Sharing News


Melinda screamed a high-pitched scream and put her coffee back on the side table before standing to jump on the bed. "Oh my god!!! Oh my god!!!"

I began to laugh and shake my head watching her. "Calm down, I haven't said yes to the mate bond yet!" I put my coffee down as well and tried to reach up to catch her as she continued to bounce from one side of the bed to the next.

"I don't care! My best friend found mates, got a message from the Moon Goddess, and at least for a second that brilliant mind of yours contemplated what it would be like to say yes!" I shrugged, she hadn't said anything incorrect. I laughed as she continued to jump on the bed celebrating.

She finally stopped and let her feet fall to the side of the bed as she jumped onto the floor and pulled me up to stand with her. "You may not be sure, but I will take the events as a true moment of growth and celebrate for you! Don't you worry!" I laughed and gave her a long hug.

"Well thank you for that, you have already celebrated enough for the both of us I think. Although I do have questions about that dream. Do you really think it was legitimately a message from her? I don't want to be too hopeful. I mean the things about my family I haven't told you…" It had felt so real at the time, but maybe my mind was just hopeful after hours of calling her.

"Stop right there! You know better than I do that it was a legitimate message. I have never pushed about your family because we both know that is a path I wasn't supposed to know yet. However, I will say I'd trust a Goddess over whatever drama the past has going on. If she seems to think there's a way around it I would trust her!" She pulled me at arm's length and locked eyes with me, her hands on my arms. "We both know you have special gifts beyond that of even a witch or werewolf. She chose you for something, and I for one am full support that you let your full potential out! You deserve it!" Powerful intuition was her best skill so it made it difficult to argue with her at a time like this. I told her about the dream because I wanted her input, and besides the excited friend response, this was her input. This is what her intuition was telling her. I could only trust her skills as I had hoped to.

I gave her a small smile, feeling the tears fill my eyes. "I hope you are right." I pulled her into a tight hug. Wishing silently that she was right and that I would find a way to overcome the past. I know my wolf deserves her mates. It wasn't her fault that she was stuck with me. It also wasn't my fault my family did what they did. I took a calming breath. No need to make any decisions today. I had five days to think about it, to weigh my options, to find the loophole the goddess told me about.

"Okay." I said, wiping my eyes and standing back. "Well, not sure what time it is but I am leaving this afternoon." I looked around for a clock and reached for my phone sitting next to the cup of coffee I abandoned when Melinda started jumping on the bed. It was three o'clock! "I slept all day?!"

"Like I said, I had been trying to wake you up for half an hour. That was after sleeping in, having breakfast, showering, and waiting a while. I guess the goddess wasn't finished talking and kept you sleeping." She shrugged as I grabbed my coffee and took a big drink, ignoring the slight scorch it left in my throat.

"Time to get ready! Oh no, my snake! I definitely don't have time to go home and get her!" I turned to Melinda, "Could you please take care of her? She doesn't need feeding any time soon, just water replaced and a little humidity spray on his substrate if it gets low!"

She smiled and nodded, "Of course, and don't worry I'll text you daily updates."

I let out a sigh and began to pull apart my clothes from the combined set we brought. I do not have enough clothes for this trip. What am I going to do for clothes? "Okay, uhm I may have to buy some clothes or something! I did not think this through!"

Melinda laughed and I turned to face her, my mind still racing about everything I would need that I did not have. I needed my toothbrush, razor, and all of my bathroom stuff! I only ever brought a single change of clothes to these events because I never stayed more than the check-out time the next day. "What is so funny?" I asked her while trying to decide if I needed my witch tool bag or not.

"You are so flustered. Girl you leave in two hours right?" I nodded. "Great, let's go shopping. Come on."

I laughed a bit with her as she handed me my hair clip and coffee. "Brilliant idea!" I quickly threw my hair into some type of twist that could be contained and put the clip in place. We headed to the hallway and I smelled the familiar scent from the night before as the door opened. On the doorstep just outside of the door was a note with a phone number and a single message, "So you can let us know when you are ready to leave. No need to rush." He didn't sign it, not that he needed to. I knew it was Silas just from the scent. I tried to hide the smile forming on my lips and put the paper in my pocket ignoring the smile Melinda had on her face. "Let's go."

We reached the bottom floor and saw a familiar man walking toward it. Daniel from the day before let a large smile meet his face as he saw us walking out of the elevator and towards the main entrance. "Melinda! Hey, and I'm sorry I forgot your name." I smiled at him as I realized the irony.

He was in the Shadow Moon pack and most likely the driver taking me with them to their pack house tonight. "Sylvia, and no need to apologize. Daniel right?" He seemed surprised I remembered as he nodded. "I remembered from yesterday." As I shook his hand I felt a drain, he was exhausted. Probably barely got any sleep and now he was preparing to drive us back all afternoon. "Busy day?"

"Oh uhm, a little." He ran his hand through his blonde hair absentmindedly. The shaggy hair fell into his face as his mind raced thinking about how to answer. "Just had some things to prepare for tonight. Was out too late, but it is what it is. Gonna move on and just sleep well tonight!"

"I can help if you allow me." He looked from me to Melinda, his face frozen in surprise.

"She'd do a better job helping with energy drain than I would. Her energy boosts are famous around work!" She wasn't lying. I was the equivalent to an espresso shot when I gave a boost of energy. All the wake-up and energizing effects without any risk of a crash or sudden loss of energy later.

"Uhm, okay then." As I put my hand on his chest I heard the elevator open behind us and got hit with the scent of both Silas and Sinlan at the same time. I smiled a bit as I knew they'd see me helping their Omega. I pulled up a small burst of active and peaceful energy and directed it through my hand and into his chest. I then pushed it throughout his body and let it spread until his chest felt a bit warmer.

He looked at me with his blue eyes wide in amazement, his mouth fell open as he took a step back and put his hand up to his chest. I felt Silas and Sinlan closer to us as he looked between me and Melinda again. "What the hell was that? I feel amazing!" He looked down to his feet and at his hands, "Like everything feels…I don't know how to explain it!"

"Charged?" Melinda offered with a smile as she nudged me.

"Yes! Sirs, you gotta try this!" He motioned to the men behind us, I turned to face them and saw a small smile on Silas' face. Sinlan looked more focused, his eyes going between the three of us in front of him. His eyes locked on mine and I felt a pull, the call of his wolf most likely.

"Oh, we do? May I?" Silas asked with his smirk growing. He wanted to test my energy or was he daring me to touch him? I'd been so careful my whole life, maybe a little spontaneity is what I needed. It isn't like a single touch would change much.