I'm going to Give You What You Want

I led them to a specific store that sold leather jackets.

“Do you guys have leather jackets?” I asked them.

“No.” They both said again as they shook their heads.

I thought so, that was the reason I brought them to the store. As good as they look, their style was so boring. They didn’t have any casual clothes! And I knew for sure that leather jackets would look sexy on them.

“You each should get one then,” I told them.

I looked around the store, thinking about how I would style them. I was excited to see them being even sexier.

“Damian, come here,” I called him to hand him the clothing I had picked for him. I chose a black leather biker jacket, black slim-fit jeans, and a fitted black shirt. He should look good in all black, I thought to myself.

“Try these on. Button up all the buttons on the shirt, even the very top one, and roll the shirt's cuffs over the leather jacket so they showed. Tuck in the shirt. Oh, and don’t forget to wear your belt.” I instructed him.

“Rai. This is for you. I chose a black racer leather jacket. I think it will look better for you than a biker jacket and black slim-fit jeans like Damian. And here, a white shirt for you and a slim black tie. Untuck the shirt, wear the tie casually, and roll the shirt’s cuffs over the jacket.” I instructed as I handed him all the clothing for him to try on.

They went to the changing room to try the clothes on, and I waited for them while playing a game on my phone.

“Well, this is not so bad.” I heard Damian’s voice.

I stood up, looked at him, and froze. Damian was striding toward me while still tucking his shirt into his jeans. He wore the clothes just as I had instructed him and even pulled the sleeves up to his elbows. Part of his shirt was still untucked, giving the whole messy-I-don’t-care vibe. But it only made his entire look even better. I didn’t realize that he would look this good, this gorgeous, this hot! He looked like a very sexy rock star!

“Do you like what you see, Kat?” Damian smirked as he saw my reaction. He was copying my words during the time I was wearing the party dress!

Even his smirk could not unfreeze me. He looked so dangerously sexy; it was ridiculous. I was speechless. I didn’t even try to say or do anything except glue my gaze at him. It was like I was under a spell. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. The sight of him hypnotized me.

He came to me and tilted my head back, so I looked at him, just like before. My eyes widened, and my heart started to beat like a drum as his face moved closer to mine.

“I look good, don’t I?” He whispered sexily in my ear again. But instead of smirking like before, he kissed my ear and grazed his lips lightly across my cheek, moving toward my lips. My breath became heavy. Just as his lips were about to touch mine, I heard Rai’s voice, and the spell was broken.

Damian sighed and stepped away from me.

“At least this is not as uncomfortable as before. How do I look, Princess?” Rai asked shyly.

“You look great, Rai,” I said quickly and forced myself to smile as I tried my best to compose myself. I went to him and hugged him to clear my thoughts of Damian. Rai, of course, didn’t know why I did that. He just laughed and pulled me closer.

We went to the huge mirror to look at their reflection. They did look great. What a sight, I thought to myself. I looked around and could see girls pointing their fingers at my two princes, whispering and giggling. I felt lucky that they were mine.

My thought stopped as I realized what I had been thinking.

Huh?! They are mine? Since when did I think Damian is mine? The thought was unsettling.

“Hey guys, can you turn around? I want to take pictures of you together.” I told them to clear my head from thinking of Damian as mine too.

They stood side-by-side, both with one hand in their pockets, and I took their picture.

“Can you guys pose or something?” I asked them.

They looked at each other and posed. Damian put his elbow on Rai’s shoulder, crossing one foot so that it was on tiptoe, with one hand still in his pocket. At the same time, Rai turned his body around forty-five degrees toward Damian and brought his hand up to pretend that he was adjusting his cuff. They kept their gaze on Rai’s cuff.

“Change pose again, please.” I requested again.

They both leaned back against the huge mirror, with Damian still crossing his foot, and he put each thumb in his jeans’ pockets, lifting his shoulders a bit. Rai put one thumb in his back pocket and crossed his foot, just like Damian. One last touch by Rai, it was Rai’s turn to put his elbow on Damian’s shoulder, brought his forefinger, from the arm on Damian’s shoulder, to his mouth, and bit it lightly. They both looked straight at me; their gazes were alluring.

It was impossible how great and sexy they looked. And it was mind-blowing to see them move so fluidly together to pose without even needing to discuss their poses.

I took their pictures again and checked them. Wow, they looked so good together in pictures; they should be models.

“Kat, ready your camera. I’m going to give you what you want.” I heard Damian say.

I automatically readied my camera to take their picture when I saw Damian circling one of his arms around Rai’s waist, pulling Rai’s body forcefully against his.

“Whaaa..t?” Rai was surprised by Damian’s action. He nearly lost his balance as Damian pulled his body; that he grabbed Damian’s arms for support and instinctively pulled his upper body backward so they didn’t kiss each other. Damian moved his face closer to Rai, pinched Rai’s chin, and smiled seductively.

I quickly took their picture and laughed at them. Oh my God, they really were so cute together.

“Got what you want, Kat?” Damian grinned while letting go of Rai. Rai shoved him playfully while laughing.

“Yes! Thank you, Damian.” I laughed again. I couldn’t believe that Damian would act out the scene I suggested during the masquerade party.

They came to me to check the pictures.

“Rai, your expression was great. You actually looked like Kat when you cornered her at the party. Your eyes were wide, and your lips were opened slightly apart. Did you actually want me to kiss you?” Damian said while looking at the last picture, laughing.

“What if I want you to kiss me, Damian?” Rai teased Damian. Damian just punched Rai playfully on his shoulder.

I laughed before asking them to change. I could see them punching each other playfully, grinning at each other as they walked toward the changing rooms. While they were changing, I went to the cashier to ask for new pieces of their clothing and pay for all of them. They were pretty expensive but worth it.

They came out of the changing room, and I gave them each a paper bag containing their clothing. They insisted on paying me back, but I wouldn’t let them. I told them it was my treat this one time, just this once. Once I’d promised I wouldn’t buy them anything anymore, they let it go and thanked me.

After that, I still brought them to many shops and asked them to try different styles. I must admit they looked good in whatever styles they were trying. It was not fair how great they always looked. I wished I could look good in different styles.

We had fun, but one thing I didn't really like was them trying to buy me things. They would ask me to try on things, and when they thought they looked good on me, they’d just pay for it. It was like when I bought them their clothes, but I didn't feel comfortable with them doing that, not even if it was Rai who paid for the stuff. So, I never tried anything in front of them anymore, no matter how hard they persuaded me.


Life felt so perfect with Rai and Damian by my side. Even though Rai and I were a couple, we spent most of our time with Damian. Sometimes instead of Rai holding me, it was Damian. Whenever Rai left my side, Damian would put his arm around me.

I wondered why Rai let Damian touch me, even if Damian’s touches were just fleeting, or sometimes he didn’t let go when Rai was back at my side. I didn’t want to overthink what those little touches meant to Damian himself. Obviously, they were innocent ones since Rai was okay with it, I thought.

And to be honest, sometimes I felt so comfortable when Damian was holding me that I forgot Rai was there and I should be in Rai’s arms instead. I always remembered a moment too late to return to Rai until Rai had to pull me back into his arms.