Chapter 4 Return of Ajay

One month before the gathering of the groups we are shown, that Ajay setting at the same place at which we have seen 2 years ago and his hairs have grown long, his body looks incredible and also emetting a strong aura.

Ajay slowly open his eyes and said, so one month is left for the gathering I should leave now or I will be late for the gathering, he joins his hands says " Om Namah Shivay "

{ In India we say this to worship our god }

and gets up, he goes to a small hut and came out after some time he was wearing new cloths, he tie his hair and goes to the town near the waterfall named " WHITE BRIDGE "

As he enterd the town he goes to the barber and cut his hairs, he came out of the shop he looked handsome then he covered him self with a black colth and moved wards to the guild named " WHITE TIGER ", Ajay then saw that the guilld has many people in it and many were of the 3-STAR FIGHTER and 2-STAR FIGHTER ranker,

he was able to tell because their are four type of badges bronze for junior rank, silver for senior rank, gold for star fighter and number of star on the badge tells if it is a 1-STAR FIGHTER or 5-STAR FIGHTER.

Ajay moved to the reception, the receptionist asked him " how may I help you, sir " ?

He told " I would like to register my name in the guild and also I do not have my badge becaus it was lost in my travel. "

{ as ajay did not go to the school on the last day he did not get his badge }

The receptionist told him " sir, it is not a problem but we will not be able to take you as our permanent member because of that," ajay told " it is not a problem I wil be leaving this town after 20 days so do not worry."

Receptionist says " Then, its ok sir allow me to fill your form," ajay said " if you please" After filling they form ajay went to see the quest on the board, so that he can earn some money to stay.

On the board their were many quests about killing beasts, finding medicine, protecting, etc. Ajay picked up a simple quest of killing the beasts, he took the poster and submitted at the reception.

The receptionist told " sir, this is a B rank quest and we do not now how high is your rank, so if anything were to happen to you we will not be responsible for you. "

Ajay told her " Miss do not worry I will handle everything. "

Ajay leaves the guild after walking for 5 minutes he entered the forest and goes deep in the forest, as he reached the pond but stopped at some distane from it and said " why did not all of you come out I am waiting for you guys to have some fun and test my magic power on you. "

Then a group of strong wolf came out of the bushes and surronded him, ajay smiled and said, " so what was my magic word again " as he spoke it the wolves suddenly jumped at him, ajay speaks " what is the need of rush lets play some, POWER "

As ajay speaks his word, the magic power with in the wolfs become empty and they all fell down, also were unable to stand due to lack of power. Ajay laughing in a funny manner then said " Did you all see that how strong my power are " as ajay said that, the magic power in the wolfs was fully recovered and also helped them to increase their magic power.

Ajay laughing without looking at them, hears the sound of the wolfs and stopped laughing, then said " why the f$!k did my magic power got used unknowingly and at the worst possible time " he run in the forest by saying " do not come after me I am so to offend you " after 100 meter he suddenly stopped and told " just kidding haha ",

and finished the half of the wolfs in a moment by tthe earth magic producing earth spikes from the ground and killed other half by using wind blades on them.

He then again said " Did you all see that how strong my power are, what not going to answer ? "

After saying that he attacted in the trees in fornt of him using wind power and 5 five people fell from them but were only slightly injured form that attack { they were all wearing black clothes }, suddenly one of them disappeared and one used its magical power of binding, the other three covered him to protect him from attack.

Ajay's both hand and both leg were holded by the chair of magic and lifted in the air, the person who was disappered appears behind ajay and places the knife on his neck, then told " if he want to live then only speak truth "

Ajay nods his neck, then the third person said " tell us your name, where are you from and what are you doing here ? "

Ajay said " My name is Ajay Malik and I am from Ramgarh a place near Rampur and I am only staying here for 20 days and do not have any harmful motive "

The third person looks towards the fifth person and the fifth person nods, so they released him and told him that " sorry, we were only checking him if he was a dangerous for the town because thier are not many people visiting us, so we check every person who come here "

Ajay told them " this is good you are not an enemy or you would have died thier "

After listening to ajay expect from the forth person all started laughing and the third one said " you are over confident on your power to absorb others magic power if you had tried using your power you would have not been able to because the third point to the foruth person and said that his power is the stop using opponent his magic "

Ajay laughed and said " Why do not you ask you brother about it "

The fourth person in a scared voice said " he is saying the truth when he was fighting the wolf that time also I used my power but he easily broke through it at that time and, when we captured him that time also he break through but for the third time he did not try to break through to test us and only 4-STAR FIGHTER or 5-STAR FIGHTER can break through my power "

All the four were shocked after listening to him and said " then we were under his hand the hole time, and the fifth asked what about your information of your self "

Ajay nods his head.

But fifth asked " How, I have the power to tell if someone is saying the truth or not "

Then ajay says " because I can control my thoughts as you can read their mind if they say anything wrong "