Chapter 1 Dream which came true

It is a story of a boy named AJAY {12 years old } who is bored of the normal world and thinking that he goes to sleep saying"What would happen if the world was to change into a different world where there is magic...."

Ajay wakes up as normally as he used to moves to the bathroom washes his face and came downstair saw his mother

{ mother name is ... , who looks like she is 35 } was serving food to his father

{ father name ..... , who look like he is 40 } was eating slowly.

Then his father says "how is the prepration of your school you are ready , right ? " ajay who was eating without listening to his father words said "yes yes" and started eating .

His father said {in a sad voice} I have put everything on your studies so you must learn magic very carefully then only you can live a happy life .

Ajay said " I will do my best so do not take stress father " then I will get going now bye see you.

He takes his bag and rushes out of house then he thought why was his father saying magic guess I was hearing it wrong nevermind ,oh no see the time I am late.

As ajay run towards the school he then started to feel like there is change in his school but he ignored it and rushed towards his class he entered his class 5 A but was late and the teacher

{Miss vrika a rude but kind by heart about 25 years old }

standing in the class ajay thought like he will not be able take the class so he turned around and was about to move out of the class but miss vrika

stopped him.

She said where are you going , sit on your seat whole class was shocked and ajay too but he then silently sat on his seat

After taking attendence teacher asked are you all ready for your awakening ceremony

everyone was super exicted so they shouted "YES TEACHER" ajay who was confuced for not knowing what was going on asked his teacher.

What awakening ceremony are you talking about teacher ?

Everyone was surprised to see that ajay has asked the question

{ because for the last one month he has never spoken to any teacher in any class }

but were more surprised to the question he asked .

Aditya a student sitting on the front desk also ajay's friend told him have you already forget what happen when we get into 5th class we go through awakening ceremony , ajay did not understand so he whispered to aditya what awakening ceremony then aditya told him stop joking and sit silently I will tell you after class then,

Teacher said "okay okay" then your awakening ceremony class time is 10:00 a.m all of you get ready After teacher went out of the class aditya took ajay out of the class and took him to the ground and said what has happen to you yesterday you were super exicted about schedule and now you were talking as if you have never heard of it in your whole life , can you be more serious ?

Then ajay thought has his dream came true of turning the normal world into a magical world.

As ajay was thinking what has happened to the world. Aditya said where are you spacing out ?

Ajay told him I do not remember anything about school or magic ,so can you tell me ?

Aditya was confuced and was thinking what has happened to his as he is acting strange today but does not ask anything and said ok let me tell you

Then Aditya told him that when students are moved in 5th class they go through an awakening ceremony which means they get to awaken their magic and one person can only be awakened once in their life , awakening magic gives five magic power four common power that is FIRE , WATER , AIR , EARTH and fifth power is different from others .

Students are also divided into ranks by fighting JUNIOR < SENIOR < 1-STAR FIGHTER < 2-STAR FIGHTER < 3-STAR FIGHTER < 4-STAR FIGHTER < 5-STAR FIGHTER < MASTER

One can increase there rank by challenging the high ranker but will also loss his current rank if he lost in the match ,so to make sure that all gets a chance to rank up a competition is held after 2 years and out of those who participated only top 20 gets to rank up but rank only cannot decide the power of the preson .

As they were talking bell ring as it was their class turn , for them to awaken their powers and take a training schedule. Their whole class gathers around the stage and it has a round crystal ball about double the size of the human head .

The teacher told the students that to activate the crystal you need to place your right hand on the crystal ball and then it will show the magic which you can use

Red color is for Fire , Blue is for Water , White is for Air , Brown is for Earth and for the last magic it will be announced in their mind .

Students started going one by one and everyone has four colors that appear on their crystal ball at last Ajay's turn came .

He was scared as he is not of their world so the ball might not show any magic power and placed his hand slowly on the ball , closing his eyes .

He heard a sound and open his eyes and saw ball has five colors in it and the fifth color was black but no one was saying anything, so he thought everyone has five colors but only the person who has been awakened can see the fifth color and after the ceremony was over Ajay took Aditya to the back of the class and asked him how many color did appear on the ball

Aditya told him four and asked why are you asking everyone has four color , Ajay told aditya that he has five color when he was awakening ,then aditya was shocked and asked did you hear any sound in awakening, ajay told yes it said a word "POWER".