to convince him against. It definitely did not appease my concern. "Okay so last night after our talk about mates, I called to the Moon Goddess, and asked her for a sign, something telling me not to give up."

The Moon Goddess didn't send signs often. I felt my heart sink for my friend. He must have felt really desperate to ask for a sign he knew was unlikely to come. "What happened?"

"Nothing at the time, but then I went to bed." His tone was getting excited, his eyes seeking outside our window. "I think I had a dream of my mate."

My breath stopped and I had to take a quick look at him. Did he dream of his mate as well last night? What were the chances of that...maybe the Moon Goddess had blessed us with a sign. "Told you so." I rolled my eyes to my wolf before responding to Sil. "Seriously? What makes you think it was your mate?" It could have just been hopeful thinking on his part, and mine.

He shrugged his shoulders, but my mind was racing. What if the woman I saw had been my mate? I tried recalling the woman from my own dreams, her image had been burnt into my mind thanks to my wolf. She'd been all he thought about since we woke up this morning. The lake, the moon, and of course her beautiful hair. I wish I'd been able to see her face. "Her wolf had a beautiful face too." Of course, my wolf got to see her full wolf, but I was limited.

"It was just the feeling, and my wolf is certain it was her as well. I don't want to say too much and risk getting my hopes too high." Too late, from his tone and the look he had in his eyes, he was already deep in the tunnel of hope and would either find the light at the end or get stuck until someone dug him out. Please let it be the first outcome. He deserved this happiness.

"I uhm, actually had a dream as well." I tried to keep my tone calm, but it couldn't be a coincidence. The Goddess rarely sent signs, but if that's what these were we had to follow them. Meaning I had to be on the watch, looking for the woman from my dream. Although, it wouldn't be wise to get my own hopes too high either. Even if Silas' dream was a sign, it doesn't mean mine was as well.