Private Meeting


Sinlan put his hand in mine as we walked out of the door, "So, whatever you were talking to your wolf about, you know you can tell us right?" He knew it was something important. How good were his energy reading skills? "Even if it's something you don't think we want to know." He sent a cool wave of energy through me, it made me smile. 

My heart broke as I knew I was about to lie to him, or at least omit the truth. "I know, it's nothing really. I just got a bit distracted, sorry." He gave me a gentle nod. I knew he could tell I was leaving something out. He was just choosing not to push me. He was so sweet. He wouldn't be mad later, would he?

"Yes, yes he will be." I pushed my wolf's voice away, not wanting to hear it right now. I turned to see the new group waiting for us in the clearing, many still coming from all directions to join. It was older pups this time.