When I started preparing and getting dressed for the party, I overheard Joyce, Esther and Abigail talking , apparently they were preparing to go for a show at Eko Hotel and Suites. Joyce was still not herself, i caught her once or twice trying to eavesdrop on me, she was monitoring my every movements.
She was definitely curious of what I think of her now. As it should be, I just had this feeling that she knew I wouldn't tell my jew of a uncle. But for the first time in history, (In my 18 years of existence).
I felt staying out late till 3am wouldn't attract a punishment.
Asamoah drove into a Shopping complex to get some booze for the party, leaving me and Faith who was probably texting and laughing in the backseat of the car.
I looked at her via the rearview mirror as the phone's backlight shone on her face. Damn she was beautiful, she wore a fitting black dress, and I found it hard to take my eyes off of her cleavage.
Suddenly Jack Sparrow spoke again "Compliment her" and I felt this sudden burst of confidence.
"Nice boobs" I texted her on twitter, she looked up and laughed at me. My head was spinning!
"What a shy baby" was all I got as a reply on Twitter. How was she not offended? Anyway, I looked back and said "I'm not a baby", she laughed and dared me to look her in the eyes and repeat what I said on Twitter.
Well, to be fair I was quite naughty on Twitter and shy in reality. The sudden burst of confidence had depleted and I was about gather the courage to look back when Asamoah opened the trunk of the car, He dropped something heavy something in it and off we went to the party.
We got to the venue at exactly 7:50pm, I got down and looked at my borrowed Nike Air Force one.
But Faith remained inside the car
"Guy! Where's my date?" I asked Asamoah again.
"You're pathetic you know," Asamoah teased. "You want Greenspring girls when you have some hot caged lionesses right in your house?"
"I don't understand you, A$AP," I replied, startled.
"Charly, those two girls from private universities living in your house are like hungry lions!"
I laughed it off. "Guy, forget it. They're way above my league."
"See you, you dey fall my hand!" Asamoah sounded disappointed. "Anyway, Faith is your date. I promised I'd set you two up if she tweeted about the party."
At this point, I couldn't even sort out my own feelings about the situation.
Was I shocked? Happy? Sad? Or just indifferent? She actually retweeted just to be paired with me? That hot girl? Why? I was definitely not in her league!
Man! My self-esteem shot up from 20% to 120%.
"Guy, don't play with me oh! Don't even try it," I said with a nervous smile, silently praying he wasn't joking.
He punched me playfully in the chest, teasing me with words I was too dazed to even register.
"A$AP, where's the booze?" Michael's voice cut through my thoughts as he stood at the gate. "The dispensers are ready!"
I'll refine this segment while keeping the playful tension:
Asamoah headed to the car boot to grab the drinks, calling back to me, "Ladi, remember—One Boy, One Girl. Go win your ticket, man!"
I turned around, thinking about how to approach the situation. At first I thought about tweeting at Faith, but it just felt like an easy way out.
So I walked to the backdoor and opened the car, there she was, sitting inside looking at her phone. Boosted by Asamoah's encouragement, I mustered up some confidence.
"Okay, those are the best thighs I've seen so far since... umm... today?" I called out playfully.
She looked up at me with a smile and replied, "That is one way to put it."
"Aha! Okay, nice dress," I said still holding the door open.
"I know, that's why I wore it," she replied.
Feeling motivated by her response and figuring she might be into the ever blunt Twitter character I possessed, I decided to be blunt but funny.
She cupped her hand behind her ear, a sign she was listening and said "Go on!"
"Okay," I started, with my best 'YOLO' expression, "you knew I was going to be your date and you wore this attention-grabbing dress? Knowing fully well I might lose all my common sense?"
"Like you lost it staring at my ass earlier?" she teased.
"Damn!" I laughed, shocked by her directness. "You're a sense finder?"
"Nope! The mirror by the window caught you in the act, I guess."
"That's sad, because I still haven't found that sense." Sensing the humor was getting stale, I switched gears before it fizzled out.
"So, is my ticket to my first official big-budget party ready to be checked? Seems I got a VVVIP ticket."
"Sure, but tickets can't walk, you know?"
"Ayaaaay! Wait, you're not suggesting what I think you are? You want me to carry you?"
"No, dummy!" she laughed. "Take me to the ticket counter."
I couldn't believe it—in just twenty minutes, I'd transformed into my Twitter persona in real life. And she was actually into it?
She got out of the car and I shut the door, We strode past the hefty security guys hired as bouncers for the night. Thanks to Asamoah and Faith, my confidence was soaring. Here I was, partying with rich kids. Who would've thought, huh?
By 9 PM, the party was in full swing. Girls were everywhere, and booze flowed from the water dispensers like... well, water, I guess. Faith had found some of her schoolmates and was catching up with them.
Meanwhile, I was hanging with Tobby, the DJ, at the mini bar in the sitting room. We were both on the church Technical crew, so it felt natural standing beside him.
"You dey bass and gas?" Tobby shouted in my ear over the music.
I'll refine this scene while maintaining the tension:
I wasn't really focused on what Tobby was saying—I was too busy scanning the room for Faith. But before I could spot her, my attention was hijacked by a very drunk Yvonne in a skimpy dress.
"Hi Danladi," she slurred, punching my chest playfully. The strong smell of alcohol wafted from her mouth as Tobby chuckled, "That's what I'm talking about, baby!"
Yvonne was Asamoah's half-sister, turned 18 in October. While Asamoah was his mom's last born, Yvonne came from his dad's second wife. Like her brother, she'd just finished her fancy exams at Greensprings and was headed to London to continue her studies.
"Oh come on!" she whispered in my ear with a seductive voice that made me uncomfortable. "Don't wait for the lady to invite you to the dance floor, naughty boy. She might not ask, you know?"
She said in a very seductive voice.
"That dented my ego you know? Lead the way". I said, feeling a little tipsy from the alcohol I took from the dispenser. I winked at Tobby. She held my hand behind her, just above her ass as she led me to the dance floor.
Jack Sparrow made another appearance and told me to grab the super juicy ass just a few inches from me hand and I did just that.
The only thing I expected was a slap on my face, not like i really cared about what might happen though, all I could think was "Damn!, that's a soft ass".
What happened next wasn't something i expected at all.