Dicky offered Elsi a lot of raw meat to eat while she played with her fork, but Elsi's face was too pale for him to worry about her health.

Dicky yelled, "You have to eat a lot."

Elsi gave Dicky a melancholy expression as she sighed after.

"You know, this time a wolf is coming at me."

"A wolf? Which type is he? "enquired Dicky.


With that response, Dicky was made aware of what Elsi had just told him.

Dicky retorted, "Chocolate wolf, huh?"

Elsi was silent for a moment before responding once more. Dicky had previously informed Elsi that depending on how she handled Elsi, some were excellent and some were awful. Elsi, meantime, didn't give a damn about the wolves who were kind to her.

All Elsi knew was that Edgar and Nessie were the only people who treated her well.

"Though I don't like you dating that person, the guy you constantly hang out with, you must be social. Keep in mind that his world is different from yours."

Elsi continued to eat while paying no attention to Dicky's conversation.

Elsi declared, "I'm done, and I'm leaving first."

Dicky approached and observed Elsi "We don't know there are different sorts of bad and nice wolves out there, therefore no one should know who we are. In addition to just using humans, even good wolves are quite uncommon."

Elsi replied, "Yes, I get it."

Dicky was accurate, Elsi gave it some immediate thinking. Even though there were many people around, Elsi immediately sprinted into her school after which she strolled gently like a regular person.

Elsi was too lazy to meet or approach Vian when they first crossed paths, which annoyed Vian, who at first assumed Elsi was a wolf with a black pattern but soon realized she was the complete opposite.

Vian warned about walking alone.

Elsi merely gave him a mocking glance.

Vian yelled, continuing to irritate Elsi, "I like your blue eyes, let's reveal them again."

"Or do you rather that we race each other to school?"

Elsi stopped, and Vian wrinkled his brow.

"Okay, listen. There are still humans around us, so don't let you spit it out, I still don't understand what you want, but you are far prettier than humans," Elsi mumbled and just walked away.

While Vian was still chasing Elsi Vian talked a lot but Elsi was silent.

"Do you enjoy being among people? You appear to be around people a lot."

Elsi continued to shake her head and disregard Vian's comments, but Vian just served to increase her unease.

Elsi grinned maliciously, "Stay away from me, I may be evil with you."

Elsi finally took out very quickly, racing like lightning, after scanning the abandoned left and right. It was obvious to Vian, who saw it, who simply grinned sarcastically, that Elsi did like people she shouldn't have liked. Vian disagrees, saying that she is more interested in Elsi's proximity to humans the closer they are.

As far as Vian is close to humans, he has just had a crush on one of the wolves and is not interested in easily weak humans. However, the next time, Vian will make Elsi fall in love with him.

Since Elsi had met several humans before, she walked like one without making it obvious that she was different from the others. Elsi turned to look behind her and saw that Vian wasn't pursuing her.


When he noticed Elsi's shoelaces were undone, Edgar yelled, "Your shoelaces are untied," and he knelt to fix the situation.

Elsi murmured, "Thanks."

Is that it, Edgar asked with a smile.

"Humans constantly want praise for their positive deeds," according to Elsi.

Edgar shook his head and said, "Why do you continually bring up human names like you're not even human?"

Elsi was silent, and given her demeanor, everyone might have felt off and assumed she wasn't a real person.

"I mean..." As Edgar continued to squint at her, Elsi paused.

Elsi yelled, "Don't look at me like that."

Long Edgar didn't anticipate Elsi being embarrassed, so Edgar just chuckled and kept grinning even after he ran out of things to say.

You've eaten, right?


"Anyway, regarding that icy student."

Elsi scowled and had already deduced that Vian was the target of Edgar's attention.

"You shouldn't approach him too closely; he seems nasty."

"I can look after myself."

Edgar raised his brow. "No, I'll look after you. Since girls are frail, you must take care of yourself. If at all possible, keep away from her, or at the very least, be close to me."

"You, why? How powerful are you?"

"You can't insult people," Edgar said.

Elsi roared with laughter. Of course, Elsi is aware of how insignificant human power is in comparison to her own; it's just that Humans are constantly striving to appear stronger. In reality, it would be appropriate for Elsi to defend Edgar if there was a nasty wolf.

"What are you frightened of?"  Elsi inquired inquisitively about Edgar.

"Do you mean?"

"Are you terrified if a wolf wants to eat you? Or it'll start eating your flesh."

Edgar hastily steered clear of Elsi's hand while it was being rubbed.

What the hell are you talking about, you sound serious. Edgar complained.

You are a coward, Elsi chuckled as she sent a sidelong glance Edgar's way.

Even though Edgar was just another changing and laid-back human, Elsi learned a lot from him. It was through humans that Elsi was able to see the value of respect for one another, as she had witnessed in her class.

Elsi's standard for questioning if she genuinely adores Edgar is that wolves will give up their lives even for their lovers, while most humans are just nonsense.

There are moments when Elsi looks at Edgar with the hope that he won't have too high of expectations, but what can I do? Even Nessie found time to inform Elsi that Edgar liked her because Edgar always paid attention to her.

***To be continued....