Chapter 21

We reached the tall black gates. Awaiting our arrival. We hopped off our unicorns, weird I know I am still getting used to it too. We walked to the gate, Tatsuya opened it, and after taking a glance at each other, we started heading toward the village. We passed through several streets lined with houses. We arrived at the main plaza."Let's stop at an inn first," suggested Ryoko.

"Are you sure that's wise? We could meet people that aren't too friendly." I suggested. I didn't pay attention to what we were walking, as I was thinking about what's been happening lately. It feels surreal having such powerful abilities without knowing how to use them properly or even if I'll end up being able to.

Suddenly someone bumped into me, nearly knocking me over, and causing me to lose balance. I stumbled forward, crashing against a wooden fence. Someone else also crashed against me, sending me tumbling to the floor. I groaned in pain, trying to get up, but someone else had already grabbed hold of me pulling me to a standing position.

"Are you alright?" The person asked. I turned and met his gaze. His eyes were bright blue with specks of gold. His blond hair stuck straight up at the front. He had a sharp nose and a firm jawline. He wore a white tunic with a brown belt around the waist, and brown pants with brown leather boots.

"Yes, I'm fine," I replied. He smiled and helped me up, grabbing hold of my arm and helping me stand straight.

I brushed myself off and started to walk back to the others. My mind wandered off to my friends who were waiting for me.

I turned around when I realized someone grabbed my arm softly, bringing me back into reality. I blinked twice a few times, trying to get my eyes to focus on whoever grabbed me.

"Hey," greeted Ryoko gently. "Are you okay?"

I nodded slowly, looking at him with a smile. He smiled back, patting my back softly.

"Come on, let's go inside already!" Tatsuya yelled. He had already pushed past us and gone into the inn. We exchanged glances and then proceeded to follow the rest of the group, smiling at each other the whole time.


"You all look tired..." Ryoko's mom commented.

"A little," I said.

"A little? Baby, you have bags the size of apples." Ryoko's mom worried about grabbing my cheeks.

"Mom, we're out in public, people are looking."

"They can look for all I care, creeps." Ryoko's mom remarked.

"Well, let's hurry up and take a nap then!" Kaida exclaimed.

"Don't you think you're being a bit too eager for that?" Tatsuya asked. We all laughed softly at her. She rolled his eyes and pouted slightly.

"If you're going to sleep for a while, maybe you need something to eat as well? You must be hungry." The sister's mother suggested.

"Food sounds good," I agreed as the others nodded.

"Then let's get some food!" Tatsuya announced cheerfully.


In less than 10 minutes I sat in the dining area with everyone around me, eating a big dinner. After a couple of minutes of discussing our plans and what would happen after the war, we finished dinner.


I was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling as I thought about what had just happened today.

When the time finally comes, will I be able to protect the ones that I love?

Will I be able to become the guardian that all the people here need me to be?

That I want to become.

I think of them every day, I wish to see them happy. To make them proud. But I'm afraid...

Afraid I won't survive, of course. Afraid that I will fail...

Even though I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to do. What will I do to protect them?

And I know I might not be able to save them. Even if I do find a way.

I close my eyes, feeling defeated. I can't do anything, it's just hopeless.

"You seem troubled," Ryoko stated.

"What makes you say that?" I responded.

"Well, I've only talked to you three times in total, so you might take it as odd but you always look like a million thoughts going through your mind. I mean, that's because you tend to spend a lot of time thinking about something," Ryoko explained.

"Oh, is that so?" I chuckled softly.

"You do?" Ryoko inquired.

"Uh, yes. It's been chaotic these few weeks, so it's been a little stressful," I admitted. He smiled warmly at me.

"Well, we wouldn't want that! So now tell me, what's wrong?" Ryoko questioned me again.

"I don't know what to do! Every day I think when the time finally comes, will I be able to protect the ones that I love?

Will I be able to become the guardian that all the people here need me to be?

That I want to become.

I think of them every day, I wish to see them happy. To make them proud. But I'm afraid...

Afraid I won't survive, of course. Afraid that I will fail…

Even though I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to do. What will I do to protect them?

And I know I might not be able to save them. Even if I do find a way.

I close my eyes, feeling defeated. I can't do anything, it's just hopeless." I cried.

"Is that all? Why don't we change that." I heard Ryoko suggest. I turned my head to face him, with an annoyed face. Why did I ever say anything to him? He looked like he was contemplating something. I noticed his hands twitching in excitement, and his eyes seemed full of hope.

"Ok, what's your suggestion?" I replied.

"First of all, I would like you to practice using magic again. Just imagine how much easier things are when you use them. Next, what does magic feel like? Can you describe it to me?" Ryoko questioned.

"I-it feels nice. Like a wave hitting your skin. Warm and comforting," I started to explain.

"Can you show me? How hard do you need to concentrate?" Ryoko questioned.

"As I told you, it feels kind of cold."

Cold? That means your magic works on temperature. If you focus on coolness, your magic may react differently. I think that will be great for practicing," Ryoko spoke enthusiastically. So try to visualize warmth, warmth flowing through you. Try to remember everything you've done before. Think about what you felt when you used magic for the first time. Remember it all and try to visualize what it feels like." Ryoko instructed.

"Ok," I closed my eyes. "I'm focusing on heat. There's warmth surrounding my body. Everything feels warm. Is that normal?" I asked.

"Yes! I knew you'd be able to do it eventually!" Ryoko exclaimed happily.

"No, picture yourself standing next to the fireplace, and concentrate on the fire. What happens?" He pressed.

"Nothing, why?" I replied.

"Just relax for a moment and open your eyes. Do you notice anything different?" He inquired. I opened my eyes slowly, seeing that I was no longer standing near the fireplace. However, there was still a feeling of warmth surrounding me. A small smile spread across my face.

"Good, keep doing that. Now try to remember what it was like the last time you used it. Think of something pleasant," he insisted. I closed my eyes again, focusing on the memory of sitting by the fire. The warmth felt like it came from everywhere. I opened my eyes, realizing there was no fire in front of me. No warmth anywhere.

Alright, try moving your hand, then concentrate."

"Ok, I will." With that, I focused on controlling my energy, which wasn't very easy as it was hard to concentrate in a situation like this. After a while, though I managed to start focusing my energy on my wrist. I tried making it glow brightly. Nothing.

"Keep trying," encouraged Ryoko encouragingly. Soon, I got an idea.

I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. This is important. If I fail, I have to protect those that I love.

A flash of the first night here showed through my head.

As soon as I focused I felt something strange within me.

My body started to shiver. Suddenly the temperature dropped dramatically. As I opened my eyes, I gasped realizing something. Ryoko was frozen stiff with a shocked expression on his face.

Ryoko's eyes went wide in shock and surprise.

He fell onto his side.