Faking it.

Faith and I both looked up quickly when we heard the voice. I had a feeling it was Asamoah, but I needed to see for myself. Faith seemed to have the same thought, as she joined me in grinning and showering Asamoah with compliments. He was clearly wasted – a combination of being drunk and high that had him floating on another plane entirely.

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself about the praise-giving.

"You two be misbehaving, go get a room and stop all these half hearted sex!". Asamoah said staggering as he sat next to us.

And no, I wasn't scared that Asamoah caught us, I didn't even flinch

As a matter of fact it felt good being caught by him, he called me a kid in Michael's presence for not touching Faith and here I am. Doing what he said i couldn't.

My hand was still under the towel, doing absolutely nothing but I could feel Faith's pussy juice dry on my fingers while I was listening to craps Asamoah had to say.

"Bitch can you die now?" Faith finally said to Asamoah in an attempt to shut him up and it worked.

"Hmm! That has gotta be the third best moment of my year" I said to Faith as Asamoah walked away giving us a middle finger.

"Is that so? And what's the first and second one ". She asked smiling.

"Ummm... Second moment was about 30mins ago, best kiss ever even if I didn't get to touch where my senses got lost, and the first has gotta be when I finally find my lost senses", I whispered into her ear.

By the way, you and I know I had to lie about mu best moments just to make her happy right?

These are the correct ranking of my best moments so far

No.1) Reserved. For when I'm no longer a virgin.

No.2) I made a girl cum with my tongue.

No.3) I had the best kiss with Faith.

I don't know what those words did to her though, she was smiling from ear to ear.

"Hmmmm! Seems we have got the same moments baby," Faith said.

"Sounds cool yo, now can you please turn around and listen to my heart beat once more?"

"Alright pervert. But whatever that was, it was huge!"

She said turning around and rested her head on my chest.

I pulled out my phone to check the time – 1:30 AM.

We'd been talking for hours – about school, relationships, family, and probably other things I was too distracted to properly hear.

Faith had ended up in her current program by circumstance, not choice. Her original plan was to study medicine, but when that didn't work out, she'd settled for this. She wasn't enjoying it much – especially given the strict environment. The university treated its students like royalty, but that came with golden handcuffs. For someone who'd already experienced life's freedoms, the rules felt suffocating. She'd already spent six years in boarding school, and now faced another five years of being treated like royalty.

She mentioned having a boyfriend – some politician's son studying in London. Not that I cared... okay, maybe I was a little jealous.

Whatever... he was in London and I was right here with her. I managed to catch that she wasn't close to her sisters, except for Abigail, before sleep started creeping in. The stomach ache had finally eased up, and Lagbaja was already knocked out cold.

I must have been yawning like... well, like someone who was really yawning. Faith noticed and suggested we catch some sleep right there on the chair. And before you jump to conclusions – yes, I'm actually a good listener. But come on, girls can talk forever!

Faith drifted off quickly, but sleep kept evading me. Maybe I wasn't that tired after all, or maybe it was Tobby's warnings about the party playing on my mind. I didn't quite trust Asamoah and his sketchy friends either.

There was something special about having her sleep in my arms while I ran my fingers through her hair. Who am I kidding? That was definitely why I couldn't sleep, no point lying to myself.

Around us, couples were getting cozy, and the pool was packed way beyond capacity. I noticed people glancing our way, watching me with my girl.

Okay, so maybe she wasn't actually mine but hey, let them think what they want.

"Wait, what if Tobby was with Yvonne? What if he was digging her Pussy? Would she be awake by now?" I thought.

My fake Santa Claus, It must have been the alcohol must have given her the courage to make her move.

Because I kept thinking about how she neither spoke nor greet me when we briefly met at church last Sunday.

Oh well I should just focus on pursuing this dream girl instead - she could be my winning lottery ticket. But that Yvonne's ass though! The memory kept distracting me while I was trying to recollect "My day so far" memories.

It's strange - I didn't even spare a thought for my uncle and his wife, or even Esther.

"What a day", I said smiling.

"From catching Joyce cheating on my uncle with his friend, to intentionally walking in on Esther. To my lustful adventure with Yvonne and here I am with Faith laying in my arms asleep.

It looked like we'd be stuck here until dawn since Asamoah was completely intoxicated. I wasn't sure if the others had returned from their show yet - Joyce (the cheating housewife ), the ever dimpled Esther, and Abigail.

But I didn't mind at all! I was content watching her sleep, so peaceful that I didn't even want to take off my painfully tight shoes for fear of disturbing my sleeping beauty.

By the way, never borrow shoes that don't fit and pretend they're comfortable just because you're desperate for footwear!


My eyes slowly opened. I thought I had just nodded off for a minute, but when I looked around, the pool was empty. The only people left were a few guys sleeping on the chairs by the poolside. The music had stopped completely. Faith was still asleep next to me, covered by her towel. Something felt off, so I checked the time, worried that I had done exactly what I didn't want to do...

"What?! I actually fell asleep?!"