A Participating Hunger

To attract the attention of the females, Vian tried his skill while playing basketball. Even though he appeared haughty and haughty, the applause reverberated throughout the room and grew increasingly loud.

Even though Elsi feels lethargic and wants to generally look like a person, Nessie asks Elsi to follow women. He nearly hit Elsi in the head as he tossed the ball too high.

Elsi caught it perfectly on target in her hand and realized Vian had done it on purpose.

"Hello, let's have some fun. Take me on," Vian murmured as he looked down at Elsi.

Elsi would have deflated the ball or thrown it very forcefully towards Vian if it had been just the two of them.

Elsie exercised self-control.

Unable to hear Elsi's response, Vian yelled, "At least throw the ball here," before giving up on challenging Elsi to a match.

Sure enough, "Elsi reasoned, "I'll toss this at you."

Elsi was prepared to throw it, and because Elsi appeared to want to devour Vian alive, Vian assumed Elsi would hurl it right in his face. Elsi, though, supposedly flung the ball quite far into the ring and made off with it. Other friends who witnessed Elsi were amazed and shocked that Elsi, who was first tossing, turned out to be good at throwing balls instead of the cheers that Elsi received.

"That's okay," Vian said.

Nessie continued to stare in awe before saying, "You're fantastic."

After witnessing Elsi's prowess at throwing the ball, both men and women turned their attention to her. Elsi said to Nessie, "Let's leave here."

But just as Elsi was going to exit the stadium after standing up, Vian came up behind her and blocked her way.

Elsi yelled, "What do you want?" like a weak lady, in general, being accosted by a nasty man.

He said, "I just want to be near you."

Elsi was unable to avoid being hit, many ladies envied her, and Edgar wasn't even there.

Elsi said, "Sorry, I'm not interested," and walked away. Who wouldn't be overcome by Vian's attractiveness, even if Nessie doesn't want to leave and wants to be with him? Elsi glanced at Vian's face and noticed that Nessie was still silent. To take Nessie's hand, Elsi turned back in the direction she had come from.

Elsi met Vian when she came back. Elsi quickly departed, however, as her primary goal was to remove Nessie from Vian's presence.

Currently, Vian is very curious about Elsi. If Elsi poses a true threat to him, Vian won't hesitate to kill her. Vian wants to discover which gang Elsi belongs to. The Elsi is the same way.

Elsi had never interacted with wolves of another kind.

Since it was a hot day, Edgar went over to Elsi as soon as he noticed him. For Elsi, Edgar brought something.

"What have you brought?"  While Edgar was still struggling for breath, Nessie questioned.

Edgar yelled, "I want to invite you to eat."

The crimson flesh that Edgar brought for lunch was quite appetizing.

"You brought uncooked meat? Oh, how revolting! "Nessie yelled.

I just brought this by my relative who came home from out of town to deliver it for me, said Edgar. "I want to take you to BBQ after school."

Unaware that she was holding the steak that Edgar had brought, Elsi desperately wanted to eat it although it didn't smell all that wonderful due to being securely wrapped in plastic. He was ravenous.

"You did accept Edgar's invitation right away, though, didn't you?"  Nessie yelled.

Elsi stared in awe at Edgar san Nessie who had been keeping an eye on her all while.

Elsi, who was already ashamed, replied, "Yes."


Even though Elsi secretly stole the meat and began eating some flesh, while Nessie and Edgar were still busy setting up the other equipment, Elsi couldn't wait to eat the raw meat. Elsi didn't want the meat to be cooked since the food would taste horrible.

When Nessie unintentionally observed Elsi eating raw meat, she was startled because she hadn't anticipated such a strong appetite from Elsi. Nessie was about to wash the utensils for her to use.

Even a few glass bottles nearly fell, but Elsi quickly caught them. Nessie lost her balance while clutching the glass bottle, and her horror caused her to freeze.

Elsi also went silent out of concern that she may say something incorrectly and Nessie would find out.

Elsi stumbled, "I."

Nessie yelled once more as she recalled an instance in which Elsi was bleeding but had no wounds. "Wounds that don't exist but bleed, consume raw meat," she said. Nessie could recall every detail.

"What exactly are you? So who are you?" Nessie retreated in disbelief.

Elsi answered, "I can explain."

With her thoughts out of sync, Nessie shook her head and refused to accept Elsi. Edgar turned to face them because Nessie started shouting.

Elsi said, "Sorry Ness," rubbing Nessie's shoulder a little firmly until Nessie passed out.

the sound of feet approaching them, "What's the issue? What is happening?" When he discovered Nessie unconscious, Edgar was astonished.

Elsi said, "Help me."

While escorting Nessie to Edgar's chamber, Elsi and Edgar didn't speak much. They were liberated by Edgar's serene home.

Edgar laid Nessie down and squealed, "So what happened?"

"Nessie was so alarmed by the cockroach that she dropped."

The only way to avoid Edgar's suspicion and knowledge of the actual Elsi is to come up with plausible explanations.

Edgar said, "I'll prepare you hot water."

When Edgar left, Nessie began to awaken and felt discomfort in her back. She then recalled the reason she could pass out. Nessie was shocked to see Elsi standing next to her when her memory suddenly returned.

Once more, Nessie was about to scream, but Elsi quickly covered her lips with her hand.

"Don't yell; I'll explain, please."

Was Nessie that afraid of Elsi? Nessie began to cry.

Elsi muttered, "I don't mean to be nasty to you."

After several minutes of Elsi's attempts to relax Nessie, Nessie finally nodded on purpose.

Elsi asked, "Please don't yell."

Once Elsi put her hand near Nessie's mouth, Nessie nodded once more before ultimately being silent out of continued fear that Elsi would injure her.

***To be continued....