Taking Advantage.[18+]

I felt like I was a telepath because I could read her expression. She wanted me, she wanted a taste of my dick and her lust filled eyes said it all.

I was startled and couldn't say anything at first, still wrapping the duvet around me meanwhile, I was still rock hard-on!

"W…wh. what are you doing here Esther?". I asked with a frown on my face.

"I came to ask if you were going to eat now, but I see you were having fun". She responded.

Standing on her right leg and playfully swinging her left leg.

"Look, Its not what you think it is".

"Well, the fact that you have been spying on me, and you got excited at my presence. I guess It's exactly what I am thinking."

"Spying on you? What do you mean?" I said in confusion.

Esther: Yes, yesterday morning, through my window. Yesterday evening, you badged into my knowing fully well I was taking a shower. And just a while ago in the kitchen you were checking me out. And each time you've always had an erection.

At this point I was so confused at everything she said but then I did a little scan through my memories, and figured out why she must have thought I was spying on her.

On Monday morning (24th), I was standing opposite her window in the backyard when I was wondering who the girl with Mr Abu was… I guess she was doing something nasty and could it be that she thought that morning hard-on was for her too?

One Moday evening, when she gave me a skirt to iron. I actually did do that on purpose but that's not spying. But why didn't she say anything?

And then it clicked, that's why she's been nice to me all day.

Although I wasn't checking her out in the kitchen.

Seeing me rub my dick in the sitting room must have sent the wrong message.

I don't know how I was able to put the pieces together within a few seconds. But while I was at it, something changed. I started considering the beautiful lady standing across the room judging from the sexual desire written all over her face

Perhaps she was sent by the universe to ease me from this predicament. At that point I no longer saw her as a woman that was way out of my league.

Just someone who wanted to satisfy her sexual need.

"This is a big misunderstanding, I actually wasn't spying on you but you were right about me badging in on you yesterday". I finally said, smiling and raising one arm.

"I'm curious though, why didn't you say anything?" I asked, curiously waiting for her answer.

"Let's just say, I knew I'd eventually have to make you pay". She responded and winked at me.

'Okay, what in the pornhub roleplay is going on here?' I thought.

"And how are you planning on doing that?"

"How about we start unwrapping that little present you're hiding there". She said taking a small step forward.

Damn, she's bold! Of course she was, she had more experience than I did so I hesitated, no girl had ever seen me naked.

"Do you want to die? Listen if you're willing to die, I'm not ready to die!, release me, Release me right now!". My shameless dick screamed at the hands and voila!!. Down the duvet went.

Her eyes widened in shock, almost as if she wasn't expecting me to be that big. She bit her lower lip as she took another step forward and said "That's bigger than I imagined".

If only she knew that the hard-on wasn't for her... She said something I didn't care to listen to because I was staring at her shirt. Then she laughed and said "Sure you love it!". In the most seductive voice I've heard until then.

"I can't believe this is happening. I'm about to have sex". I thought.

"On christmas day? You want to have sex? With Faith's sister?" My conscience spoke for the first time since these weird events have been happening.

"Oh fuck you!, where were you when I was preparing to go for the party, where were you when I was drinking from the fucking dispencer? Boy if you don't shut the fuck up." I shut whatever thought my conscience was trying to conjure up.

(I feel like I've been edging you guys from the beginning of this chapter, my bad y'all... wait pause!)

"You gonna stand there and just stare at your present?" I finally said, taking a step forward too.

After few steps, we were standing right on front of each other, faces a few inches from each other but I didn't touch her just yet.

Feeling like a telepath again, I looked into her eyes and I could read her facial expression again.

"Kiss me already, lay your hands me and use me as you please". This was my conclusion after ahe closed her eyes.

Not needing another invitation, I grabbed her waist, pulled her closer and kissed her and to my surprise, she returned the kiss. Her tongue finding its way into mouth as our tongues wrestled each other.

My hands roaming around her body, feeling her delicate skin as the kiss progressed into a more passionate one. Although I must admit, it wasn't as magical as the kiss with Faith.

But I didn't care all I wanted to do was get laid, so the effects of the drug would stop.

I felt her hands slowly wrapping around my dick and it sent a wave of electricity through my body, her hands were so cold. She started stroking it gently while my hands still roamed around her body.

Now, she was more experienced than I was, so I had to open up to her. I stopped kissing her.

"I've never done this before".

She smiled and planted a kiss on my lips, pushing me on the bed and said: "Watch me spoil you.. You liar!!"